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Radio Licences To Become Mandatory For Motorists

11 months agoWed, 01 May 2024 08:09:53 GMT
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Radio Licences To Become Mandatory For Motorists

It will soon become mandatory for motorists to first pay for a radio licence before acquiring vehicle insurance cover or policy unless there is an exemption from the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), reported the Chronicle.

This comes after the Cabinet on Tuesday approved amendments to the Broadcasting Services Act which will compel motorists to buy radio licences whenever they renew their vehicle licences.

In his post-Cabinet briefing yesterday, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, Jenfan Muswere, this will broaden ZBC’s revenue base. He said:

The additional amendments will, among other provisions, provide for the following: ensuring gender balance in the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe Board; introduction of annual applications for broadcasting frequency spectrum licences; broadening and introducing new definitions under Section 38A; and prohibition of the sale of motor vehicle registration licence or motor vehicle insurance cover or policy to a person without a current radio licence or an exemption from ZBC under Section 38B.

In terms of the amended Act, the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation revenue base will be broadened since it will be mandatory for all motorists to have a current radio licence before either disposing of their vehicles or purchasing motor vehicle cover or policy.

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Cabinet also approved the amendments to the Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) Act to, among other things, standardise training in journalism and mass communication in the country to enhance professionalism.

The proposed amendments to the Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) Act also seek to establish a Media Council of Zimbabwe to regulate the media. Said Muswere:

Foreign ownership of mass media services in Zimbabwe will be limited to promote local content, local business and employment.

Zimbabwe Media Commissioners will serve for a five-year term, which is renewable once, and the Commission shall report to the Minister as provided for in the Constitution.

Muswere also said the Cabinet also approved the Media Practitioners’ Bill which will professionalise media players defining who becomes a media practitioner. The law will allow the independence and co-regulation of media practitioners. He said:

It will also allow the growth and development of the media industry. The nation is advised that the Media Practitioners’ Bill seeks to create a legal framework that outlines parameters for the regulation of the media as provided for in Section 249(3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.

This entails the creation of a Zimbabwe Media Practitioners Council, which will be responsible for the regulation and enforcement of professionalism among all media practitioners…

The Media Practitioners Council will also deal with conduct and ethics. Media practitioners/councillors will be elected and will include nominees from the Editors’ forum, public media institutions, private media institutions and academic institutions.

While the approval of amendments to Acts of Parliament is significant, it does not automatically mean that the proposed changes take immediate effect.

When the Cabinet passes principles to a Bill, it represents a legislative intent, but it is not yet the Act itself, nor is it the finalized Bill. The following steps in the legislative process determine whether the proposed changes become law. These:

1- A draft Bill will be done by the AG.
2-The Draft Bill will go to the Cabinet Committee on Legislation(CCL) where it will be scrutinized.
3-Then it will go to full Cabinet where Cabinet will make comments.
4-The AG will tidy up the draft taking into account Cabinet input.
5-The Bill will be gazetted.
6-The Bill will be scrutinized by the Parliamentary Legal Committee (PLC), checking on compliance and alignment with the Constitution.
7-Public consultations will be held.
8-The Bill will be debated in Parly.
9-Senate Input.
10-Presidential Assent.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 11 months ago
This is too much, who still listens to your radio stations, we play our own downloaded music which is free from bias. Why not make your programs interesting so that people don't feel forced to pay for the licenses?
PVC · 11 months ago
Them ministers and parliamentarians are the exempted ones not ****
sam · 11 months ago
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Citizen · 11 months ago
I always ask myself kuti who still votes for these Zanu thieves. They want to steal from motorists in broad day light. If its a matter of radio licencing then it means every ceĺlphone holder should also pay seems their goal is to milk the alread suffering citizena to death. Zanu so!!
😎😎😎 · 11 months ago
Kubatwa chibaro chaiko tpsvika kupi ne bad republic
Israel · 11 months ago
Ini handiite zvisina basa handiteereri radio 📻 uye matransimition emota yangu haabati zbc uye handigoni kubvisa radio ndichisiya pamota yangu panegomba vaudzeiii kujapan kuti mota ngadziiye dzisinaradio munhu azotengera kuno kana achida.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Those who don't have radios in their cars what happens?
Anonymous · 11 months ago
So if I dont have a radio in my car, I should go get an exemption certificate first so that I get the licence.... Who will issue these so called exemptions? Will they be able to do it fairly... Obviously if I cant afford the licence, then I will opt to remove the radio. No problem with that. I can sing hymns in the 🚘
Anonymous · 11 months ago
How much will be the licence. The problem is that the charge is always exorbitant. If it was $2 per month, we would gladly pay. Coz the issue is if the numbers are used properly, we should not pay too mich
Legend · 11 months ago
better kuteerera chigayo pane kuteerera zbc
wei wei wei · 11 months ago
aiwa zve varume madii kutobhana radio dzacho mumota ndodzimwe dziri kukonzera maaccident
· 11 months ago
Tipei zvinonakidza pa zbc apo moita Mari nema adverts kwete kuda kudya zvemahara kunge honye . Kana musina Mari vharai zvima station zvenyu
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Handina chekuteerera kana kuona pazbc netv yacho nokuti zvose zvinotaurwa nekurakidzwa zvakasiyana nezvandinonzwa nekuona nemaziso angu inini pachangu..zbc ngaipihwe share yayo ne ZINARA...
Soft · 11 months ago
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Intelligence not for everyone. Pay Doves funeral Policy even if you have nyaradzo policy???? Pay for sugar on OK even if you don't collect it? Cry my beloved country
papa Penny · 11 months ago
let us just pay takanyarara as law abiding citizens ! tisafurirane kusabhadhara hanti ! nekuti shamu yevasingaterere iri mumunyu kare , ndatenda hangu
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Itai serious baba
zimOne · 11 months ago
muzimba haashaye mari , anobhadhara chete license fees yacho . nhamo yemuzimba itori yema episodes, haipere
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Zbc munonyanyoikosheiko chatinoterera stafm, zifm, capitalk varikuzvigona sei pasina mutero zbc ngaiite Mari nekushambadza kwete kuda kudya pasina kudyara kare waiti uchifamba waitonzwa radio Zimbabwe ichirira pamba pegapega nw it's very rare mota inobhara radio licence hunge iine radio yacho uye ichirira ini ndingatiibvisa radio yacho kana ndanda music I will play through maear phones.
Zim-Sketch · 11 months ago
we don't listen to propaganda, so why forcing us to pay??
Macharangwanda · 11 months ago
Imhosva here kutenga mota muzimbabwe minister tsvagai imwe nzira yekuti ZBC iwane nayo Mari kwete kuda kumanikidza vanhu kuti vaterere radio yavasingateerere ko kana mota isina radio makuti here chitotenga radio
Gift · 11 months ago
Radio and TV stations are financed by adverts. Zvino muZimbo the major advertiser is Zanupf, and hayibhadhari zvekumhanya.
ml · 11 months ago
You all are not giving money to the stations. I think this money goes to the government. Let's find out.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
But why should we pay the licence to ZBC? They should come up with content that viewers and listeners love and the money will follow where the people are. How are the independent radio stations surviving without the licenses?
Mohammed Zaka ali · 11 months ago
ana bhozho vanouya nguavaiko pa radio
Jjj · 11 months ago
Hudzinyiriri hwanyanya zbc ifamiily radio inoswera ichitaura zvefamail yam,,,, a chete nezveza,,,,,,,, f
. · 11 months ago
my radio is always paired with my phone on bluetooth i never have time to listen to the radio why should i pay for the **** licence🤷🏽‍♂️
Medicine 💉 · 11 months ago
it's cursed to born in Zimbabwe .
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Kuita MP hazvirevi wave mutemo pachako. Dzoka kuvanhu ubvune kute toitasei nemutemo urikutaurwa. Vanhu ndivo vanotonga kwete iwe uriko ikoko. Chako wega I twin cab yaunopiwa nehurumende. Pamutemo potai muchibvunza vanhu vanovhota. Mumwe takazomuona achimisa kombi pa Chikwanha. Be warned maMP do not just rubber stamp uchirwadzisa ruzhinji rwenyika.. sinc independence handisati ndambonzwa MP kana Councillor anodzoka kuruzhinji kuti torii nezvirikutaurwa. Iyi nyaya yekungoti padiwa mari pose torii kuvanhu, varume ngatisaitai setinogara ku South Africa tichimukira kuZimbabwe kunoshanda.
coni · 11 months ago
haaa I don't think kuita mandatory it's fair coz dead bc is so boring zvekutodaro
377 · 11 months ago
chokwadi chakangonaka. zanu iyi haina direction.
ini · 11 months ago
we in the remotest areas of Gokwe can't access zbc radio station We only listen to studio 7 at 7pm This mandatory thing is I'll advised They should sit again and make sense
godogo wenyaya · 11 months ago
kkkkkkkk ma1 .....
Hhh · 11 months ago
This is illegal, it can be challenged in court. There is no way that someone came be forced to pay for a service that he is not getting. Watch this space.
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Exactly. What product of value does ZBC offer? We are forced to pay for a worthless service.
Expert · 11 months ago
ndiyo rape case manje iyi vamwe zve zbc hatiney nazvo izvi
patz · 11 months ago
This is pure fixing. How can someone without a radio in his have a car radio licence. Most of the people with cars are urban fellows who support the opposition .
Vision 2030 · 11 months ago
Nevane maspeaker box ngavave nemalicence
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Limiting foreign ownership of media enterprises 👍
Sorojena · 11 months ago
There are so many quality radio stations on the internet, better to subscribe on them than bombarded with cheap sewer propaganda from the Dead B C.
rg · 11 months ago
ini ndoteerera radio pafoni
rg · 11 months ago
zvinoreva kuti munhu wese anemotikari akutomanikidzwa kuisa radio pamota yake......pambeeeeeeri me vision 2030
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 11 months ago
Munhu wese anoteerera bhozhongora. Radio ngaibhadharwe.
... · 11 months ago
Shut up, hawuna mota, kana toy chaiyo
Zbc · 11 months ago
Unongobhadhara zvakadaro
Zanu pf · 11 months ago
We love our ZBC. It always gives us reliable news unlike political mouthpieces of the west. Each household should also buy a TV licence.
sad emoji2
Zanu 4lyfe · 11 months ago
Nemacellphone futi anofanira kubhadhara
Anonymous · 11 months ago
godogo wenyaya · 11 months ago
ndakambokuudzai kuti tinokuvara nevanhu Ava.... pfungwa dzavo hadzidhonzi zvakanaka naka.... Radio ngaingo juswa kunge magetsi simple not to force every motorist to pay that ****ed up and unaccounted bill....ko kana usina radio mumota wochirega kutenga muteero here.....zvimwe zvinoda pfungwa soo
Progress Forward · 11 months ago
Yes, every car should pay a radio license, but also a window and boot license, houses must have gate and door licenses too, even electricity should have a license fee. The money goes to growing the country, we can see how we now even launch rockets! It's progress. If people have any money, they must give it over to the government so the country can continue to grow and people should not complain even.
laugh emoji1
Anonymous · 11 months ago
You have a sick mind
Anonymous · 10 months ago
You need your head EXAMINED
George · 10 months ago
We can't all be forced to listen to ZBC. Possession of a radio does not mean we all tune in to the station.
Wastak · 11 months ago
Varikudzitsvaga nemugate munokuvara 30 USD yako pakuridza radio zinara 50 udsd, insurance 35 USD zanu pf pfeeee not ma zig united state dollar hanzi vision 2030 ne zvamakapfeka muchazvitevera
rg · 11 months ago
Zanu trying by all means to milk already suffering Zimbabweans.....Havana tsitsi
sad emoji2
fugu pfeee · 11 months ago
munhu wese ane phone anofanira kuva ne radio licence futi
Zulex · 11 months ago
kkkkkkkk ah!!! shaaa
Anonymous · 11 months ago
Wy forcing people hamunete kuva hre ,dai licence racho raibhadharwa ,$10 was better modirei kuramba muchishungurudza vanhu munyika ine nhamo
Anonymous · 11 months ago
this is Worse than Rape/ burglery from ZANUPF. This is extortion.. the inly county that rapes its suffering citizens this way.. radio licence!!

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