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Police Investigate Harare Vehicle Pile-Up Linked To Kombi Incident

10 months agoFri, 10 May 2024 14:15:07 GMT
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Police Investigate Harare Vehicle Pile-Up Linked To Kombi Incident

One person was injured when a kombi, a Nissan Caravan, rammed into another, at the intersection of Simon Mazorodze Road and Remembrance Drive in Harare on Thursday afternoon.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) said the incident resulted in five other vehicles ramming into each other. The ZRP:

ZRP is investigating a serious road traffic accident which occurred at the intersection of Simon Mazorodze Road and Remembrance Drive, Harare on 09/05/24 at around 1408 hours. One person was injured when a Nissan Caravan vehicle registration number AEB 1040 rammed into another Nissan Caravan vehicle registration number AFQ 8137. Resultantly, five other vehicles rammed into each other.

Although the police have not officially disclosed the cause of the initial incident involving the two Nissan Caravan vehicles, kombi drivers frequently evade traffic police at undesignated pick-up and drop-off points, often resulting in accidents.

Numerous lives have been lost, and some individuals have suffered serious injuries due to accidents caused by kombi crews fleeing from the police in the central business district.

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Critics often express dissatisfaction with the ZRP’s policing methods, particularly the high-stakes cat-and-mouse chases involving fully loaded kombis that show little regard for human safety.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 10 months ago
The problem caused by most of the kombi drivers, is unbeleivable. They are a law unto themselves. They disregard traffic rules with impunity. If our ZRP were to come hard on the kombis, they would be able to fill their coffers with dollars from traffic offence fines derived from the kombi drivers. The result would be , safer roads fror the rest of the innocent drivers.
Beekeeper · 10 months ago
ko zvemapurisa zvapinda papi ??? mota dzaroverana simple... investigate cause of accident not speculate kuti vanga vachitiza mapurisa, uyu journalist lakes professionalism as he is tarnishing the ZRP organisation
aive kuma$s**** .haa mongosensa sensa · 10 months ago
varairwist · 10 months ago
combi manyama nhai yaiyeverwa nemuchari aive s****
varairwist · 10 months ago
combi manyama nhai yaiyeverwa nemuchari aive s****
* · 10 months ago
Go back to school Mr/Mrs Journalist, can't make sense of your story!!!!
laugh emoji1
xyz · 10 months ago
ini ndirikuona sekuti mutyairi weCaravan yaive kumas**** akavarairwa achieyeverwa neCaravan yaive pamberi peyake iyo yakanaka uye kupimbwer kudarika yake kusvikirq apfekera kubhekina kweumwe murume akafannan nayewo
Resident · 10 months ago
To commissioner commanding Harare Traffic.... mapurisa vanenge vari pama robots epamupedza nhamo basa ravo nderei are their to control traffic or Manning road block if it is road block they must put drums so that we know that there's a block .,,..... they are causing unnecessary traffic jam ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,
Black Mambazo · 10 months ago
all drivers respect all road rules respect other drivers
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 10 months ago
Useless ZRP. There is no need to chase these kombis. Just take the reg number and catch them when they least expect it especially at the ranks, impound the vehicle and impose very heavy fines such that they won't do it again.
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Good idea but it's prone to abuse by the officers

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