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Cartels Hit Mining Sector, Blamed For Declining Gold Output

10 months agoThu, 02 May 2024 09:41:16 GMT
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Cartels Hit Mining Sector, Blamed For Declining Gold Output

Some prominent government officials connected to ZANU PF bigwigs have reportedly established a cartel that is grabbing gold mining claims across the country.

Business Times reported sources in the mining industry as saying there is fierce fighting over the control of mining claims across the country.

An official of a mining association, who preferred anonymity told Business Times this week that the recent dip in gold output is attributable to clashes over mining claims. Said the official:

Sadly, there are so many well-knit corruption syndicates involving high-ranking officials in the government, including the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development taking over the claims that are already occupied by some miners.

What we are now seeing is that some powerful figures are now coming with back-dated documentation on the mines which we have mined for close to a decade now.

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Our members haven’t mined properly since January due to this fight and the situation has intensified across the country hence the reduction in gold output despite not having heavy rains.

Wellington Takavarasha, CEO of the Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF), said that there are several mining disputes. Said Takavarasha:

There are a number of disputes. The miners can approach our offices and the provincial directors to resolve such disputes to bring sanity into the sector.

It has happened and it is happening but not on such a high magnitude as purported by some people.

We have seen orphans and widows encountering such problems but we are helping out to ensure they get back their claims back. The Mines and Mineral Act is clear that whoever started pegging will win.

Mines and Mining Development Minister, Winston Chitando, promised to investigate the claims. He said:

I will do my investigations into these matters but for now, you can send your questions in writing so that I can give you a comprehensive answer.

Zimbabwe produced 30 tonnes of gold in 2023, 15% less than the previous year as electricity cuts and currency volatility impacted output.

More: Pindula News



ClD Admire kuyeri · 7 months ago
PVC · 10 months ago
humwe otofo so parikutaurwa nyaya yakanaka rimwe riiisa mudondo
sisi · 10 months ago
isure hre
sisi · 10 months ago
has pakaipa
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁Kana Chamisa ndewekubvuta wofuti he is also a pferorrist he lack democratic principals
baba jukwa · 10 months ago
zanu ino bvuta kana mazogara
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Usati Zanu. Kana pane akabvuta mudome nezita omira nemhaka yake
gold Mafia 4 Economic Development · 10 months ago
ukaona pasina kudomwa mazita ibva wangozviziva kuti chii
Mamzoe · 10 months ago
The Zanu pf weavels are now into gold after plundering the Marange diamond, 15 billion yemadiamond yakatsakatika into thin air. Nhasi yakubudisva semadonation emota naChivayo. Zimbabweans are not ****, they can see through the corrupt practices done by Zanu through its proxies
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Wakamboiona 15 billion?
* · 10 months ago
Mugabe akaiwona.
@mamzoe · 10 months ago
diamond racho nderako..imarii ipi yawakaisa ku diamond racho raukuti 15 billion yalabiwa..ukariona unoriziva diamond racho..unoda kukohwa pausina kudyara..regai vakaita investment ikoko va dye ma profits avo..iwewe chii chawakaitawo kuti diamond racho richerwe
* · 10 months ago
Are you part of the cartel, why the stigma?
doug · 10 months ago
test two: 1,2,3 testing to check what is happening to my comments
coni · 10 months ago
just post appropriate comments
doug · 10 months ago
are comments supposed to be praise and worship?
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
These journalists come with some grapevine and present it as news. Verify your sources. Tinoda kunzwa kuti vazvitaura ndivanani. You're just trying to buy our readership without carrying out due diligence. Some of the articles are misleading because they're authored by activists who try and influence what the reader must believe or conclude. That is terrible journalism
baba jukwa · 10 months ago
che zanu come to Mberengwa ku B mine neku C Mine and see what is happening wolves ikoko woendaw ku shurugwi boterekwa and see what is happening there wobva woenda ku Inyathi wonoona zvikuitika and tell me what you saw there wobva woenda ku Esgodini wobva woenda ku Matopo wobva woenda ku Mazoe wobva woenda ku Gweru ndoda kuti undiudze kuti ma claims ese arikoko mazhinji ndeani and why. is it those people own so many gold claims. Zanu irikuzviita izvo l can give you undeniable evidence on those. allegations that
* · 10 months ago
Akakuwudza kuti nyaya kuti iite chokwadi kunge inesource ndiani? Journalist awona zvichiitika iyeye can be a credible source.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
@jukwa I've been most mining sites in matabeleland south... Gwanda, filabusi & esigodini. I can tell you that the mining business was initially taken seriously by risk takers at a time when most people preferred ukuntsheza and smuggling some gold to south africa and Botswana dodging fidelity life...Boterekwa tinorizva kubvira kuchiri ku bhaga vanhu vachienda kunoita alluvial mining. Very few people were in interested in formalising their operations handiti waona let alone investing. Ma risk takers akatora a greater chunk. Vazhinji vakazoona kuti zvakubhadhara vakuchida kukwana kwana manje... Its too late.
starlight · 10 months ago
pane akubvunza hre iwe dzenga unongorotomoka
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁Munozviziva here kuti Chamisa akapiwa zita re bato rekuti CCC na Jonathan Moyo
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁fugu pfeee or whoever you are leave my name alone wazvinzwa im not Zanu pf and will never be im the one and only...wiwi president
quana · 10 months ago
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁unozviziva here kuti Chamisa akanyepa kuti akapihwa mari na va Trump? Unozviziva here
⛹️🕺🏋️ · 10 months ago
so what muthaf#cker?
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁Mari yemota yebulletproof iripo ne madonations ekubhadara mapolling agents

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