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President Mnangagwa Declares El Niño-Induced Drought A State Of Disaster

11 months agoWed, 03 Apr 2024 08:59:06 GMT
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President Mnangagwa Declares El Niño-Induced Drought A State Of Disaster

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has officially declared the El Niño-induced drought, which severely impacted the 2023/24 summer cropping season, as a state of disaster. This declaration aims to mobilize resources and prevent the looming threat of widespread starvation.

In a national address delivered from the State House on Wednesday morning, President Mnangagwa invoked Section 27, Subsection 1 of the Civil Protection Act (Chapter 10:6) to address the crisis effectively. He said:

The country had put a total of 1 728 897 hectares under maize crops and other cereals. Ordinary this could have guaranteed a mouthful harvest in our country. Further worsening the season characterised by poor rainfall was the outbreak of four army worms across the country.

The Zimbabwe livelihoods assessment committee report for 2023 revealed that approximately 2.7 million people were expected to be food insecure from April until the end of March 2024.

While we have been able to far to fend for this food insecure population, the El Nino drought has now compounded our current situation with food insecurity levels going beyond the projected 2.7 million people.

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Following our agricultural and food systems strategies, we are ordinarily a nation capable of feeding ourselves with strategic grain reserve of 189 568 tonnes of cereals. Our nation faces a food deficit of nearly 680 000 tonnes of grain. This deficit will be bridged by imports…

To that end, I do hereby declare a nationwide State of Disaster, due to the El Nino- induced drought. Accordingly, I now invoke Section 27, Subsection 1 of the Civil Protection Act (Chapter10:6), which provides that: ‘if any time it appears to the President that any disaster of such a nature and extent that extra ordinary measures are necessary to assist and protect the persons affected or likely to be affected by the disaster in any area of the country, the Presidency may, in such a manner as he considers fit, declare that, with effect from a date specified by him , a state of disaster exists within an area or areas specified by him in the Declaration’ President.

Last week, the government established a purchasing price of US$390 per tonne for surplus grains during the 2022/23 agricultural season, concurrently launching a grain mop-up initiative to strengthen grain reserves.

Meanwhile, Zambia and Malawi recently declared the drought as a national disaster. President Hakainde Hichilema of Zambia said the country’s agricultural sector has been devastated leaving more than one million families requiring food aid. He said the drought had already affected 84 of the country’s 116 districts.

Malawi declared a state of disaster over drought in 23 of its 28 districts. Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera also revealed that the country needed more than US$200 million in humanitarian assistance.

More: Pindula News



ClD Admire kuyeri · 7 months ago
ED must GO
Dubs · 11 months ago
My concern is that if someone donates the food will be used as a campaign tool by certain party officials so that they remain in power.
intellectual · 11 months ago
anonymous chituta fut uyu aah hey Saka wew ur family and parents munechikafu ere kudzimba uku kkkk hanzi hakuna anofa nenzara ukugara muZim ipi?? if l may ask
rms · 11 months ago
south African haina kufanana ne Zim inorima nemvura yekunaya kune irrigation systems kwete zvana dambudzo ok zvaivaimboti tinechibage chakakwana kusvika next year vaifunga Ku Riga nzara sezvavanoita ma elections kkkkkk this clones
ram · 11 months ago
iwe anonymous hauna pfungwa uri **** president we Zambia akagona ndokuchenjera kukasira kutaura situation so that you get hand in time kwete kumboita sekuti zvichaita mwana ari ari ecd atoonawo kare kuti zvaramba ,plus kungovukura wotozviudza kuti urikuita defend munhu asineyi newe
Anonymous · 11 months ago
@Chibaba, Ko South Africa, Malawi, Mozambique, Bostwana etc havasati va declare ma state of disaster wani. Asi Hausi kuziva kuti drought iyi yaka affecter Southern Africa yese. Usarwadziwe na ED iwe . Chimbotanga marongeka na Chamisa wako ari busy kuchinja mavara e party like an ECD kid then wochizotaura zva ED nxaaa. Ko hanty ndimi muri kuti Zambia is better than Zimbabwe but look, president wacho ndiye number one kuda kubatsirwa nezve drought. Hoyoooo. No one will die of Hunger in Zimbabwe says our able ED. Ichoooooo
· 11 months ago
uri da ko iwewe
Buku Mukushu · 11 months ago
apa unongoona paita baba anofungira kure asi achtombofunga hake akana uyo koimi vanefungwa dzinomhanya dzakamhanya kumasngshen wan
omg · 11 months ago
president wevamwe akaiso declare kudhara isu taimbongwavha ngwavha zvazokona senyika hapana kwatiri kuinda apa
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Kkkk but the same president you are insulting started importing maize way back June last year it's not about public gallery but what you do to the situation
morefire 🔥 · 11 months ago
@no nzara tichauyawo kwenyu kuNdanga
omg · 11 months ago
ndang izhara kwakana hakuna chiriko uko vekudirisa vakabvongodza akuchina
liverpool ndeyevanodya chiropa pa breakfast · 11 months ago
then vamwe ve man city ndeve maguru
Ndini · 11 months ago
Hazvina kuipa kutaura kuti national disaster, Asi dai vanhu vaine mariwo vaifano tenga zvimwe zvekutsengera muchironga, nekuti hawasi wese vanozowana Chikafu ichi boys Dzehuori vanotora voendesa kumisha yawo povho yosarazve ichitambura.
mwariiiii · 11 months ago
hakuna national disaster Mari iri movhu shadai semadhongi
No nzara · 11 months ago
Kwedu Ndanga hakuna nzara No disaster president we are ok we don't need your help
,,,,,dott · 11 months ago
pakashata ndokuti tamugore renzara ,tichamira navo ED
. · 11 months ago
Ed ndiye angatomira nemi not vice-verser
Chibaba · 11 months ago
Zambian president declared the drought national disaster in January. venyu ED achingoita humbimbindoga ndoo zvinonetsera kutungamirwa neharahwa vanononoka kufunga pfungwa dzaneta ngavaende vanotambe nevazukuru. We need young leaders with sharp brain

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