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ZANU PF’s Election Observers Will Undermine Credibility Of South Africa's Elections, Says ATM Leader

10 months agoSat, 11 May 2024 09:12:44 GMT
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ZANU PF’s Election Observers Will Undermine Credibility Of South Africa's Elections, Says ATM Leader

Vuyo Zungula, the leader of the African Transformation Movement (ATM), a South African opposition political party, has written to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), over ZANU PF’s alleged involvement in observing South African elections.

South Africa is set to hold national and provincial elections on 29 May 2024 amid indications that South Africa’s ruling ANC has invited its Zimbabwean counterpart, ZANU PF, to campaign on its behalf, and participate as an observer mission during the elections.

In a letter dated 10 May 2024, addressed to IEC’s Mosotho Moepya, Zungula said allowing ZANU PF to observe South Africa’s elections risks tarnishing the legitimacy and credibility of the country’s electoral processes. Reads the letter:

I write to you as the President of the African Transformation Movement (ATM) to express our grave concerns regarding recent reports indicating that ZANU PF, the ruling party of Zimbabwe, intends to participate as part of an observer mission for the upcoming elections in South Africa.

We strongly condemn the notion of ZANU PF being allowed to observe our elections for several significant reasons.

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Firstly, Zimbabwe has a well-documented history of electoral malpractice and voter fraud in recent years, which seriously undermines the credibility of any electoral process they are involved in.

Allowing ZANU PF to observe our elections risks tarnishing the legitimacy and credibility of our own electoral process.

Zimbabwe has faced serious challenges in conducting free and fair elections, as evidenced by reports from various international organisations over the years.

Furthermore, permitting ZANU PF to observe our elections is not only concerning due to their track record but also because of their close association with the ruling party in South Africa, the African National Congress (ANC).

Recent reports have suggested that the ANC has sought assistance from ZANU PF in their election campaign.

This raises serious questions about the impartiality and independence of any observation mission involving ZANU PF in South Africa.

Therefore, we urge the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa to reject any participation of ZANU PF in the observation of our elections.
Instead, we recommend engaging countries and organisations with established track records of upholding democratic principles and conducting free and fair elections.

It is imperative that we safeguard the integrity of our electoral process and uphold the trust of the South African people in our democratic institutions.

Allowing ZANU PF to participate in any capacity would undermine these fundamental principles.

We trust that the IEC will give due consideration to our concerns and take appropriate action to ensure that the upcoming elections in South Africa are conducted in a transparent, credible, and impartial manner.

More: Pindula News



Joza · 10 months ago
Ko what's happening to Juju Malema? The guy is unusually quiet. I hope that Zanu Pf has not bought him out of this election on behalf of the ANC.
KG · 10 months ago
Hitler · 10 months ago
South Africa is with Santa 🙏🙏
Mkomana · 10 months ago
zvozvoita sokuti ,ukati Zanu pf💪 !unee wati Satan! kkk AAA ma1
Account Holder · 10 months ago
Ma Warriors arikuenda ku Joza muna June,Mira uona zvavachaitwa vachatadza kuritamba ende vachamhanyiswa...vanhu vemu Joza ndovaziva havadi zvisina basa
masigede · 10 months ago
P Chigumba enda kuSA unoita zvaunoita muno nezvawakanoita kuRussia ,l trust u on tha one
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Ngavape ZEC basa vaone mashura gore rino tichaonerera kkkk
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Cyril Pfee,
stylez · 10 months ago
south africa yagara yakapfuma ko yenyu zim iripapi urombo wega wega zanu ichitadza kugadzira nyika kkkkk ndaseka zvangu
coni · 10 months ago
zanu payangopindira pane utsotsi wakanyanyisa
🧐 🤔 · 10 months ago
Apa ka apa, tuma parties twese tweku SA tunofunga kuti ku campaigner ma elections ku tsoropodza Zanu Pf, Havana zvino batika but kungoti Zanu this that chete they gain mileage, twese tuma opposition they bring Zanu issues in their compaigns, SA has more issues to look at other than preaching doom on Zanu which is not even in SA, they have water issues, energy and illiterate people, so the Zanu pf I eyi ne zvese izvo, they have stalled developments programs of aging ing water reticulation plants, energy, Limpopo is drawing our clean water as we speak, So these opposition parties seek fame by talking anything Zimbabwean ndo zvchavarakashisa ne ANC. Just Wish Zanu to disengage, and leave ANC to squash them resounding ly, These opposition parties are nonsense and harbour terrorists at most that can cause zvese Ana Xenophobia mayhem mu region, so Zanu pf should just do little involvement in these compaign trailer
* · 10 months ago
Tibvirepo imbwasungata! 🐶
baba jukwa · 10 months ago
kkkkkkkk zanu icharovesa vanhu zvisingaiti pa SA apo kana ikangoen**** chete ndoto kuudzai se KwaZulu Natal ne Gauteng uko mbiti. ichamhanya ikati yes, regai kungoita nharo kana manzi hamudiwe hamudiwe and ivo vachabvuma kutumwa ikoko ndivo vachaudza vamwe
Zimbabwe · 10 months ago
Zanupf is now the only true, credible revolutionary party in the region and is there to make sure that the spirit and soul of other revolutionary parties in the region are kept .Muchawukura mukazvirega ma revolutionary parties achingotonga ogotonga kusvika mati ziiiii.
· 10 months ago
Ku SA hakuitwe zvisina basa vanodashurwa mwana wese ane pfuti hakuna rekeni kwasyana nekuno
* · 10 months ago
Wakaroyiwa iwe enda worutsisva
Zimbabwe · 10 months ago
Zanupf is now the only true, credible revolutionary party in the region and is there to make sure that the spirit and soul of other revolutionary parties in the region are kept .Muchawukura mukazvirega ma revolutionary parties achingotonga ogotonga kusvika mati ziiiii
· 10 months ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Pwapwapwapwapwapwapwa... Gegegegegegegegegeee... Ini pidigu dhii nekuseka nhasi...
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 10 months ago
Shuwa shuwa ungaita party inonzi ATM?
* · 10 months ago
I party yemari kuvanhu, that's what it stands for.
Wuto · 10 months ago
ndoda kukutasva
Tina · 10 months ago
Even without zanu pf ATM will not win, They shouldn't put their focus and energy on zanu pf. They shall regret the time they are wasting. It is time to hit the ground and mobilize their supporters. That is the only recipe to win the elections. ATM leave Zanu pf alone
... · 10 months ago
Asi zvarwadza❓All they want is a clean election not tainted by the cursed Zanu Pf party. Wapabatisisa ka!
Zuli · 10 months ago
avo vanongovukura regai vavukure ....kutaura kwake is it going to change anything
44yrs · 10 months ago
Zanu Zanu Zanu haaa kkkkkk
Doc · 10 months ago
Zanu musasvibise zvinhu zvangu muri ma. to. to
Sorojena · 10 months ago
How can Zanu pf assist ANC in her campaigns and then allowed to observe the elections ❓South Africa will never accept such Zim mediocrity.
me · 10 months ago
hamuende uko siyai South Africa 🇿🇦 iite zvayo kwete zvenyu vana chigumba ku anouncer maresults midnight, **** dzavo
John White · 10 months ago
zanu chikwambo not wanted home and away infact not wanted everywhere even at its head quarters

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