
NUST Students Barred From Writing Exams Over Unpaid Fees

NUST Students Barred From Writing Exams Over Unpaid Fees

Several students at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) in Bulawayo reportedly failed to take their examinations due to fee non-payment.

If they do not reach an agreement with the institution, they may need to repeat the semester.

The exams began on Monday, and students who were denied access on Tuesday told CITE they had been informed last week that they must pay 50 per cent of the fees to register and sit for their exams. One of the affected students said:

A majority of students were denied access to the exam halls as they did not register for the semester, after failing to raise the required 50 per cent of the fees.

According to an NUST insider who spoke to CITE, the recent practice of collecting 50 per cent of fees upfront represents a change from the previous policy, which permitted students to take exams without immediate payment and withheld their results until fees were settled. Said the official:

Fees are about US$600 and the lowest that students can pay is US$350 or half to enable them to register and write their exams.

Previously students were able to write their exams without paying their fees and then have their results withheld giving them enough time to raise the fees during the semester break.

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for ‘Research and Academic Affairs’, Professor Yogi Naik also tried to intervene so that the students could write the exams.

When requested for a comment, NUST Director of Communications and Marketing, Thabani Mpofu, indicated that he had no knowledge of any students being denied access to write exams. Said Mpofu:

Only registered students wrote their exams.  I am not sure what you’re talking about.  I am on campus right now, as far as I am concerned the students are writing exams. I am not aware of that.

What I know is for students to write exams they have to be registered unless you are telling me there is evidence that students who are not writing or the so-called students who are not writing have not paid fees.

During a Question and Answer Session in the National Assembly on Wednesday, March 20, Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister, Ziyambi Ziyambi, as Leader of the Government Business in the House implored parents to adequately prepare for examination fees on time given that they would have been aware of the pending exams. He said:

The issue of exam fees has not suddenly become urgent because the deadline is tomorrow. The responsible ministry flighted adverts that people can pay in Zimbabwe dollars. Those with challenges must follow the channels and they will get help.

Meanwhile, the impacted students conveyed their hope that the NUST Student Representative Council (SRC) would negotiate with the university to secure a two to three-week extension for fee payment, allowing them to complete their exams.

More: Pindula News
