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Biti Running Away From Responsibility, Says Jonathan Moyo

11 months agoThu, 11 Apr 2024 11:15:58 GMT
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Biti Running Away From Responsibility, Says Jonathan Moyo

Self-exiled former ZANU PF Politburo member Jonathan Moyo has accused former Finance Minister Tendai Biti of cowardice following the latter’s announcement that he was taking a sabbatical from politics.

Moyo said opposition leaders in Zimbabwe tend to run away from responsibility.

This comes after the former CCC leader Nelson Chamisa quit the party in January this year, alleging infiltration by ZANU PF, followed by Fadzayi Mahere and Allan Markham who resigned from Parliament a few days later.

Posting on Twitter, Moyo said Biti is just like Chamisa, Mahere and Markham who “bolted out” and ran away from responsibility. He said:

Tendai Biti is cut from the same cloth. Only some 60 or so days after he boldly declared that he was CCC Vice President elected by that party’s congress and that he was “going nowhere”, now he says he is actually going somewhere after all; by taking “time out”; taking a “sabbatical” to go to Washington DC, of all places.

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And he’s saying this at a time when he’s in fact due to take over – something he accepted to do when he knew at that time that he was due to go to the US by this fall – as CCC acting president under the ‘rotational’ arrangement they agreed to as the ‘leadership collective’ under the ‘Gweru Resolutions’.

Effectively, like Chamisa, Mahere and Markham, Biti is bolting out. He is running away from leadership responsibility. This makes sense of their mantra that they ‘need new leaders’!

Biti recently announced that he is temporarily stepping away from politics, despite earlier reports indicating that he was expected to assume the role of CCC president in rotation with the current leader, Welshman Ncube and Lynette Karenyi Kore.

Speaking on HSTV’s #FreeTalk show, Biti said he had withdrawn from politics to focus on other spaces but will remain driven to attain democratic change in Zimbabwe. 

More: Pindula News



Miss Jessica · 8 months ago
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Yeah...It's on record kuti Jonathan Moyo akatiza Zimbabwe nekuRushinga, kuti aitize chiyi hapana anoziva..Saka kuwawata haaregedze ari kwaana Tezvara....
patz · 11 months ago
Running away from responsibility is not an offence but running away from justice after stealing ZIMDEF funds is an offence.
bud · 11 months ago
@ khan i dont get u
Thabani · 11 months ago
vana bit vakanonoka kufungu nekuona
Khan · 11 months ago
Anyway I enjoyed watching Sikhala making himself look like a dimwit on TV 🤣🤣🤣🤣....Busy parroting his political manifesto to a visibly confused Steve haa maybe he should have remained locked up .....I remember one of you saying he is South Africa see how **** you look now when he himself confirmed he is overseas enjoying the funds of the. GoFundMe 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Khan · 11 months ago
Al Jazeera should have released the uncut footage if they were being genuine....No1 in the modern age pays attention to so called documentaries because many a victim have falled to the phenomenon called "sweet editing".....If you raise enough capital even you too can own a gold mine hazvinetse izvi....
sorojena · 11 months ago
jonso leave mbiti alone we want to see kuti ma**** Ako achizimudza here CCC Makore is next to leave crocodile infested party mwari haadi kuti utore chinhu chausina kushandira sa Chavangu we want to see the end game of Tshabangu he will go the Doug way come 2028.Musoro damba keep your mouth shut **** professor zanu haichakudi you chamilion rwaivhi runoda kutora Kenyean colour come home jere rakakumirira you looted govt money ndo yauri kushandira ku Kenya
debt collector · 11 months ago
Zim is about to deport a Kenyan man,why don't the Kenyan govt deport our prodigal son (bro Jonso)? his car is waiting for him from madzibaba Sivhayo🚕
Chicken 🐔 · 11 months ago
when the heat intensifies, people duck away into thin air. Imagine, when some these guys went all the way to the Anglo-Saxons pleading for the imposition of stiffer sanctions to Zimbabwe with the intention to change the general populace 's view of the gvt as a failure. Maybe he has seen ZiG as a success story and decided to rest without commenting. How they have fooled the youth is pathetic and damped the ship in the middle of nowhere. More will follow suit.
cute gel · 11 months ago
Mr moyo dai manyarara zvenyu dai muri mumwe munhu .matobudawo politics coz u a just fully of kak
Cde hondo · 11 months ago
Akawoaka kezimusoro aka. Ndokaye kekuvharisa daily news.,capita radio, kuounza aipa ndokaishanda na tafataona mahoso. Jonso kana urimurume chaiye dzoka uhukure urimuno kwete kutema ugariri ku kenya kwawakavanda uku
Anonymous · 11 months ago
The case of a kettle calling the pot black! Come back here and contribute here. Kusanyara. Awula nhloni. Vana vako vanonyarira kupi ndizvo kana uinavo. Hee Biti atiza iwe mbwende uripi? Muguru ndimo mauri. Mururimi rwako munoti kibo kogwala akhula sililo!
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 11 months ago
Confusion reigns in the heads of Zimbabweans. Under Morgan as Minister of finance Biti was a hero, on his own in PDP he became a zero. Under Chamisa in MDCA he was elected VP and was the most active MP in the last parliament. His rating dropped the moment he appeared to have disagreements with Chamisa. All Chamisa bootlickers are highly rated in opposition circles even Ostallos. If one day he shows signs of weakening in bootlicking he will be shown the way out. Zimbabweans do not follow or support ideas, they prefer personalities, once they fall for one they worship him even if he is a thief and murderer like Bob and Idhi or a loud mouth liar and dictator like Chamisa. Zimbabweans will see no evil and hear no evil when it comes to their beloved political leaders and will defend them with their lives. Biti is being vilified because he disagreed with the empty Chamisa.
Chicken 🐔 · 11 months ago
Running away from their dirt.
☠️ · 11 months ago
J Moyo iwe haizi munhu wekuudza vamwe zvekuita Unofunga kuti mvura ne oil zvinosangana Havasi vanhu vokutungamirirwa na Tshabangu na W Ncube Ncube mutengesmukurusa Kuna Tsvangirai akatengesa pakazokonzira RE RUN baba veutengesi Tshabangu ingoda chigaro muhurumende sa seneta chete oyo💀🦴Tshabangu☠️👽
Yoyoyo (The Real) · 11 months ago
😁😁 Wiwi REVOLUTION TO THE WORLD. ED anotoenda ku toilet wani, munhu plus nezera rake riya anotoita zidh.ooodhiiiii 💩 rihombe rinonhuhwa zvisingaite😁😁
💅Rudo · 11 months ago
@Khan unosevenza. Very soon u break record ra @Chi baby che Zanu.
Wuto · 11 months ago
@Rudo Khan manje murwere wepfungwa chibaby cheZanu Ari nani ane tubrain mbijana chi Khan zizungairwa iro
baba jukwa · 11 months ago
taura zvako @Rudo 😂😂😂😂😂
Bvills · 11 months ago
A good move by Biti I was opposed to him to assume that position of acting president of that infested organisation. Focus on what you think is right for you Tendai. Chamisa saw it fit to leave. Let them pursue their respective agendas.Jonso is out there doing his own thing without any direction .He ran away from Zanu pf and now want to criticise others with different opinions from their previous parties WHY ???? Go back to Zanu pf tione kuti zvinoita ere
.... · 11 months ago
CCC was infiltrated by Chamisa and his team of bootlickers
baba jukwa · 11 months ago
ku zanu unodzokera wakumbira ruregerero zvakasimba woiswa pasi peshamhu ye musangano wozopimzwa saka iye atori mbwende yemhando yepamusoro
Anonymous · 11 months ago
There is no money coming into the CCC structure. Nelson Chamisa ran away with £ million Euros. So why hang around, until new donors are found.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Kuswera muchipopotedzana nenyaya isina basa rese musoro wambuya venyu. Biti agara mutengesi ishondo yemunhu regai ayende America this time akadzoka ndiye anopinda muchikurubhi maximum nekuti ari kunotsvakira nyika yake hondo like Sikhala ari kunyepera paHard Talk we are watching him Zimbabwe is not for sale
Khan · 11 months ago
One case of "looting" doesn't mean we should all get our panties in a bunch ka🤣🤣
baba jukwa · 11 months ago
unongoita. nharo but nharo. dzako hadzina msoro munhu. washe. nekuti hurumende zvayo yakazara mbavha dzega dzega
Khan · 11 months ago
I assume you were my tutor at the school of propaganda 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Khan · 11 months ago
The courts are there for a reason why was the so called owner of the gold not prosecuted????... Problem is you spend most of your time knee deep in opposition propaganda you can't even see what is in front of you.... It's the same ne.that one time that old geriatric RGM claimed kuti $15 billion was looted at Marange and you gullible sheep believed him🤣🤣🤣🤣
Khan · 11 months ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣 so I assume your father was around and you support a different from political party from mine that makes you John D Rockefeller 🤣🤣🤣🤔...Am no loser unlike you self appointed doctor that can diagnose PTSD🤔🤣🤣🤣
, · 11 months ago
kaani unofanira wakafoira kwa border gezi xul of propagandist
@kan · 11 months ago
shaa unoda kuitawo nharo but dzisina musoro ,, learn from ka blaz kaya kanotizvit chibaby,kana tombitaurawo ma facts...Gold rakabatwa 6kgs pa airport even though varidzi vakariramba but it's an indication yekuti gold is being looted
Khan · 11 months ago
It's sad kuti in this day and age Anglophiles still think kuti buying a bed is an achievement which makes me wonder if you even have one🤣🤣🤣🤣...The rest of your garb is typical of a man who has supported a losing party since 2002...anyway am done with you .... Bulwark of People United and Free
@khan chasura · 11 months ago
you're delusional and suffering from PTSD as a result of your father leaving you and your mom to fend for yourselves, that the same reason ukutora nguva yareba to accept the fact yekuti you're a loser you ain't gonnbe shît in yo life
Sorojena · 11 months ago
The CCC co-presidential set-up is scary, no sane leader worth his salt would take that one. Biti has just done the right thing, to take the strategic ambiguity.
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 11 months ago
Jonathan kudai uri umwe vatonyarara zvako gwara vakatiza kunopotera kudzimwe nyika usina zvavaitwa , uchiri kuyeuka here Tsholotsho vakadii urive vanga vanyengera vamwe ... Gwala
Khan · 11 months ago
That's the problem with you Anglophile dunderheads you assume kuti inorder to be successful one should have a dead end job that is so restrictive to the point where one can't use a phone 🤣🤣🤣🤣...I don't blame you since you spend most of your free time analysing dog poop🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@kani · 11 months ago
Hona just because you have disabilities doesn't mean kuti hatimakwanisey bhudhi ****ma hwenyu huri mubrain chete, unoti you've made it in life iwe uchirara pasi 🤣🤣🤣 ukuona face yako kuzvimba wakati kusimba here, kuzvimba nekutsamhira a pillow ine majean nema bachi mukati 🤣🤣🤣 mfana Tanga watenga pant kkkk kushata kunge mhosva irikupomerwa madzibaba Ishmael
@khan · 11 months ago
wotoriwo chikwambo chakaraswa nevene
Khan · 11 months ago
@ Wuto 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 is that the best you can say???....The only thing I am suffering from is success
@khan · 11 months ago
success uchiswera papindula 🤣🤣🤣🤣 duzvî rembwa rine maplastic zvako iwewe, success yipi yaunotaura , stop wet dreamin boy
. · 11 months ago
blaz avo vanoganza kunge vasingamãmi, hanzi suffering from success, itwo twumari twemachicken inn twawakawanira mukana ndotwawakuda kuti ganzira natwo pano, #mari haide noise- muripano papindula nekuti hamuna
Wuto · 11 months ago
@khan you suffer from down syndrome ndazviona
· 11 months ago
You are being very polite. I would say Alzheimer's, Schizophrenia and Senility, ALL combined in one.
Khan · 11 months ago
Like I give a sh!t what that man thinks of me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣....He is just a loser who supports the opposition so I don't give a damn what he thinks of me ini🤣🤣🤣🤣.....
Bit · 11 months ago
Uri chiyi hako iwe
Anonymous · 11 months ago
The feeling would be mutual. Your words are not worth storage in thinker's brains.
ED · 11 months ago
Endai musadzoke, msoro yanambuya venyu
g40 · 11 months ago
biti is reading from the same script of the g40 of running away when things boil
. · 11 months ago
He's not running away, but from his conscience, he's just discovered that he can't fit in well in kindergarten politics. It's damaging to one's integrity
Khan · 11 months ago
so you couldn't raise money for him to even go to a decent place 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Your friends gave it all to Tshabangu for services rendered.
tho · 11 months ago
aisi tym yekutukna ino
Sorojena · 11 months ago
The current CCC is a poisoned chalice, the more you stay in it the more get rejected by the masses. The award winning journo once advised Biti to withdraw from politics a little bit so as to reintrospect... and he's taking the advise. CCC is a Zanu pf clone, nothing would never come out of it as it is devoid of the people's mandate. This CCC was created by Zanu pf and the judiciary it's like its predicessor, the MdcT which was created by the concourt. Power resides in the people not from the courts. Biti finally realised that. CCC is just an existing
.... · 11 months ago
The masses have always rejected right thinking people in favour of bootlickers. All Chamisa bootlickers will be supported by his legion of blind followers. 2018 Chamisa's blind followers rejected the very intelligent and politically astute Fadzai Mahere and voted for someone who had faked his Mt Pleasant residency. Over the years a lot of opposition MPs never unttered even a word in parliament but would still get votes so long they bootlicked Chamisa. Chamisa is the poison in the opposition
mtangadura · 11 months ago
Hezvo inzwaika nhai anhuwee
Khan · 11 months ago
Let him go and enjoy the bulletproof car funds and EU donor funds in peace hake..Even Sikhaka Ari busy enjoying money yeGo Fund me ari overseas hake while their poor supporters are busy wallowing in poverty vachiramba ZiG🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
· 11 months ago
I didn't know that South Africa is "overseas" Eish, Genghis Khan mabasa kuwanda
doug · 11 months ago
as others are supposed to be let to enjoy the money from gold and other national resources.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Well said.
fugu pfeee · 11 months ago
bvunza vari america kuti south africa iri kupi. vanokuudza kuti overseas
doug · 11 months ago
The other leader was on BBC Hardtalk.
🧐 Which one · 11 months ago
Ncube or Karenyi
... · 11 months ago
Anonymous · 11 months ago
That could be anybody who is a party member, now.
PR · 11 months ago
aah ko uyu munhu achiriko su ? thanks Mr moyo at least you have said something.
Legend · 11 months ago
Jonso wemusoro bandamba
.... · 11 months ago
Wha about you? You ren away from what? Kkkkkk
Anonymous · 11 months ago
The issue is water and oil will never mix. Dei vakatanga kuisa Biti kwete kutanga Ncube, kwedu Masingo hazviko izvozo. kkkkkk Tshabangu na Chamisa will never mix.

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