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Beatrice Road Traffic Accident Declared National Disaster

10 months agoMon, 29 Apr 2024 05:27:40 GMT
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Beatrice Road Traffic Accident Declared National Disaster

The Government has declared the Beatrice road traffic accident which claimed the lives of 16 people on Friday, 26th April 2024, a national disaster.

The declaration was announced on Sunday morning by Transport and Infrastructure Development Minister Felix Mhona during an interview with The Herald at the accident scene. Said Mhona:

We are saddened by this tragic incident. Government has declared this accident a national disaster. We wish the injured a speedy recovery and we also send our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.

On Saturday, 27 April, Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the accident occurred at the 52-kilometre peg along Harare-Masvingo Road.

According to him, the accident occurred after an Adolph haulage truck with no passengers on board, which was travelling towards Harare, hit a VW Polo vehicle from behind. The VW polo vehicle was travelling towards Harare with no passengers on board.

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The impact forced the haulage truck to veer off the road to the oncoming lane and was involved in a head-on collision with a Mercedes Benz Sprinter which was travelling towards Chivhu with 44 passengers on board.

The passengers were members of Angels Family Apostolic Church who were on their way to Makumumavi Shrine, Chivhu.

15 passengers died on the scene of the accident and one of the 29 injured victims passed away whilst admitted at Chitungwiza Hospital.

By Saturday, Police had identified 11 of the 16 victims of the accident. The names of the 11 deceased persons were listed as follows:

  • Joyce Mudzinzwa, a female adult aged 44 of 14444 Overspill, Epworth, Harare.
  • Kelly Kwenda, a female juvenile aged 3 of 146 Epworth Harare.
  • Elisha Jack, a male juvenile aged 6 of 1794 Overspill, Epworth, Harare.
  • Elija Jack Tawananyasha, a male juvenile aged 5 of 1794 Overspill, Epworth, Harare.
  • Ezra Jack, a male infant aged 1 year 1 month of 1794 Overspill, Epworth, Harare.
  • Prudence Mahachi, a female adult aged 31 years 1794 Overspill, Epworth, Harare.
  • Talent Rangwa, a female aged 23 years of 20278, Overspill, Epworth, Harare.
  • Leeroy Kido, a male juvenile aged 8 of 20278 Overspill, Epworth, Harare.
  • Lloyd Kido, a male juvenile aged 4 of 20278 Overspill, Epworth, Harare.
  • Elmod Ncube, a male adult aged 18 of 20278 Overspill, Epworth Harare.
  • Decision Maizivei, a male adult aged 26 of Madheu Village, Chief Nyashanu, Buhera.

More: Pindula News



pm · 10 months ago
Very sorry hama dzangu
Clemence · 10 months ago
zvakaoma kufirwa kunyanya ne vanhu 4 ka1. ndagwadziwa shuwa. Tinotenda nehurumende ye ZANU PF inotungamirirwa na Cde Mnangagwa nerubatsiro rwe chikafu nema box plus transport. Mweya ngaizorore murugare shuwa
mboko · 10 months ago
Ndiwo vauraya wezanu
coni · 10 months ago
chi baby che zanu 🌊 chaenda ku heroes acre chakagarira kudhuze ku podium wese achapa speech anotanga arova quickie Kuna chi baby che zanu 🌊 nhasi amuchione chaenda ko sevhisa madhara chipenzi ichi
Anonymous · 10 months ago
May Their Soul Rest In Eternal Peace
Kho · 10 months ago
Without ruling the human error element in accidents, let's not forget that life is spiritual and satanic forces are responsible too for accidents. Let's not make light the issue of prayer when travelling
chinyu gurea · 10 months ago
Ndozvakangwarirwa kumanya pafiwa Zanu.
godogo wenyaya · 10 months ago
saka iwe ukuda kuti kudii apa....Zanu is far much better ko iwe wakabatsirawo nei... uri nhingi remunhu
doug · 10 months ago
There is no need for us to be told that government has done its job, that it has worked or that it should be working. Government works by following what is written down, and not what an official thinks or says. When the number of citizens who die in any road accident exceeds a certain number, it is written down that government should automatically help the victims with funeral and burial arrangements. One can only imagine what difficulties the surviving relatives would face where four or more members are killed in the accident! May the souls of all the departed rest in peace.
Mh@t@ yamai iwe chituta ma2zvi doug · 10 months ago
Saka unoda kuti tisanzwe news yet you think kuti zvaunotaura zvine musoro for people to listen to it. Une dambudziko rekuvenga hurumende. Imbotarisa pasi uone kuti wakatsikei. Inonzi Zimbabwe iyoyo. Hurumende iripo ndoiripo dzamara wafa
doug · 10 months ago
Our news reporters would not be having to explain a lot of unnecessary information if some of us were not ignorant of what happens around them and how government works. I forgive you for your misguided insulting, karma will deal with you in all the days of your life.
Chicken 🐔 · 10 months ago
Pakadai ndopanoda kutonga nedemo. Plus operator must compansate and take care of those left behind until they are independent and able to fend for themselves.
Thuli · 10 months ago
i agree with @wei wei, sentences for traffic offenders are too light and offenders know very well that they will just get away with murder thus they do wat ever they want on the roads without fear of the law.
hey · 10 months ago
assessment yeaccident, kuti haulage truck was forced off the road ne impact after hitting a VW polo from behind❎. Or maybe it veered to the right lane after hitting the VW ✅
Chicken 🐔 · 10 months ago
Truck veered of the road because hae wanted to avoid crashing the polo from behind. A case of overspeeding and wrong following distance. Endosing the license is not enough as one ends up driving without it. Incarceration of driver, compansation and cancellation of operation license will instill feer in both the operator and the drivers.
wei wei wei · 10 months ago
ko mangodii kuti wese achakonzeresa accident,haachabvumidzwizve kudriver,kana zvakanyanyo five years mujere ,mutemo uyu ukapasiswa zvinoderedza njodzi mumugwagwa
Enemy · 10 months ago
May the bereaved have comfort in the lord
chipoko chaPrigozhin · 10 months ago
kungwarira kuviga vanhu vakafa zanu pf
PVC · 10 months ago
Uri benzi you didn't see what happened it was really pathetic
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Saka nhai chipoko unoda kuti kuvigwe vanhu vapenyu here?
gggg · 10 months ago
satan werudzi iva nemoyo saka uchishupika zikatsi
SC · 10 months ago
My condolences

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