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OpenZIMASCO Retrenches 200 Workers

Zimbabwe Mining And Smelting Company (ZIMASCO), the largest integrated ferrochrome producer in Zimbabwe, has reportedly compulsorily retrenched over 200 workers from its various subsidiaries around the country.
The Mirror reported sources as saying those retrenched workers are from the company’s operational centres in Mutorashanga, Shurugwi, Harare and Kwekwe.
In a notice of compulsory retrenchment written to each worker and seen by The Mirror, ZIMASCO offers no package and gives the workers May 31, 2024, as the last working day.
The affected workers have refused to sign the retrenchment letters in the absence of any mention of packages and the short notice.
Workers Committee chairman Davison Panganai told The Mirror that he was not at work and not aware of the matter.
According to the notice, ZIMASCO said it had taken the drastic move in response to poor prices on the international market and other challenges. Reads part of the notice:
Further to the brief from the executive chairman shared with you recently, the Company hereby advises that your position was made redundant through restructuring and was declared excess to the company’s immediate requirements.
You have thus been listed for compulsory retrenchment which processes are commencing with immediate effect.
In March this year, Impala Platinum Holdings’ Zimbabwean unit, Zimplats, initiated voluntary job cuts among its employees as a cost-cutting measure.
Zimplats offered its employees a minimum of three months’ pay in redundancy packages.
More: Pindula News