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HomeCrime and Courts

Speeding Driver Fined $1,200 After Fatal Accident Claimed 3 School Children's Lives

10 months agoSat, 27 Apr 2024 09:52:51 GMT
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Speeding Driver Fined $1,200 After Fatal Accident Claimed 3 School Children's Lives

A 36-year-old man from Dangamvura in Mutare whose speeding vehicle knocked down and killed three schoolchildren along Christmas-Pass-Shamu Road last month has been fined US$1 200 and had his driver’s licence revoked by a magistrate.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the accused, John Dumbura, appeared before the Mutare Magistrate’s Court facing charges of culpable homicide. Said the NPA:

The State proved that on the 12th day of March 2024 at around 1500 hours, the accused person was driving a Toyota Fortuner along Christmas pass- Shamu road heading to Mutare town when he was involved in an accident that claimed 3 lives.

The accused person was driving at an excessive speed and lost control of the vehicle, hitting 4 pedestrians named Blessing Chisari, Silvian Maponde, Strive Maponde and Tyron Chikwanda who were walking on the side of the road heading to Chirichangu Farm.

The first three sustained severe head injuries and died at the scene. Chikwanda sustained injuries to the leg and neck and was rushed to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital for treatment.

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The accused person’s licence was cancelled due to his negligence. The accused person was sentenced to pay a fine of USD1 200 and failure to pay will attract 6 months imprisonment.

A report claims the families of three deceased children demanded US$24,000, 28 head of cattle, four goats and two cocks from the Dumbura family as compensation. The demands were made before the burial of the minors.

Sylvian (13) and Strive Maponde (nine), who were siblings, were buried at their rural home in Marange, while Chisare (nine) was interred at Tsvingwe Cemetery in Penhalonga.

However, Chief Mutasa was reported as saying normally, reparations are not paid before the deceased manifests in an avenging spirit, stating what he or she wants.

He added that the demands for money and cattle made by the bereaved family were pure “madness and unlawful”.

More: Pindula News



BIG T 🫖☕🍵 · 10 months ago
zvorwadza veduwe asi mozvionawo ere pakufamba mumarods Manicaland vanhu vanotifambawo murod avadzivurire motor unotambudzika like Mozambique ndozvimwezvo
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 10 months ago
The purpose of punishing an offender in any system is the make sure he does not repeat the offence ever again, in this case the courts have failed dismally to perform that duty. The chief is so wrong in stating that reparation is paid after manifestation of the deceased, reparation can be paid to ensure that there is no manifestation. Ukamirira ngozi inogona kuuya ichipisa zvekuti mushanunogona kuparara usati waripa.
Anonymous · 10 months ago
1. Hi should be imprisoned for at least 10 years for culpable manslaughter. 2. 1200 fine is pathetic 3. The families can they seek big compensation from the drivers insurance company
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
I don't know why people are making so much noise. Courts deal with facts. In this case what the law stipulates in terms of statutes matters the most. That is why you must vote for literate legislators to properly represent your interests in parliament. Laws are made there. It's not a grandstanding platform. Unfortunately the electorate does not know why they vote. They just vote for a face or in order to remove one party from power. How backward?
Ndini · 10 months ago
Apo humba Makombe mataura chaizvo.Ko Joe mupenyu here naFungai haa vazaya vangu vekumombe kumago.
Peter Bvirakare · 10 months ago
Speeding and killing 3 innocent kids and being fined ,$1200.its just ridiculous. We no longer value life and accidents are the order.of the roads.Drivers have just lost respect of pedestrians and passengers which they.carry daily Just.look at roads. We.are.loosing.lives unnecessary driver negligence. We Will witness more deaths in our roads.coz culprits will only know justice a few dollars. Accidents have become disaster all Members of Parliament should join hands to debate this issue as a matter of urgency----- Another accident along Harare Masvingo highway ????? lives have been lost
me · 10 months ago
congratulations 🥳 Khan & chibaby chezanu vachata vakapihwa mari yem🏃‍♀️🕴uchato na Sir wicked chivhayo
Anonymous · 10 months ago
There is no real consequence for action in this kuntry, it's actually a joke, that is manslaughter, yet someone stealing bread to survive will go behind bars
Zozo · 10 months ago
The chief is full of ****ity. I have said that. He is jealous
Bhuru · 10 months ago
3 lives lost & he only gets away with a 1200 fine after it was proved that he was drunk and he was negligent
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Cases are tried in accordance with the law not personal feelings.he got what the law states he should get
b · 10 months ago
chidzidzo kut vamwe vadzidzewo to respect the law yemuroad
porongi · 10 months ago
I think the fine is ok provided he paid the deceased families their demands , fine is for the government but if he compensate then it's fine. in courts restitution or compensation is a mitigation factor
Anonymous · 10 months ago
The road accident fund should compensate the family not driver. Which law says driver to be double fined. Vana wasu mavakubatira driver muchivhundutsira nengozi. A bus can kill over 80 passengers but the reckless driver does not compensate the deceased & injured. It's the road accident fund, third party not the driver.
patz · 10 months ago
@ Anonymous We dont have a Road Accident Fund in Zimbabwe and victims of accidents i.e passengers, pedestrians are covered by the Third Party Insurance which is compulsory for any motorist to have. We have the Road Fund but its function is solely for the construction or maintenance of roads and its collected from motorists
June · 10 months ago
pakaipa mhepo zvadzinoita pamwe ndidzo dzaiva fire dzavo kwese kakangosumuka mhepo
Anthony Makoromo · 10 months ago
dai vakangomupfuudzawo nedemo 50-50
☝️ · 10 months ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣 we thank God kut hausi president
Siyashezi · 10 months ago
I would like to know who calculated the amount for the reparations. How do they value their loved ones lives. Secondly the fine for someone who was proved to have been negligent should get the maximum sentence... $1 200 is a joke
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 10 months ago
1200 will not bring bek the lives of the innocent kids ... No price will bring bek our loved ones
Benzino · 10 months ago
1200 yacho ndeye government even sentencing him yo death won't bring back the deceased
me · 10 months ago
Network ikubhaizira ini ndega wo here

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