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Walter Magaya Opts For Out Of Court Settlement In Botched Stands Deal

10 months agoWed, 15 May 2024 08:16:06 GMT
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Walter Magaya Opts For Out Of Court Settlement In Botched Stands Deal

Controversial Harare-based preacher, Walter Magaya, has opted for an out-of-court settlement with a family which had sued him for failing to fulfil a promise to build a house for them under a botched housing project in Douglasdale, Bulawayo.

As reported by the Chronicle, the lawsuit was filed by Charles Chapindura and his wife under case number WCSCC 324/24.

They were demanding US$4 100 from Magaya, who is the founder and leader of Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries (PHD).

The family accused Magaya of failing to provide the promised residential stand. Magaya had been scheduled to appear at Western Commonage Court on Tuesday, 14 May but he convinced the Chapindura family for an out-of-court settlement. Reads the settlement deed:

The first party (Magaya) shall settle the above amount by paying an initial deposit of US$500-00 on or before the 31st of May 2024 and subsequent instalments of US$200-00 starting on or before the 30th of June 2024, up until the full amount is extinguished.

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In turn, the Chapindura family agreed to withdraw the summons filed at Western Commonage Small Claims Court.

According to the out-of-court deed of the settlement, Chapindura was among a group of congregants that had entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Magaya for the Douglasdale housing project in 2016.

Magaya acknowledged that the Chapindura family had contributed an amount of US$ 4,100 and that they were withdrawing from the housing project.

The two parties agreed that the MoU be cancelled and that the money be returned.

More: Pindula News



mujolo · 10 months ago
izvezvi ndopamazomukawo pakuonera zvishoma pakaitwa night of wonders najava.dai makarohwa mari futi kkkk dzidzayi vakomana vanenge vachitsvaga mari.pindayi ma church enyu ekare ana hwisiri nana catholic munorohwa mari shoma.avo ana magaya unofa uri rombe
Bible Student · 10 months ago
Matthew 7 (KJV) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¹⁷ Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. … ²⁰ Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
mujolo · 10 months ago
hanty vakabira vanhu vanobva vanopa zvipo kumusangano kkkk havana kupusa vakomana avo.vanoenda kuma church avo ndovakapusa.vaita mari nokubira vanhu
zimbo · 10 months ago
wake up from slumber fools make money snx give it to wise so they spend it wis
· 10 months ago
l surrender chokwad l thought kuti when people agree for an out of court settlement the accused goes all out to compensate for the money lost by the complainant. magaya inzwa kurwadziwa nevanhu vaurikubira. chegumi unotora, offering, yema wrist bands, usadaro iwewe
Dzikolati · 10 months ago
False prophets. 1John 4v1-4
June · 10 months ago
Anonymous · 9 months ago
I also fowl on this trap but God is watching
@patz · 10 months ago
mukadzi wacho"akaipiwa yose ka one"
patz · 10 months ago
I yr 6mths Magaya achibahadhara zvake 200 pamwedzi. Its means paanopedza kubhadhara muridzi wemari anenge asina kana cent coz mari haichengeteki. Yaitoshanda zvinemusoro dai akaipuhwa yese ka one
Tkt · 10 months ago
The Chapindura family failed to put their case. They shoul have demanded the money with interests at ONCE, or add interest on the interested amount if the money was to be paid in installments. Their money made money while in his possession
patz · 10 months ago
Ndokunonzi kuvhara and above.Akazvivanirwa ma cash cow ake Magaya.
Chawabvunza · 10 months ago
ini ndakakwirigwa mukadzi mababa ivava tikaita out of court settlement. ndakapiwa $8 000us muna 2020. zvino chimari chiya chakapera apa mamfana ndava kuvati endai munokwigwa futi tiite imwe mari, varikuramba. hanzi ikozvino ngakumboinda sisi vako mbvana. ndodii pinduleans
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Aguma medicine yakazoendepi kkkkkk. Ko ma prayers akaendwa nawo ku Israel ari mu satchel aye akazodii?
Pfugu pfee · 10 months ago
asiwozve dai paisiwa interest, 8yrs is not a joke. well, semukwiri wemamai muChurch, muregererei.
Miya · 10 months ago
Magaya ane utsinye nekuzvida. Surely he should have paid this family in full. Kukaurisa munhu ka uku. 200 pamwedzi achavakei nayo. Satan.
patz · 10 months ago
Vano vanoshandiswa nanaMagaya awa. VanaMagaya and team vakatoonera kuti team rechurch church rine kakupusa so. Ikozvino uyo akudzorerwa USD 4000 yange ina magaya for 8yrs pasina kana interest apa irikudzorwa nema instalments. Imagine kuti Magaya akaita marii by investing that 4000 for 8 yrs. Out of Court settlement ndeyekuti vavhare interest coz the court would have taken that into account. Vanhu endai kuchurch kunonamata zvimwe zvemastand izvi modyirwa mari. Dai vakaunganidza 4000 wega dai vakatotenga stand kare kare pasina magaya. Magaya akatoita mari nemari yawo over 8 yrs apa akuvadzorera sezvairi. Vana Magaya varikuto enjoyer life pano pasi vachiudza vamwe kuti mufaro wachauwana kudenga. Vamwe vakatovaka ma mansion mugomo nemari dzevanhu
MOSSAD · 10 months ago
Yeah I'd love to hear from that Leonard Sengere guy again
· 10 months ago
Leonard Sengere left Techzim
. · 10 months ago
he's back
theLastAntKing · 10 months ago
Matsotsi evanhu from 2016 to today with all his fortunes then wotadza kubhadhara $4100 mari yava ne 8yrs woti woita zvema instalments mmm ityai Musiki. Kune varidzi vemari: mungagodii ½ a loaf is better than non, next time zivai kuti kjnyange Ana papa vari pakutsvaga mari. vimbai na Mwari kwete vanakomana vevanhu
User · 10 months ago those who were denied access to techzim due to the latest Pindula upgrade, I have a solution to your miseries... I have the older apk which still supports techzim. If you need it feel free to ask. I'll send through whatsapp
man · 10 months ago
inoba nemweya uyu hamumugoni
Thief · 10 months ago
imwe mbavha iyo

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