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Zimbabwean Mother Who Has Lived In UK 23 Years Has Paid £12 000 On Bids To Stay

11 months agoWed, 10 Apr 2024 07:44:01 GMT
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Zimbabwean Mother Who Has Lived In UK 23 Years Has Paid £12 000 On Bids To Stay

A 45-year-old Zimbabwean woman who has been living in the United Kingdom (UK) since 2001 has reportedly spent £12 000 on applications to stay in the European country but she keeps getting refused.

Patience Jamela moved from Zimbabwe 23 years ago to train as a teacher in the UK. She said she was drawn to studying in England because of the “state-of-the-art” teaching.

Jamela told the Bristol Post that she had planned to return to Zimbabwe but ended up making Britain her home after meeting a man.

She has reportedly applied to become a permanent citizen four times over the years – at £3k each time. She said she did not know why each time her application was turned down by the Home Office.

Jamela, a mother of three, said she wants residency as she struggles to get a mortgage and has, at points, had her travel restricted. She said:

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I feel like my life is in limbo. I am a good citizen. I pay my taxes. I don’t understand why I should be penalised.

Jamela left Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second-largest city, to study for a PGCE at Canterbury Christ Church University in Kent.

She had planned to return to Zimbabwe after finishing her studies, but in 2004 she met her former partner through online dating.

Jamela became pregnant and the pair went on to have three children. Charlotte, now 18, Alissa, 17, and Jaden, 11.

She initially applied for permanent residence in 2012 but was turned away by the Home Office. She reapplied in 2015, 2018, and 2021, and is now preparing to submit another application this month.

However, each time she applies she’s told she doesn’t qualify for settlement and is given temporary leave-to-remain instead – which has to be renewed every three years. Said Jamela:

I have no criminal record. I don’t understand why they have not allowed me to stay. My life is on hold.

My children have never met their grandmother because she lives in Zimbabwe – we can’t afford to travel there. We have not had a holiday because of this situation. The last holiday was when the kids were small.

I can’t afford to move house because I am always thinking about the next application. My kids are anxious. They don’t know what’s going to happen.

This country’s their life. They have family, cousins and nieces here. This is all they have known.

Zimbabweans face significant challenges when seeking permanent residence in Britain, mainly because the UK has implemented strict immigration policies that include high fees, lengthy application processes, and stringent eligibility criteria.

More: Pindula News



the truth · 10 months ago
Let her make her own choice.Ane kodzero yekusarudza zvaanoda.Iwe unoda kugara muHarare munotambwa feja feja nechadonha gara hako.Mucity munoti kana kwanaya munoita kunge Save river apfachukira.MuCbd munogochwa chibage.Marara pese pese.A city with no sense of order
bud · 11 months ago
misiyei arikunakirwa nedzitsuku
Khan · 11 months ago
@. the problem with you Anglophiles is that you hate you hate your own country and spend most of your time bleaching your skin so that you can look like the imperialist pig...There are plenty of rundown cities in the UK eg Stoke , Norwich heck even Liverpool is welfare capital yet the BBC skirts around the issue...The high crime rate in South London is appalling yet here you are dissing our great capital Harare....Even Hull is just bland and full of homeless people that only survive on homeless shelters and welfare
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Anonymous · 0 minutes ago Glorifying the grip of zanu pf not even a county city in UK is dilapidated as city of harare and townships you see that as normal as Ian Smith said, sewages blocked and overflowing would be seen as normal
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Don't despair search Pastor Robert Clancy on you tube start praying along his videos. One day you shall come back and to testify To people who are talking about traditional rituals would the people of Zimbabwe still be suffering would the depiladated harare city and townships be as they are, would crime rate and corruption be as it is the list is endless
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Siyanai nokuda zvinhu senge changani bag , izvozvi mai varikunyunyuta uko vakakuendesa kuchikoro kuti uve zvauri pamwe vachitengesa madomasi nemafrezits iwe ndipo powoti hee UK citizenship kunani ikoko wedzinza rako uchitadza kutovatumira mari iyoyo nokuti vakakuchengeta haumbofi wakaiwan zvako dzokera kumusha uko undotaura nevakuru vedzinza
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Zvineyi newe
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Anogona kutaura nawo kunyange kuno ngaatenge bute pa zim online tuckshop woudza vedzinza rake ndokunge achizvitenda Or ngaatsvage Pastor Robert Clancy on you tube and pray along his prayers people have testified who had been in such situations
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Ungalahli ithemba Jamela. Kodwa if ekhaya izihlobo zikhona, unazo, KUNGCONO🤗.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Left uk 1964, schooled &college at Canterbury, was there last year, couldn't get back to Zimbabwe quick enough. She just wants the free bees, send her back.
Nicholas Bangajena · 11 months ago
Just go through your refusals, they show you the way. If you can, share the refusals and I will be happy to go through and advice. Entry clearance is governed by laws with some considerations and exceptions made outside the rules.
Donald trump jr · 11 months ago
go back to your farms Majamela and sing;"Norah"🎤🎧🎷🎻🎸🎺🥁🎹📷
Khan · 11 months ago
@ Prince Charles.. Don't worry pretty soon anenge akutenga...Matalks with the relevant stakeholders in the fuel industry are under way
Khan · 11 months ago
@ King Charusi....handina partner yakamboenda ikoko because I make sure I date vanhu vari patriotic who understand the history and subjugation we suffered under the oppressive yoke of the Anglo bastards.....
Prince Charles · 11 months ago
Chimboitayi Patriotic nemaZig enyu asingatengi fuel.
Khan · 11 months ago
@ anonymous she is busy wasting money applying for permanent residency in a country where she will always be looked at as a second class citizen... Think of all the stocks and crypto she could have invested instead of holding on to some nonsense Anglo dream🤣🤣🤣.... British citizenship is not special better to stay in Zim uchigara under the loving but firm grip of Zanu PF💪....The standard of living in UK has fallen off a cliff due to foreigners like her so it's better to come home before her husband becomes a scone eating and tea drinking obese transgender
Patriot · 11 months ago
vakasiyqna napartner hapana kunzi husband apa panwe dai pane muchato hapana chainetsa kuti vagare kuvarungu vavanodisisa kusiya Zimbabwe ine uchii ne mukaka ✊🏽🇿🇼
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Glorifying the grip of zanu pf not even a county city in UK is dilapidated as city of harare and townships you see that as normal as Ian Smith sewages blocked and overflowing would be seen as normal
Khan · 11 months ago
@ Anonymous People are living large in Zim just ask Fugu or Chi baby. Most people in Zim have an entitlement problem they just want things they don't deserve....Many of you are looking for handouts and looking at the government like some Mother Theresa wannabe.....If you working twice as hard and getting that few maybe you should look for a different place to work and remember a job will never make you wealthy....
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Pray Until Something Happens
Khan · 11 months ago
@ King Charles 🤣🤣🤣 aah there are far much better countries to move to than America's ugly stepsister 🤣🤣🤣...Imagine kutsvaka Mari yekuenda to a country where they don't even know the difference between man and women , the ordinary person lives in a council flat and has bad teeth and last of all you are just one paycheck away from going broke iiiii never I am much better here muZim...I am using that technology as part payment for colonialism, slave trade , sanctions and segregation... BULWARK OF PEOPLE UNITED AND FREE
Anonymous · 11 months ago
So she can expect the same standard of living when she returns? People in Zimbabwe work twice as hard and can expect less than half in return. I suppose when you paid for the nonsense you throw out, life is good.
BigDawg · 11 months ago
keep on trying 😂
Khan · 11 months ago
This is the problem with ****s vanofunga kuti kuWestern world kune mariches...Why would they grant permanent citizenship to someone who is just one paycheck away from getting on the welfare list.....Come back home there is plenty to do here in Zim kwete kuswera kuita a pilgrim in an unholy land.... THESE IMPERIALIST DOGS
King Charles · 11 months ago
Saka stop using the unholy Technology and Unholy Language from the Unholy nation. Ingoti wakashaya mari yekuenda ku UK ndosaka uyine shanje.
laugh emoji1
Khan · 11 months ago
@ King Charles I have no desire to go to UK because hakuna zviriko except unhappy people , crazy people that fight biology and ****uality and living conditions Ari close to those of Hungary🤣🤣🤣....There are far much better and wealthier countries to move to in Europe than America's ugly stepsister 🤣🤣🤣....I use it as a way of punishing those imperialist dogs since reparations for masanctions , slave trade, colonialism and segregation have not been paid yet
King Charles · 11 months ago
Iwe @Khan ndati siyana ne unholy language, utaure ne holy language yako. Asi une partner yakayenda ku UK ikasadzoka, nekuti ukasha wako ma1
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 11 months ago
why Shona people commenting with so much egos 🤔 discouraging your home girl , I sense jealousy in all of your comments 🥴surely God will intervene dear sis .You've come a long way to just give up now,keep on trying.You went there for a Good course surely you will be rewarded
Anonymous · 11 months ago
At least Go home is a blessing in disguise
Vene · 11 months ago
Huya tikupe munda uvake Imba nevazukuru avo
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Dzokai kumusha mainini. Dzokai muyamwe
laugh emoji1
Bhomora Zvekuti · 11 months ago
Hie sweet babe urisei hako lovie
chizman · 11 months ago
one ahusikuuya kumusha usiye wapira,iyo mari yauriku applier dai wakauya womboita bira wodzokera zvaifamba madzitateguru ako akatsamwa nenyaya yekuda kugarisana nevanhu vakavaponda munguva yechimurenga
Reverend · 11 months ago
Bira kudii hazvishande zvechinyakare zvenyu izvozvo kupira kuvanhu vakafa mudzimu vanhu vakaita sewe vakaberekwao ndokufa namatai Mwari mupenyu nemwanakomana wake masvikiro mudzimu mweya yakaipa...
MAKONI · 11 months ago
thats our culture as blacks indians worship cow why not blacks whites are satanists gays lesbians and fake Christians
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Saka kunamata Jesu ndokunoshanda nhai? Please respect yourself! You’re ever busy running away from yourself, but only to end up in the devil’s jaws. Dziidza kudada nerudzi rwako iwe!
Tete · 11 months ago
Beware Pajero ndiye futi Referend. Musafurirwe kusiya tsika dzenyu by these false wolves in sheep' clothing.
Sekuru musereka · 11 months ago
Tsika dzedu ndizvo ndizvo. Zvechirungu zvinorasisa
John White · 11 months ago
ngaadzoke kumba uyo uye aita mhanza yekuti tichangobura strongest currency in Africa gara inonzi chii zviya? ehee ZiG yakanaka zvekuti hekiii!
Tete · 11 months ago
Bika mhamba urare uchitamba shangara, womwaya bute pasi uchiteterera kune vedzinza rekwako. Zvino ita bhoo over.
Mistubish Pajero · 11 months ago
kuteketera chii koo iwewe uri kuto tamburavo
Black Mambazo · 11 months ago
apa hauna kana mari yekukwidza ndege yekuti vauuye ku Zimbabwe what about ukafa panenge pakaipa
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Huya kumusha,you are always welcome anytime.
🧐 🤔 · 11 months ago
Ukati haasi ku rohwa pasi petsoka nema face emuno ari pemaz ikoko here
Mhanduwe · 11 months ago
Unodeyi kuchinyika chinotonhora huya kumusha ED pfee pfeee 2028.
arpakshad matsikira · 11 months ago
dzoka kumba
Kumba · 11 months ago
That will be tough for her children
D · 11 months ago
spirits following her😟
sad emoji1
🥱 · 11 months ago
maZimba so 🙌🏽
Sorojena · 11 months ago
Keep on trying it's gonna be alright, they're just scanning your background, I know the Brits very well.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Cant ahe just keep on renewing her work visa, save money while investing in Zim until she's thought of retiring then come back to settle in peace. Teaching is an in demand skill in UK, renewing work visa shouldnt be a problem.
vene · 11 months ago
HUYA tikupe MOTA nemari ushandire nyika.
sad emoji3
stylez · 11 months ago
dzoka kumba iweee ayiizve

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