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Why Neville Mutsvangwa Could Be In Trouble - Mutebuka

10 months agoSat, 11 May 2024 07:54:02 GMT
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Why Neville Mutsvangwa Could Be In Trouble - Mutebuka

UK-based Zimbabwean lawyer and academic Brighton Mutebuka says Neville Sunungurai Mutsvangwa, the son of ZANU PF power couple Christopher and Monica Mutsvangwa, could be in trouble following his arrest on Wednesday.

Neville’s mother, Monica is the Minister of Women’s Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development and his father, Chris, is the ZANU PF spokesperson and chairman of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association.

He appeared in court on Friday, 10 May, facing one count of contravening section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the Exchange Control Act [Chapter 22:05] as read with section 4(1)(a)(1) of the Exchange Control Regulations SI 109 of 1996 “Dealing in foreign currency”, one count of contravening the Bank Use Promotion and Suppression of Money Laundering Act and another count of contravening the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act, and contravening the Postal and Telecommunication Act.

Posting on X (formerly Twitter), Mutebuka said the timing of Mutsvangwa’s arrest could be linked to his father’s alleged fallout with President Emmerson Mnangagwa and ZANU PF’s succession politics. Wrote Mutebuka:

1. ZANU PF isinjonjo or tamba waka chenjera, they have always said. It’s prone to eating it’s own children from time to time.

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2. We know that Chris Mutsvangwa fairly recently fell out with ED, leading to his unceremonious exit from Cabinet, while his wife Monica now has a pedestrian and less prominent Cabinet role.

3. While Chris retained his portfolio in ZANU PF, he strategically went into hibernation following his fallout with ED, perhaps rightly choosing to lie low until the worst of the storm had passed.

4. In his absence, we have seen a series of damning letters bearing his signature with sensational content. ZANU PF and the regime have both labelled them fake.

5. Yet the problem is that, sometimes ZANU PF can be engulfed in hysteria and paranoia, particularly in situations mired with succession politics.

6. You really do not know whether some in the party or regime can start to be doubtful or suspicious. To make matters worse, it’s not yet clear whether or not Chris has patched things up with ED, although he appeared to be on the way to doing so.

7. Enter this Neville arrest incident & Monica Mutsvangwa’s leaked audio, which would appear to suggest that she was rattled by this development.

8. Perhaps Neville picked the worst possible moment for his moment of sheer folly – recklessly displaying a WhatsApp status capable of being construed as showing defiance & contempt via showing his current $ZiG v US$ rate at a time the regime is nervously & desperately trying everything to shore up the beleaguered currency’s value.

9. That clumsiness/immaturity/recklessness probably converged with an uncompleted patching-up process between Chris & ED and elements in the regime who still had unfinished business with Chris went Voila! takubatira pano!

10. It is a combination of unfinished business & conspiracies surrounding succession politics which potentially spells doom for Neville.

11. By the looks of things, the regime has been aware of Neville’s shenanigans for some time. Typical of the regime, it lets you relax …. appearing not to take notice of this until such a time you cross its path like he has now done, before proceeding to throw the book at the presumed villain mercilessly!

12. And so it seems that via that lengthy charge sheet and the customary denial of bail before the weekend usually reserved for the regime’s worst critics, we can fathom that Neville could be in for a chastening experience pursuant to sending a chilling message to his garrulous & indiscrete father.

13. Monica would not get rattled unless she felt she had cause to via intuition, premonition or a sense of foreboding from either the rumour mill, recent events or muscle memory over how ZANU PF politics has been conducted over the years.

14. Then there is the question of who recorded & leaked that audio and for what purpose. This has to have been someone who had access to her, an insider who was trusted, or the regime simply calculated that once told of the arrest, she would be unable to resist the “nibble” and download to a “trusted ally” and then proceeded to intercept the call.

15. Leaking the call would serve the purpose of broadcasting her palpable fear and insecurities while also exposing her distrust of the regime – and casting her and Chris as outsiders, and not the courtiers/insiders they had been perceived as since the rise of the Vene Kingdom.


Early days but the omens do not look good for Chris and his family in the Vene Kingdom. Clouds appear to be darkening and vultures appear to be settling, but we are not quite there yet.

You see, strange things always tend to happen in politics. Sometimes you smell these things. You can sense a relationship that is rupturing or falling apart at the seams.

You see, some relationships are so profound in nature and character that, even a minor dislocation to the established equilibrium is not capable of being reconstituted – at least not easily or quickly.

Dislocation can cause annoyance – which is reparable, or it can result in a catastrophic loss of trust or connection, or safe space/bubble or treasured ‘dynamic’ and suddenly everything feels off!

That could be where Chris & his family are at a most delicate moment in the succession battle, casting them as outsiders and deserving of the treatment which should be meted out to “enemies”!

All should be revealed in the next few weeks. We should mark out whether there is escalation or de-escalation.

Make no mistake, the longer Neville languishes in “Reeds”, the more likely it will be that it will seem like curtains for Chris, that man, whose footage merrily dancing to and singing “Kutonga Kwaro” at the HCC celebrating ED’s dramatic rise in November 2017 is indelibly etched on the nation’s psyche.

If that were to happen, such a development would be so surreal as to be violently jarring to many Zimbabweans watching the drama from the terraces.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 10 months ago
Iwe “anonymous”, stop spreading heresy about ana wasu/damanyika and this petty tribalism, as Chris Mutsvangwa is not from manyika-land, but a t****ughbred zezuru from Mhondoro (and Mugabe’s mash west homeboy), who is just a power-hungry fellow and desperate to outdo his ‘erstwhile cousin’ Constantino Chiwenga!
Dzikolati · 10 months ago
Zanu yakaita senhopi. Inotonhora pamsoro pasi ichipisa.
vene · 10 months ago
Vene Kingdom kkkk
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Vana wasu too much chikamarism , they won't see their incompetence too we Kanye. Now they are greedy for power. That will be the end of Zim. They are so biased and unprofessional. Please ED never give them a room to do what they want.
. · 10 months ago
fat bastard
Anonymous · 10 months ago
He has connections so will be released
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 10 months ago
Ngawabate Colin's mnangagwa aparadza nyika ku midlands nakarimanzira apinde pa19year jail term. Sei kutya kuita basa pachena? **** huori hwega hapana kwatiri kuenda mu zim
hhb · 10 months ago
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Don't be too excited we have had mupfumira chombo wadyajeda chihuri they are all out. Remember when Mutsvanga was 'fired' he addressed funeral in Namibia while the wife welcomed mnangagwa in Vic falls. Don't trust these comrades
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Isn't this guy a serial thug, accused of rape twice, now this.. Something has to give
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Chikukwa · 10 months ago
Pakaipa apo. Mumwe anonyura chete
dingdong · 10 months ago
it doesn't change any thing . either they sue him or not .coz this is not the root of corruption
gg · 10 months ago
mutsvangwa and family if they are on wrong side of the law must suffer for their actions. otherwise its not news for us
gg · 10 months ago
we are fed up with this kind of news. this business community I think if they want to close their businesses must do so. we cannot continue using forex which is failing to grow our economy. its very expensive to run an economy using US$. why other countries like SA 's economy remains sound while using their currency? They differ politically but their economy remains sound. whats different with Zim?I think the best way forward is to stop using US$ in everyday transactions. Lets solely use our ZiG whether people like it or not. Some people think if the economy collapses they will get political advantage, thats demonic thinking. The ordinary people will always suffer not politicians
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Ko the true true original Z$ rakabvisirwei in the first place?
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Chombo wadyajeda mupfumira before you even think of sunungurai. That Harare youth who beat the table denouncing Chiwenga. After one week it will be a weak story don't be too excited. It works only on opposition
· 10 months ago
ED Hondo yatanga hahwinhi vana Samanyika vane mitombo
Matebuka · 10 months ago
Neville nhamo yake ndeye uswa kutsokodzerwa panorwa nzombe Chris, Moni vs the Vene Dynasty
#Free Neville Mutsvangwa · 10 months ago
Neville is innocent.
aaaa · 10 months ago
munhu mukati zvimwe tozotaura
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 10 months ago
Ndezvavo pachawo wanozivana ndowakuru we danga rimwe. Ngawasuingane watongane wawirirane wanoda from the same pot. Hadzisi news idzi ndezvemumba izvi. **** jail your selves
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 10 months ago
Ndezvavo pachawo wanozivana ndowakuru we danga rimwe. Ngawasuingane watongane wawirirane wanoda from the same pot. Hadzisi news idzi ndezvemumba izvi. **** jail your selves
a · 10 months ago
haiwawo hapana nyaya apa..
hoo · 10 months ago
wangawati chii mfabame
h · 10 months ago
hello. l am new to this app
Anonymous · 10 months ago
and .....?
PVC · 10 months ago
so what
masigede · 10 months ago
padzinotungana dzemudanga ma1 anenge atanga
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 10 months ago
sacrificial lamb, what I don't understand is which forex he was dealing with in a multi currency regime 🤷🤷
chizman · 10 months ago
sacrificial lamb*l think to send a strong warning that zig is there to stay and room to sabotage it
pee · 10 months ago
Neville mwana waEd here
Pfee · 10 months ago
Ndewa Chris na ED
laugh emoji1
tomaldo · 10 months ago
batai munhu
. · 10 months ago
I persive akatengeswa nevamwe vake 65 ma money changers vakasungwa ZiG richangobuda
MUKANYAPAZVESE · 10 months ago
The long and short of it is simply you have to be somebody to matter! Jails were not built for the four legs good
. · 10 months ago
jail him for life
Ndini · 10 months ago
The nicest recipe for Zanupf is eating it's own
Ndini · 10 months ago
when a hyena wants to eats it's cubs it accuses them of smelling like sheep
Sweet Teddy 🧸 · 10 months ago
where is he remanded 😊 l only want 30 mins of his time with that fat smelly ass of his
Anonymous · 10 months ago
You are an embarrassment to your family
Sweet Teddy 🧸 · 10 months ago
when l was in jail for rape, I used to date big fat niggas like him
👁👁 · 10 months ago
let the drama unfold before our eyes. let the giants fight and we will be left to pick up the pieces.
Anonymous · 10 months ago
A distraction. All drama with no outcome. He may just be the sacrificial lamb, to show they "serious". No value in this episode. All smoke and mirrors.
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Very true , it's the usual theatrics , much like the "bomb threat". Unfortunate, for the Mustvangas, though it's likely in the end the case will suddenly get dropped, and the Ministers will be back to their bootlicking ways.
44yrs · 10 months ago
Iii apeno life yawo vambomira kutinyaudza tine dzeduwo dzatinadzo dzenzara kkkk
Neville Sunungurai Mutsvangwa · 10 months ago
Saka ini ndoroverwa mhosva dzanababa here
Lodza · 10 months ago
ehe mama shamwari next mudhara namomz hanty kkkk

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