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Here’s Why The ZiG Currency Is Weakening

10 months agoTue, 07 May 2024 08:59:04 GMT
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Here’s Why The ZiG Currency Is Weakening

Zimbabwe’s new currency, Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), on Monday, 06 May, weakened to its lowest level against the US dollar since it was launched last month, further raising concerns about the long-term viability of the gold-backed currency.

Data by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) yesterday shows the currency was trading at 13.67 to the US dollar, a decline of 0.8% from its first day of trading at 13.56 per dollar on April 8.

Crispus Nyaga, writing for invezz, outlines several factors that contributed to ZiG’s decline. He wrote:

First, many Zimbabweans are afraid of getting involved in this experiment since they have been burned before. People and businesses that bought and held the previous currencies have seen their purchasing power fall over the years.

Second, this is an experiment that has not been tried in other countries before. The most recent dollar-backed currency was the US dollar. President Richard Nixon ended the dollar peg to curb inflation and the conversion became difficult.

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In ZiG’s case, it is unclear what will happen if there is a strong demand for the currency. At the current price, the 2.5 tons of gold are worth over $186 million, bringing the total holdings to $286 million. These funds are barely enough to back the currency.

Third, the ZiG token is different from other backed assets, including stablecoins. In the case of a stablecoin like Tether, users redeem their USDT tokens with fiat currency instantly. It is not possible to redeem any amount of ZiG tokens for gold or US dollar equivalent.

It is also unclear whether Zimbabwe’s neighbouring countries like South Africa, Zambia, and Mozambique will accept the ZiG currency.

Finally, Zimbabwe is mostly a dollar-based economy. Data shows that the greenback is used in over 80% of all transactions in the country. 

Last month, the Central Bank said ZiG was not yet recognised internationally and could not be used to make international payments as it has not yet achieved convertibility. It said:

ZiG is a local currency that has just been launched and has not yet achieved convertibility. The Bank will work to strengthen the currency to attain full convertibility, consistent with the regional agenda for macroeconomic convergence under the SADC Protocol on Finance and Investment.

ZiG replaced the Real Time Gross Settlement Dollar (RTGS) and subsequently the Zimbabwe dollar, which lost about 80% of its value this year alone and had been trading at 28,720 to US$1 before the change.

It is Zimbabwe’s sixth attempt to have a stable currency. The previous Zimbabwe dollar was launched in 2019 and collapsed this year.

More: Pindula News



Account Holder · 10 months ago
Ipopaya pakangonzi "our currency is backed by gold and other precious minerals".What are those other minerals and what are their value?????????
Anonymous · 10 months ago
The rate of the ZiG is in response to the international price of gold . As for the amount of ZiG , the more gold we have at the RBZ , the more Zig we will have . Obviously the quantity of gold at the RBZ will always increase .
Tkt · 10 months ago
Haiwa tamboti tatanga kuda kuunga nidza Mari yeCommand Mbeu here, ndipo pamucha ona kuti ZiG marara aya
theLastAntKing · 10 months ago
As long as zim is not producing anything then zig will fall. Shops accept Rands because they know the currency is in demand of shoppers. So how will zimbos or any other nationalities demand zig when they don't even think of importing from Zimbabwe. So the currency remains local. The demand for Us$ will weaken further our very own zig because we're an importing country
Shelton · 10 months ago
it was never strong except fiction yema rates avanotaura
Mukonomist · 10 months ago
It's just a small depreciation don't worry
ZiG zag · 10 months ago
who in his / her rightful mind would believe that ZiG is backed??? bond was said to be backed by Afri what what......and the backing was never true
Antman · 10 months ago
Dropped from 73k to 72k. I assume we're not using gold to determine our ZiG value but something bacjed to it like USD. So if its backed by USD why hold ZiG whilst I can hold USD. If they say backed by precious minerals thst will be understandable cause I cant go around carrying gold
⛹️🕺🏋️ · 10 months ago
of what value are these so called precious minerals and what are they exactly? ndopane chitsotsi chese apa
bodogo · 10 months ago
one mistake yakaitwa ndeyekuti isu mazimbabweans tiravire kunaka kwe US$ kkkkkk. it will take time kuti currency yendu izonyatsoshanda chaiko. ivo vakuru vacho varikutozvoketa kuti US$ rinonaka, inyama yakaiswa munyu😋😋
007 · 10 months ago
pakadai hauone dziyaa dziyaa dzichiite comment.. cz padzimbaa... chibaby chemusangano bhooo eree nhasi wanyanya kt ziiii kn
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 10 months ago
Hokoyo nezvavaitaura wega simply resign now and feel refreshed pay yako yakanaka ma us ega booo
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 10 months ago
It's still a very strong currency as said by the man behind his mission, mushayawanhu ndiyeezve mushayabasa, mushayamari,mushayanembeu,mushayapfungwa mushayanjere, mushayaruziwo, mushayabank mushayafundo, mushayasimba, mushayamutsigiri kkkkk mushayanembwa huuhuhuuu mushayamasvingo kkkkk kkkkk azoshayazig rake. Hezvo zvashaikwa simba zvizig zag zvipi iiii mushaya mushaya.... ❎ Wadakwa daidza chinoz, namtsvangwa Makoni kuruneri gono chinamasa, godzi, chidakwa douglasmombeshora Chen chimutengwende kumbirai kangai ukasa daro unosiya basa very sooooooooooon sevakataura Gara waenda wega
Pasi Pamera Ziso · 10 months ago
The challenges of introducing ZiG to compete with US dollar was a mistake from the first day. Do you mean to prove that the Mozambique Reserve bank governor is more educated than our own.
Account Holder · 10 months ago
@Wuto ndakangotarisa msge pa ecocash
rtgs · 10 months ago
l will work no l won't work kkkkk
Hear I minister Mashayavanhu · 10 months ago
The situation is hectic because our problem as a nation is as we Zimbabwean don't know what we say wen we call the currency is backed by gold. All bargains are secured so I would like to urge we people to except I said Zig is my brain child I have gone through all basis of this currency since last year AND with all due respect zig is viable legal tender in all organisations. Failure to conform to this currency might cause invariation to some of us I thnk you
Anonymous · 10 months ago
show us your current payslip and your previous bank statement and your **** given by the government that usd 40000.00 why not given in zim dollars so you thin you are more important than others how did you come to be the RbZ governor appointed by a loser
Anonymous · 10 months ago
This is a story few can understand.
Anonymous · 10 months ago
mari haiitwi advertise kunge vacancy post ,mari inotenga hainzaro remember we experiance this during GNU USD harina kumboshambadzingwa kunge mushonga no first and for most we need president elected by the people not by army and chigumba ,malaba ndokuti tiwirirane zvimwe zvose hapana hapana
weak zig s-h-!-t · 10 months ago
here is why zig is weakening :- becoz it is worthless s-h-!-t !!
queen · 10 months ago
zig manyama
chidhumo · 10 months ago
l wish to see you Queen
Vladimir Mnangagwa · 10 months ago
It'll work muchida musingade ZIG TO THE FUTURE
Zvino · 10 months ago
Mukati hamusati Mambo ona ku sevenzeswa kwe mari kuri pa mutemo chaiwo, where, mari inoiswa kubank yo bereka ma interests , where you can access mortgages to buy Dzimba ma stands kumwe kwacho uchivakirwa and make payments kwe 24 yrs, rent to buy, it becomes your house, Ne USA hazviiti ki saka Tino ramba takatsitsirirwa tikada ku sevenzesa ma USA nemhaka yekuti treasury ririku manager wa ku America and ku descent kuzo bata Zimbabwe kune ma preset conditions, akadai Kufanana ne regime gender ye opposition, Zvino gona kusachinjiwa for next 200 yrs revolution mukaita zvekutamba we will remain poorer for generations to come But if we device our own se ZiG iri everything will be grow able ese zvawo ma ables would very much be possible Look at South Africa, it's currency is resources managed same ne Botswana Isusu we are just being used as a shopping basket case for Chinese cause this is were they shop for USD dollars to boost their economy
tsepete tsepete · 10 months ago
zvave pachena paita mastreet kids apindira papindula
@zaka · 10 months ago
Tezvara brain dzenyu dzakanyatsokwana here
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
ndozviripo mukuwasha wangu uchazoroora rini nhy ko wakanganwa kuti une mwana wevanhu wausina kubvisira here
@Zaka kuvaroyi · 10 months ago
taurai zvenyu nerurimi rwaamai tinonzwa....thank you shefu
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
ndoimwe problem chirungu achisi chedu so long wanzwisisa zvakanyorwa chete ende zvandiri kutokuudza about the application ndizvo chaizvo ndosaka uchiona zvichiramba ku installer that new application kana mufoni mako muine old application
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
ok back to the story our currency is weakening because of people with negative mind
baba jukwa · 10 months ago
Zimbos aren't policies to blame for the value lose of our new baby, but the ones that create it are the ones who are forcing it on us without any consumer consultation, how come. you say you consulted widely when you only spoke with business people only
Anonymous · 10 months ago
No, its not a question of negative minds - its a question of actuality: my town council bills my Rates and Taxes in USD$, but if I elect to pay by swipe using ZiG the rate is the bank rate PLUS 10% . Illegal or legal??
Phil · 10 months ago
True that
Mohammed Zaka ali · 10 months ago
seems like the old application us the update of the new pindula application i re installed the old one it just showed kuti do you want to install an update

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