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HomeCrime and Courts

Harare Man Arrested On Suspicion Of Sharing Mai TT Daughter's Private Photos

11 months agoTue, 16 Apr 2024 06:55:07 GMT
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Harare Man Arrested On Suspicion Of Sharing Mai TT Daughter's Private Photos

A Harare man who is suspected to have posted nude images of Mai TT’s daughter on social media has been arrested.

Amin Mhaka was arrested and detained at Highlands Police Station on suspicion of leaking Felisha’s nudes after their romantic relationship had deteriorated.

ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the arrest to H-Metro. He said:

Police arrested one suspect in connection with the leaking of the nude photographs of Mai TT’s daughter.

Investigations are in progress and we will furnish more details tomorrow (today).

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Initially, after the explicit pictures of her teenage daughter Fifi were leaked, Mai TT posted a video suggesting there was no shame in Fifi’s naked images appearing online.

However, she later reconsidered and claimed that her daughter had been blackmailed and extorted by a boyfriend. This boyfriend allegedly leaked the pictures after Fifi could no longer afford to pay him. Wrote Mai TT on social media:

The way you are shocked is the same way I’m shocked because my daughter is the most quiet, intelligent, individual.

When I counted my blessings, I counted her as well. Never have I ever held a stick to flog her because there was nothing to flog her for.

She was the best God gave me because everything about her is just perfect.

There is just a young lady who was in a relationship and trusted her boyfriend, and after breaking up, the guy leaked the pictures.

I got to find out that she was under threats the whole of last year but never told me about it. She would pay this guy not to release until she couldn’t afford anymore.

In June 2023, Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) Director-General, Gift Machengete, issued a notice warning the public against the collection, sharing and broadcasting of personal information without the consent of the data subject. Read the notice:

POTRAZ as the designated Data Protection Authority of Zimbabwe has noted with concern the increasing number of incidents of collection, sharing, distribution and or broadcasting of intimate images and or videos without the consent of the person whose intimate images and or videos would have been shared.

The purpose of this Notice is to advise members of the public that:

1. Intimate images and videos form part of personal information which is categorised as sensitive data under the Cyber and Data Protection Act [Chapter 12:07]. The Act prohibits the collection, sharing and distribution of sensitive data without the consent of the data subject.

2. The Cyber and Data Protection Act [Chapter 12:07] as read with Section 164E of Criminal Law Codification & Reform Act [Chapter 9:07] prohibits the collection, transfer, sharing and or broadcasting of intimate images and or videos without the consent of the person concerned. The law seeks to curb the humiliation and embarrassment of persons whose intimate images and or videos would have been shared. It also empowers citizens to have control over the processing of their personal information. This is in line with the fundamental rights to human dignity and the right to privacy as enshrined in the Constitution of Zimbabwe in Sections 51 & 57 respectively.

3. Those who continue to collect, share, distribute and or broadcast intimate images and or videos without the consent of the data subject of the images and or videos shall be liable for imprisonment for a period up to five (5) years or a fine up to level ten and or both such fine and such imprisonment.

4. Members of the public are strongly advised against the collection, sharing or distribution and or broadcasting of sensitive personal information, including any intimate images and or videos of any person without the consent of the data subject.

5. The Authority shall take appropriate regulatory action to ensure a high standard of data protection for all citizens.

For complaints and further guidance, contact the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) on the.regulator@potraz, or call +263 242 333032/46/48.

More: Pindula News



gogo · 11 months ago
kana fifi wacho anoda shamhu.
gebuzi · 11 months ago
ngaasungwe zvinokodzera
#white hat hacker · 11 months ago
We will hack the culprits forever. We are unstoppable till we die.. Ma nudes tichamaleaker
mujolo Chigumba · 11 months ago
ummmm nenguva ino gore rinouyaa fifi anafanira kungendanyorwapaBirthcertificate remwana wake ummmm huchi baba apa hatiriggie
hey · 11 months ago
ukaona mwana wako akura zvekutoitawo vakomana zvoreva kuti watokura chisiyawo zvemjolo izvi kuita mukadzi mkuru seuchafendeswa nevakomana vechidiki Moda kuchemberera pafira pochoto sepoto here kana kuchemberera pabasa sefos**** ,Mai titi vakwegura angove mazifuta ekutsvukisa kumeso asi age haa tafamba siirai vana zvemjolo izvi
masigede · 11 months ago
@hey u have a point
Khan · 11 months ago
This guy needs to get executed by firing squad... Teenage p.o.r.n.o.g.r.a.p.h.y has no place in vision 2030
sad emoji1
maluve · 11 months ago
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Mai TT leaked her own daughter so as to trend P.O.V
Chicken 🐔 · 11 months ago
It's good to enforce laws, ngaasungwe murume uyo. However, Mai tt badzidzise vana kuri kuda Mukomana hakuzi kutorwa manudes. Madon't touch should be exposed to anyone even to a boyfriend or girlfriend . Manudes are personal. Musatore mbiri memanudes please.
PhD · 11 months ago
it's obviously a bad idea to share nude pictures of oneself because those who possess them almost always can't resist the urge to share them
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Dai vanhu vatendeuka vaziva Mwari. Look at Chaplin Phiri from a beer drinker to a pastor, that's a Saul Paul example
Appah · 11 months ago
ummmm ma1 asi anga ambodya hake neku black mailer ngaasungwe
Gwetembe · 11 months ago
Pakaipa apo
@ pipo · 11 months ago
ndanzwa kuti **suspect**, doesn't mean kuti ndiye saka ana. @skimbo inwai mvura yemu fridge kana kutenga yogurt mudzikise bitterness 🥱🥱🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Asalif · 11 months ago
Dhongi idhongi chero rikavharigwa pamwe nemombe harimbofe rakaita mombe , joki iri ngarirege kushungurudza munhu it was her idea in the first place why did the mother created a fan page
cute gel · 11 months ago
this guy so. handiti mistake yekutorwa mapics ndiri .naked anga afarisa neiko fife
Akah 🥷 · 11 months ago
like mother like daughter,,,Only abomination the whole family,,,😜😜😜
Amin Mhaka · 11 months ago
Mashamiro akaita Mai Titi murombo papic apo ndomashamiro akaita sinhi ravo rangove zigaba rakarowa nedzakawanda nw zvave kumwana kachabhozhomhorwa esp afta katoleaker Kari pademand
Akah 🥷 · 11 months ago
A lots of laughs only,,,that is what the reality is,,,,
Skimbo · 11 months ago
Saka kutumira ma nude Pic kune basa rei warambwa tsvaga mumwe ikozvino wave ku mapurisa wakutoburitsa mari dzakawandisa kutsvaga ma lawyer tibvireipo vanhu vane pfungwa dzakapusa kudaro zimbabwe ikozvino muno mu sadc ndoine vakadzi vakawanda kudarika varume tsvaga mumwe
Wuto · 11 months ago
Kna shungu
,,,,dott · 11 months ago
uuuum maititi neMwana wavo haa imba yebvambi dzoga dzoga ,support zanu pf musiye zvechifambi bato rine vision , mugobudirira
Hood · 11 months ago
Do you mean pfambi?
...... · 11 months ago
Vagara ipfambi vese Mai nevana. Kamwe kaya ka**** kanoita kunge kamukomana dressing dzacho, uyuwo manudes, amai ndizvo-ndizvo..
..... · 11 months ago
Kamwe kayak kanoita kunge ngo cha ni.

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