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Council Should Prioritise Water Provision Over Arts Festival Funding - Bulawayo Mayor

10 months agoTue, 07 May 2024 13:26:54 GMT
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Council Should Prioritise Water Provision Over Arts Festival Funding - Bulawayo Mayor

The Mayor of Bulawayo, Councillor David Coltart, has remained steadfast in opposing a motion to spend US$300 000 on an arts festival next month saying the council desperately needs funds to provide water to ratepayers.

This follows reports that the Bulawayo City Council (BCC)’s finance committee budgeted US$300 000 for the Bulawayo Arts Festival.

The request to fund the festival was tabled during a meeting held on April 23. The festival is set to be held from 2 to 5 June, after the commemoration of Bulawayo Day on June 1.

In an interview with Southern Eye, Coltart, however, denied that he walked out on councillors after they failed to agree on the matter. He said:

I expressed my view and then gave my apologies and left to go to another meeting. I didn’t walk out. It was a perfectly amicable debate going on.

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Bulawayo is currently under a 120-hour water-shedding programme after it decommissioned the Mzingwane Dam.

Coltart, who was the Education Minister during the GNU era (2009-13), said all council resources should be diverted towards ensuring that the local authority doesn’t run out of water. Said Coltart:

This year we are facing major water shortages. For example, we have to raise US$15 million to rehabilitate the pipeline, and although we have had promises from the government, we have not received the money yet. We must divert all possible resources towards ensuring that we don’t run out of water.

As you know, many people, particularly in high-density areas, are at best getting water one day a week. That is going to worsen. Our dams are sitting at 39% at the end of the rainy season.

Because of that, we must ensure that all possible reserves that are not used, for example, for the payment of salaries and critical services are directed towards the water crisis.

As soon as things are stabilised, we will do all in our power to adequately fund arts and culture.

The Bulawayo City Council recently requested the government to declare the city a water crisis area to allow for the mobilisation of international support for short-to-medium-term solutions.

However, the government rejected the request, saying its technical team was still studying water levels at the city’s supply dams.

More: Pindula News



Chicken 🐓 · 10 months ago
Coltart ndiye asina chaanobura manje besides opposing the gvt plans. If that is what you call success musina mvura then chimuti anotora chekuti Bulawayo has the worst water supply system. If 5he truth is to be said, Bulawayou deserves a better person to be its mayor other than Coltart. Isai mumwe munhu pachigaro icho ane link to reins of power and resources.
azee · 10 months ago
Coltart saka chimuti Kuna Coltart 2028
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Ethnicity Ra****m Tribalism In ability to be selfless As soon as any of the above show themselves in those who lead in the various archelons of governess there can never be any development. · 10 months ago
Zimbabwe is facing a water crisis and I strongly stand with Coltart on this cause you can't expect to please the outsiders when your fellow country men are suffering
Citizen · 10 months ago
thus when you will see how other people are wasting tax payers money in the name of finding ways to gain from it. How can you plan for a festival that will not provide anything beneficiary to the city, than allocating all resources to solve problems affecting the city. The Mayor if he has real people who are genuine surrounding him, Byo could have achieved alot within a minute he took over as Mayor. the problem with these so called councilors or so called politicians they only think of themselves than the people who voted for them. They now milking from the very people who placed them there and serving their on interested. Byo let's not attend this so called festival,yikuthi abanye benyu liyenza ngani alidli ezidlini zenu ngokuthanda izinto,this festival funds should be channeled to something useful that will benefit the City. it's more like planning for a party while you no there's a funeral at your village
laugh emoji2
Rhodesians Never Die · 10 months ago
Zimbabwe will always be a colony of ma vheti ma vhentyura chete munoti Muri kutonga here tiri kukutongai ne sanctions against imimi
John ZiG · 10 months ago
kamurung.u ndiko one kamu CCC kanofunga chete hamheno councillor Sandra Ndebele achaita sei anga agadzirira kuvhura ma 180 kutambura imwe mota kubva Kuna chivhayo
Chicken 🐓 · 10 months ago
Long Nose should stop mixing up ministerial tasks and responsibilities, for the purpose of wanting to be seen opposing or resisting gvt plans which some people believe is being progressive. Hapana hapana. Ko, Makati munogona wani, Moda help yeZanu pf kutsvagira mhuri yenyu mvura sei. Open your links and seduce them to donate towards your water project. If you can't do step aside Chabangu aise umwe.
Mugaisi · 10 months ago
@mudhibhisi no human being will take you to the promised land not even in thousands years,,by human Linda ,Nero,Tshabangu,Kasukuwere, Welshman ,valerio,Sikhala,mwonzora ,AND THE CURRENT PRESIDENT
Account Holder · 10 months ago
Imagine they are planning to export water from Beitbridge instead of channeling the precious liquid to the nearby cities here in Zim......Byo takara takamakwa nekuti tagara tovhotera opposition
Tkt · 10 months ago
Export to where?
Tman · 10 months ago
Akagadzira Bulawayo ZANU PF ingatozoshaya mukana wayo apo
Mudhibhisi · 10 months ago
Coltart is a true son of the soil. Maybe he will take us to the promised land one day..
Mudhibhisi · 10 months ago
Coltart is a true son of the soil. Maybe he will take us to the promised land one day
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Bulawayo is hated by zanupf. They are making a canal to supply water to SA while Bulawayo is dry. Since 1980 they have been empty promise, if we can have 10 people like coltart we will prosper
Wuto 🎗 uthentic · 10 months ago
kana kufunga kwacho you'd see how lacking they are
John ZiG · 10 months ago
matebel.e versus mashon.a goes as far as the time the former raided the shon.a , into the Gukurahund.i up to now saka hapanna chamati maona
baba jukwa · 10 months ago
a clear sabotage from our so called Gvnmnt, Corltat is a well principled man and he will prove his excellence
Ed Mnangagwa · 10 months ago
Bulawayo Resident · 10 months ago
The EMMERSON DAMBUDZO MNANGAGWA led government is trying to sabotage the Mayor Coltarts progress but we'll never dump our Mayor
legend Ayer · 10 months ago
water crisis
39% level after rainy season · 10 months ago
"The Bulawayo City Council recently requested the government to declare the city a water crisis area to allow for the mobilisation of international support for short-to-medium-term solutions. However, the government rejected the request, saying its technical team was still studying water levels at the city’s supply dams"..!
Tkt · 10 months ago
Problem with our Government is, they always want to respond to things when the situation really get worse
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Sabotaging opposition led councils at the expense of citizens so that they are perceived as failures by the propagandists.

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