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Public Hearings On Death Penalty To Commence Next Week

10 months agoThu, 02 May 2024 06:00:59 GMT
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Public Hearings On Death Penalty To Commence Next Week

The Parliament of Zimbabwe is set to start public hearings to abolish the death penalty on Monday. The public hearings will be led by the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, reported NewsDay.

The Member of Parliament for Dzivaresekwa, Edwin Mushoriwa (CCC), raised the motion for the introduction of the Abolition of the Death Penalty Bill in Parliament in 2023 and in February 2024, Cabinet agreed to abolish the death penalty for murder offences.

In 2005, Zimbabwe carried out its most recent execution, even though 62 convicted prisoners currently await their fate on death row.

The Zimbabwean Constitution upholds the death sentence, but it specifically excludes women, men under the age of 21, and men over the age of 70 from execution.

Since 1976, more than 85 nations have abolished the death penalty for all crimes, while others have abolished it for ordinary crimes. Portugal was the first to abolish the death penalty for all crimes in 1976.

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The global trend leans toward abolition, and opponents of capital punishment argue that it is not a more effective deterrent than life imprisonment.

However, supporters of the death penalty claim it deters potentially violent offenders who are not sufficiently restrained by the threat of imprisonment alone.

Zimbabwe’s current President, Emmerson Mnangagwa is strongly opposed to the death penalty after he reportedly avoided the hangman’s noose on a technicality during the colonial era.

More: Pindula News



· 10 months ago
Pano pakazara varoyi munoti vanhu vatadza ngavafe pane asingatadzi here . Mutadzi ngaaregererwe opihwa mukana wekutendeuka manje mukamuraya anotendeuka sei
chizman · 10 months ago
makanganwa mhondi dzekuura Tapiwa chikore madzikanganwa uye wekwamurehwa hayehwawo vanhu ngavafe an eye for an eye
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
I think it is a sign that we've a democracy in Zimbabwe
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Attention diverter and money making scheme. Imagine the millions of allowances, hotel expenses etc that this exercise will consume. There are more pressing issues worth focussing on.
Truth · 10 months ago
The death penalty needs to be bolish in Zimbabwe. The law is gender based, it's a weapon against man. Everyone has a right to life. They say only man below the age of 21 and men above 70 are not put to death but man above 21 deserve to die what is that this is not a Godly law. Why does it not say women below 21 are not put to death and women above 70 but women above 21 years will be put to death? Does that law mean women do not kill people? There are dangerous women out there to men and women alike.
Pindula · 10 months ago
we've started filtering useless comments
Mamzoe · 10 months ago
Death should not be used as a form of punishment but I agree if it is used for mercy to patients who have suffered pain for too long. A criminal should feel the effects of punishment and given a chance to reform.
Legend · 10 months ago
Itai zvamagara muchingoita isu hatiko ikoko kumusoro
Chiendausiku Chipoko · 10 months ago
Why public hearing on this one whilst a lot of important issues which needs public hearing are just decided without public hearing,ingoitai zvmunoda ka as usual,kuuraya kana kuvharira zvachose.hanti ndimi murikutonga here.makaunza Zig did u do any public consultation.??
doug · 10 months ago
Kudai kuti tione kunge parliament irikushanda.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Which issues need public hearings? Gukurahundi public hearings have been carried out successfully so far. Mamwe ndeapi
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Increasing car license fees by 100% all.of a sudden without any consultation. For small car you now need $40 per term up from $20. All of a sudden making it mandatory for every car owner to buy zbc licence. Prohibiting the sale of car insurance and licence to anyone without valid zbc licence. Is zbc now a subsidiary of zinara or viceversa? And so on and so on. Igore rezhara. Kune cholera, etc etc. Armed robbers showing no fear of armed guards or police anymore, now a night mare. Etc, etc... waona?
Tkt · 10 months ago
Taura hako, after increasing fees then demand Radio ****nce nxa, why was the Radio ****nce not levelled for all?
Truth · 10 months ago
Death penalty must be abolished totally. Life imprisonment can do just fine. And those arguing that it remains, must ask for it to be applied 50-50 to men and women alike. Not only men are criminals, there are dangerous women out there who have killed children, their husband. Even the this lady who killed her husband at Nkulumane in Bulawayo and ran away then latter handed herself to the police. A law must apply 50-50, to men and women, there must be equal share to the law. That is if the people want it to remain.
fugu pfeee · 10 months ago
life imprisonment inenge yatove expense ku government, kufeeder mhondi. munhu ngaafe chete kana aurayawo
Tkt · 10 months ago
Life Penalty feeding from who's budget? I propose alleged with a certain percentage of truth in the allegation & failure defend self within 7days; Rapists - Death Corrupt - Death Robbers - Death Thieves - Death on Conviction Bribery - Behind bars fending forself Incitement - 1st Offender Tongue cut Off, 2nd followed by typing Hand Cutoff 12months after Investigations are done uku kuona kwangu zvangu
RG · 10 months ago
Ndirikutsvakawo basa I'm a hangman ndakashandira ku Sierra Leone
Stalin 🇷🇺 · 10 months ago
Armed robbers must be sentenced to death

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