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It's Illogical To Force Schools Accept ZiG - Chin'ono

10 months agoSat, 04 May 2024 08:06:41 GMT
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It's Illogical To Force Schools Accept ZiG - Chin'ono

Schools in Zimbabwe open for the 2024 second term on 07 May, amid reports that some schools, both private and public, are rejecting the local currency, Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), and insisting that parents and guardians pay all fees and levies exclusively in US dollars.

The Government’s Chief Spokesperson, Ndavaningi “Nick” Mangwana, said Zimbabwe has a multi-currency regime, therefore parents should not be blackmailed to pay fees in only one currency. He wrote on X:

They should insist on paying fees in the currency of their choice. The law is on their side. They can call on the FIU or the Consumer Council of Zimbabwe to intervene.

In response to Mangwana, award-winning journalist and anti-corruption activist, Hopewell Chin’ono said the Government should lead by example by accepting ZiG for vehicle number plates, passports, customs duties, and fuel.

He said schools, like other service providers, have to buy fuel which is exclusively sold in forex which banks cannot provide. Below is Chin’ono’s detailed response to Mangwana:

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Dear @nickmangwana, I hope this finds you well. Your statement is misplaced, and I will explain why.

If a school has a bus that uses fuel to move around, that school requires diesel, which can only be bought in US Dollars at fuel stations like ZUVA.

If the parents insist on paying with ZiG, how will the school buy diesel when banks don’t have the US Dollars to sell to schools or individuals?

You see, @nickmangwana, this is how dysfunctional the economy has become, you are forcing people to do what is impossible!

Declare that the ZiG is now and should be acceptable for any transaction, including services provided by your government like number plates, passports, customs duties, and of course, fuel. Once you do that, all these problems will go away, @nickmangwana.

As the Chief spokesman of Mnangagwa’s government, you must communicate things that are logical and practical.

How can it be logical and practical for a government to force schools to accept a currency that the same government is not accepting for goods and services it provides?

How can it be logical to force schools to accept a currency in which businesses in which the president and central bank governor have an interest are refusing to accept the local currency?

I hope you have read Animal Farm, @nickmangwana; that is where we are with your government. Do you want ordinary citizens to accept that they are lesser beings than the political elites who are rejecting the ZiG that they introduced?

I want to end by saying this to you,@nickmangwana: As long as the government and businesses owned by political elites reject their currency, the ZiG will fail, and it will do so spectacularly.

Please let the schools do what they have to do @nickmangwana, don’t force them to do economically stupid things.

They have kids to feed throughout the term, and forcing them to take a currency that has lost 36% of its value on the black market within 14 days is ridiculous!

More: Pindula News



$ · 10 months ago
zozo · 10 months ago
saka zvaipa nokuti hurumende ifose zvikoro kutambira zig asi zvakanaka izvo zvikoro kufosa vabereki kubhadhara mausa avasinga hore
ndatenda · 10 months ago
guyz ndabvuma zvangu Mnangagwa, Nicky ,,mushayavanhu and team imbavha chaidzo chokwadi chaicho mazimbavha , hazvitombodi maprofita kana n'anga kt uzive kt wawona mbavha
TD · 10 months ago
panachimbangu murikuita mufaro wajojina henyu asi pazig muchati mofunga chimbangu zanui garoziva humbava pfungwa ishoma
cute gel · 10 months ago
kkkk nezig hapana kwatakananga kana vakarigadzira vachiriramba ndiani angazoridawo
Nz · 10 months ago
Haaa a zig..... Ngavapemhuri dzavo is hatiridi
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
bata panonaka ita kuti mhaaaaaaaaaaa i will won't work so long other gvt offices reject zig it wil never see 2026 year of mercy fuel ndoinobata zvese so long zig risiri kutenga means zvakatofa guyz ndiri wemusangano but chokwadi hachipunzi ukama huye tikutambura tese
Jahmael Ke @Kgosi De_Ricch · 10 months ago
To hell with Chinon'o who's busy making a noise. Opposition supporters are liking his b.u.t.t
Clemence · 10 months ago
The most interesting part of the story in question is that, fuel dealers trade in US dollars but their employees are being paid their salaries in Zig dollars. Mwari pindirai
patz · 10 months ago
Pliz all those parents who want to pay fees using ZiG may you go to your banks and buy US dollars and pay your fees. The schools needs fuel for transport for school erands and that fuel can only be bought in US$. Even if you pay yo fees in ZiG using the rate of the day of payment take note that the fees is to sustain the school for at least 3 mths and its not used on the day it was paid. By the time the school wants to buy food for kids, say after one or 2 mths the ZiGs would have devalued and kids would run short of food at boarding schools. I think day schools and boarding schools should have different policies in as far a payment of fees in USD is concerned. Lastly the multicurrency policy should not be segregatory in the sense that it favours the receiver of goods and services as the ultimate decider on what currency to use. Providers of services and goods you also, fully or to some extend, decide on the type of currency need for their goods and services. An example is a boarding school which has a fleet of buses which needs US$ for fuel and spair parts but may source groceries from wholesalers using ZiG or USD. In such a situation fees may be paid as part Zig and part US. Or a policy to the effect that parents with ZiG may buy USD from the bank and the USD deposited directly into the school account to avoid abuse.
Hope Chin'ono · 10 months ago
Aslong the gvmnt is not accepting the Zig currency no one will accept it . even Chi baby che zanu will not accept it. the gvmnt should lead by example...wanzwa Iwe dununu Nick Mangwana
Yoyoyo · 10 months ago
😁😁 Ndi dead as a Dodo Chamisa akuita kuti ma Zig asatenge
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 10 months ago
Hope is 100% correct. Gvt should lead the way. It is gvt that determines the value of its own currency like Putin did. Unfortunately this gvt is not for the people, infact it is the number one enemy of the people.
Legend · 10 months ago
Thanks for the explanation Mr Hopewell maybe sevanhu venyama vanga vasati vapaonawo
Pravda · 10 months ago
Praise and worship muripi. You can't let Hopeless get away with it

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