
Madzibaba Ishmael Chokurongerwa Hospitalised

Madzibaba Ishmael Chokurongerwa Hospitalised

The trial of Ishmael Chokurongerwa (54), the controversial leader of an end-time apostolic sect and his co-accused was postponed on Tuesday, 07 May, at the Norton Magistrates’ Court.

In a statement, the NPA said the trial could not kick off as Madzibaba Ishmael and Takavengwa Gwenzi (55) failed to turn up for trial due to reported ill health. The two were said to be in hospital.

The other accused persons are Shingirai Ngawafune (42), Zebedia Sigudu, Devlodge Katsande (45), Aaron Chokurongerwa (47), Wonder Kabaya (41) and Siribinio Chikurunhe (53).

The seven Johanne Masowe Yechishanu apostolic sect leaders are facing three counts as follows:

1. Ill-treatment or neglect of children (involving 41 children)

2. Conducting a funeral service/burial without a burial order

3. Failure to give notice of the birth and death of a person.

The trial was rescheduled for the 23rd and 24th of May 2024.

Additionally, Madzibaba Ishmael is facing murder charges after he allegedly connived with Chikunhure and Kabaya to terminate Hazel Chikurunhe’s pregnancy, resulting in her death.

He is also facing five counts of “having sexual intercourse with a minor”. Prosecutors allege that Chokurongerwa engaged in sexual relations with 5 minors between 2018 and 2024.

More: Pindula News
