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CCC Legislator Challenges Mandatory Radio Licence For Motorists

10 months agoFri, 03 May 2024 08:18:57 GMT
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CCC Legislator Challenges Mandatory Radio Licence For Motorists

An opposition Member of Parliament has expressed concern over the Cabinet’s proposal to make the payment of radio licences for motorists mandatory.

Emakhandeni-Luveve MP, Discent Bajila (CCC), described the move as “parasitic and symptomatic of a government that is continuously on the lookout for opportunities to fleece its citizens of hard-earned cash.”

On Tuesday this week, Information Minister Jena Muswere announced that Cabinet had approved principles of a bill to amend laws that will compel motorists to buy radio licences before renewing their vehicle licences in a bid to raise over US$73 million annually for the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC).

Speaking to CITE, Bajila said the move must be resisted with “maximum effort from all and sundry.”

He explained that the announcement is not law and therefore should not be used to bind citizens. Bajila said:

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Anyone enforcing a Cabinet Press Statement, whose contents are neither a Statutory Instrument nor an Act of Parliament is acting unlawfully. Law-abiding citizens must not be complicit in such.

Specifically, these cabinet principles are not law until they have been taken for public hearings as a Bill wherein the views of every citizen must be taken on board.

Thereafter, Parliament has to debate the principles as a Bill and pass or reject them.

Every law-abiding citizen is encouraged to report to the nearest police station anyone coaxing them to be complicit to an unlawful process.

The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Nick Mangwana said the government’s position on the issue of mandatory radio licence has been misunderstood.

Posting on X (Twitter), Mangwana said that while the approval of amendments to Acts of Parliament is significant, it does not automatically mean that the proposed changes take immediate effect.

He explained that when the Cabinet passes principles to a Bill, it represents a legislative intent, but it is not yet the Act itself, nor is it the finalized Bill. The following steps in the legislative process determine whether the proposed changes become law. These are:

1- A draft Bill will be done by the AG.
2-The Draft Bill will go to the Cabinet Committee on Legislation(CCL) where it will be scrutinized.
3-Then it will go to full Cabinet where Cabinet will make comments.
4-The AG will tidy up the draft taking into account Cabinet input.
5-The Bill will be gazetted.
6-The Bill will be scrutinized by the Parliamentary Legal Committee (PLC), checking on compliance and alignment with the Constitution.
7-Public consultations will be held.
8-The Bill will be debated in Parly.
9-Senate Input.
10-Presidential Assent.

More: Pindula News



Cde hondo · 10 months ago
Makajaira zveginya haikona mandatory chii chacho kujaira kumanikidzira vanhu sezvamurikuita kufuel mandatory blending
Chii Chinonzi Chamisa · 10 months ago
Ummmm kuda kutifurira iwe uri muParliament.Kana tasungwa ndimi futi munomuka mave kuti I am quiting parliament isu tosara tiri pamhene.Nonsense yemunhu, tibvire kumhepo😂😂😂
Bambo · 10 months ago
akatotanga anogwara pfungwa
hopewerroo chinoonoo · 10 months ago
ah this is bool sheet
??? · 10 months ago
Same same nekumanikidza munhu kutenga Herald iye asiri kuda zvake.
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
issue iyi ha vakabhaiza ndokungoda pedza mari dzevanhu zve
fugu pfee · 10 months ago
its long overdue... license gadzibhadhagwe zveginya kuitira kuti ZBC irambe ichienderera mberi. moda kunzwa nekutamba kongoya pamaJINX edu for free
dakar · 10 months ago
shaaa ,here im using a moduletor i dont even listen to their chimurenga and Zanu music.Inin ndinonzwa music from winky d ,buh they are own refused to play his music becoz he is not a Zanu supporter.Bhadharaika imim munozviti makapenga nekuti munoshandisa chiZanoid muma blocks
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
@fugu national 📻 huchi
ma fact manyama · 10 months ago
1. TinoridA
ma facts manyama · 10 months ago
There is no point to pay car radio licence due to ma fact manyama ari pasi aya
🙄 · 10 months ago
But it is worthy saying, OK this is how Mu traffic update we depend much on radio info about congestion Detour, breakdown weather and that information is very vital to road users every hour so it's part and participle of a motor vehicle licence, mandatory it is, infact it has to be within licencing of a vehicle
patz · 10 months ago
SomeOne should pay for a service that you receive. Is it compulsory to have a car radio in the car- if its not then those without should not pay for that.
skun · 10 months ago
those in cabinet vacho mota dzavo hadzitorina that radio should be thrown out hapana nyaya APA..a normal person will say no to this torment to the people...
skun · 10 months ago
if you know you know kuti akapinda pa top position ndiani and are trying to milk money from people once again..everyday you see them on the roads extorting money from motorists so vakuona kuti Aiwa Mari iripo let's enforce's a shame coz who actually gives a about radio honestly..pamwe pazuva you only listen on the way to work and that is 1hr max per day and then when hitting the highway hapana signal anyways.. nonsense chaiyo..
Yes Man!!! · 10 months ago
Good work MP
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁One my CCC akuita zvebasa kwete kunopimwa muchichemera Chamisa asina kana dhiri
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁 leave my name fake Yoyoyo
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 10 months ago
maradio akawandira mudzimba here kana mudzimota?

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