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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

ZANU PF Deploys FAZ Agents For By-elections

11 months agoFri, 26 Apr 2024 09:23:46 GMT
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ZANU PF Deploys FAZ Agents For By-elections

ZANU PF has deployed members of the Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ) organisation to Harare East and Mt Pleasant constituencies ahead of by-elections on Saturday, 27 April.

FAZ is a ZANU PF affiliate which gained notoriety during the August 2023 harmonised elections when its agents set up “Exit Polls” desks outside polling stations.

An exit poll is a survey conducted right after voters leave the polling stations. Pollsters inquire about the candidate and party preferences of voters as they exit the voting location.

According to NewsDay, ZANU PF provincial vice-chairman for Harare Ephraim Fundukwa told Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga at a rally in Harare East recently that the party had deployed FAZ and Heritage Trust members at each polling station in the by-elections. He said:

I want to tell you Vice-President [Chiwenga] that the Harare province team is working hard. We have 50 polling stations for the by-election. On each of the polling stations, we have set teams of 20 members.

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The teams are being led by provincial, FAZ, the Heritage Trust and Young Women for ED members who are campaigning.

FAZ president Kudakwashe Munsaka told NewsDay on Thursday that his organisation is always at ZANU PF’s service. Said Munsaka:

We have said umpteen times that we are an affiliate of ZANU PF and this has not changed. Yes, indeed, if the party deploys us to assist its campaign for any envisaged by-elections or any restructuring exercises for its organs, we will willingly oblige. We live to serve, as our motto aptly asserts.

FAZ attracted widespread attention during the ZANU PF restructuring exercise in 2022 and the party’s primary elections the following year when it was accused of rigging the polls in favour of particular candidates.

Foreign observer missions to Zimbabwe’s 2023 general elections, among them the European Union Election Observer Mission (EU EOM), the Commonwealth EOM, and the Southern African Development Community EOM, raised concern over the presence of FAZ in rural areas where its members allegedly intimidated voters.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 11 months ago
Shiri ine muririro wayo hairegedze........
Machangamire · 11 months ago
Kungopfeka bhareta watova Cde, vakarwa hondo chaiyo havachatode Zanu yenyu, unopfeka tshirt towards election nekumwiswa masese, pese apa munorarama nei, u can't pay fees for yo kids, WAKE UP **** imi
Khan · 11 months ago
@ Wastak 😂😂 are you sure about that?...Biti and Chamisa working for the majority 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂...The same guys that were in the GNU and didn't even table one electoral reform???...The same opposition which went and begged for sanctions inorder to effect regime change haa please miss me with that BS...The main opposition leader in Zim is a tyrannical man who has systematically destroyed all other opposition parties all because of his greed and hubris...Zanu PF might cunning but Chamisa has shown to be the most destructive force in the destruction of credible opposition in Zimbabwe......My relatives understand that life is a meritocracy and you have to work hard inorder to live the life of your dreams...If you are poor you have to look hard at yourself in the mirror and analyse where you have gone wrong instead of mourning at the government...The opposition is in it because of their Western masters and their thirst for power...The opposition especially under the guise of CCC and MDC hate this country and long for the day when it is completely under their control...They hate this country so much they have even tabled plans to change the name of this country and always belittle the contributions made by liberation war heroes...They hate this country and everyone in it yet they will do anything in their power including self harm just to rule it .... Bulwark of People United and Free
Wastak · 11 months ago
Khan economy ye zimbabwe yakatanga kudhakwa which year pamwe tirikungotaura ne munhu anongoenda kunodzidziswa kuti Smith ayive munhu akadii asi zvinoita kuti nyika inake musingazisvikepo zimbabwe dollar rakatanga kuita week against pound rinhi nekuti ndomarii yaikwikwidzana nesu
Skimbo · 11 months ago
People hate zimbabwe is those loot our minerals and invest to other countries ndovanhu vanouya vachitaura kuipa kwenyika dzevamwe asi ivo vachigarako shamwari dzavo variivo varungu vamunoswerero taura vasingabve pamuromo penyu muchiti vakaipa mutsvangwa, mangwana, ncube vachipedza kukunyeberai nekukupakai mashoko akaipa ndege inenge yakatovamirira kuti vaende ku nyika dzavanoti vanhu veko vakaipa iwe wouya pano uchiwawata iye every day anodya zvaanoda zvezvizukuru ibvi zvake iwe vako varikudambuka musana kuchera mbeva kumusha iku kwake kune magetsi kwako hakuna imbapo mhani iwe
Wastak · 11 months ago
Khan opposition haizi kuzvirwira kuti zvinakire kwavari asi kumwana wese we zimbabwe iwe unofunga kuti ukaenda kumusha kwako nekamota ukashikowomberwa wototi zanu pf irikugona on your side ko ruzhinji rwese mu mhuri yako unofunga kuti zvinofadza kurara vachingopenha asi iwe zvinotokufadza wakaiwonepi nyika inonzi munhu anoda budget inosvika millions pa mwedzi m**** imi
rg · 11 months ago
zvazvakanakira ndezvekuti price yekwa TM na OK haina basa nekuti uriwe bato ripi ,tese tinopinda mu queue imwechete......kuvhota kupedza nguva
Khan · 11 months ago
My message to all the secessionist that were annoying me last night is that from your little hovel, you stand up to say you are going to raise a monument, as who? Why don’t you win elections and establish your own government where you can do that? You put your squatter camp along Umguza River and it’s raised to the ground by your girlfriend or boyfriend, you expect the police to be on standby to protect you?
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Ko zvaingori zanupf ko zvima ED for ED zvakaenda kupi. Zvima bubble gum zve zanupf
Zanu pf · 11 months ago
Forever Associates Zimbabwe represents patriotism.
ndungez · 11 months ago
The welfare of the masses is in the hands of Zanu pf. The majority of Zimbabwewns empowered Zanu pf because they trust.The party shall never betray the electorate. It shall guard jealously the fruits of the liberation struggle with maximum sacrifices. Fostering peace is one of our priorities. If you want peace then study war. That is what brought this democracy.It wasn't handed on a silver platter. Sons and daughters of the soil made selfless decisions to be on the battle front. Sacrifices!!! That is what defines Zimbabwe. That is what Zanu pf defends. Anything on the contrary is tantamount to betray of our kith and kin. "Peace begins with you. It begins with me" RIP cde John Nkomo
Anonymous · 11 months ago
So what you are saying is that for peace to continue, you will make the people into sacrifices?
collins zw · 11 months ago
which fruits, high inflation, forever changing currencies due to depriciation, poor health care systems, poor schools, dilapidated roads, poor human rights upkeep, etc etc the list goes on
ndungez · 11 months ago
todakuvarova ngavauye nezvimadesk zvavo

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