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ZiG Cash Shortage: Treasury, RBZ Bosses Are Clueless And Have Zero Empathy For Zimbabweans, Says Mmatigari

10 months agoWed, 15 May 2024 10:53:29 GMT
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ZiG Cash Shortage: Treasury, RBZ Bosses Are Clueless And Have Zero Empathy For Zimbabweans, Says Mmatigari

Mmatigari, a social media personality active on X (formerly Twitter), has accused the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) of lacking empathy for the majority of citizens who are inconvenienced by the critical shortage of ZiG notes and coins.

Authorities introduced the ZiG on April 5, 2024, to replace the Zimbabwe dollar. However, there continues to be a serious shortage of ZiG notes and coins, significantly impacting the day-to-day lives of most Zimbabweans.

While supporting the introduction of the new currency as a noble idea, Mmatigari contends that the Treasury and RBZ bosses have become divorced from the daily struggles of the people, displaying a “lack of empathy” and disquieting indifference to the citizens’ plight. Below is Mmatigari’s post on X:

1/ ZIG’s a brilliant idea. In fact, we must work towards dedollarising fast.

However, the intro & execution of ZIG by [the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion] & [the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe] shows disquieting indifference & absolute LACK OF EMPATHY for people by policymakers. Here is why:

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2/ Millions of Zimbabweans run small businesses and earn below $300/month income. Here is the problem: In Harare, before the ZIG intro, an average kombi trip was 50c. There was change in bond notes before ZIG. This means getting into and out of town costs $1 using public transport

3/ In the first week of April, @ReserveBankZIM introduced ZIG. Suddenly, there is no way to change a dollar.

What do kombi drivers say to the commuting public? Find a partner to pair with and reconcile on your own because we don’t have change. Otherwise, the fare is $1.

4/ This sounds innocuous if you think of it as a $1. But what does that actually mean?

The ramifications are huge. The effect of this is that a trip for any commuter is at least $1.

5/ Why is this change significant? It’s huge because it’s a 100% increase in commuting costs.

Take commuters who work 6 days a week doing a round trip into town. That’s 24 days. Before April, they needed $24 a month. Now they need $48, a 100% jump.

6/What’s the meaning of that? Assume a worker at Pick n Pay earns $250 net of tax. In March, their income after commuting was $226. Suddenly because of the bumbling execution of ZIG, that employee is left with $200. If that employee has a child commuting to school, do the math.

7/ What does this mean for small businesses? An SME needs all hands on deck. Assume you have 10 employees, and before ZIG in March, you paid them a $25 transport allowance, that’s $250. In April, the allowance goes up 100% to $500 per month, wiping off your profits.

8/ I am only factoring in a round trip. Think of an employee at Pick n Pay Highland Park in Highlands who lives in Kuwadzana. The transport cost shoots up from $2 to $4, daily. That balloons the commuting costs to $96 a month.

9/ Commuting costs have doubled in a month, and we know that salaries have not doubled. What is this doing to our people? Just because the RBZ is not availing bank notes and solutions to make life convenient for our people.

People are not asking for much, just basic issues.

10/ And what’s worse? Kombis are very unlikely to bring back the commuting cost per trip to 50c even if change is made available in ZIG tomorrow.

11/ So what is this doing to inflation stats? What is this doing to small businesses and self-employed people?
What is this doing to school kids commuting to & from school from low-income households? What is this doing to civil servants? What is this doing to society in general?

12/ I have seen videos of women wrestling kombi staff to get their change back, and we know it’s a structural problem.

Why did we not think about these basic questions that affect the majority of our people DAILY. It’s now over a month plus since ZIG was introduced.

13/ Officials at the ministry of finance & [Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe] drive cars, probably get fuel coupons, don’t know what a kombi looks like and probably don’t know who picks and drops their kids to & from school.

They are VERY divorced from the daily struggles of the people. Clueless.

14/ How else can u explain such basic issues affecting millions not getting addressed over a month after ZIG’s introduction?

The only sensible explanation is an absolute lack of empathy and disquieting indifference to the people’s plight by @ZimTreasury & @ReserveBankZIM officials.

More: Pindula News



CID Admire kuyeri · 8 months ago
Ziggy True money.
ddd · 9 months ago
bolatoo · 9 months ago
wenje musango
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Zig is Mambara
Hitler · 10 months ago
What does Ziggy means
2030 ndenge ndichipo · 10 months ago
ZiG made things worse.
Zvanaka manje · 10 months ago
Zig reiko nemiwo rand razara mustreet change yavepo zig iro hameno vanorida
me · 10 months ago
empathy is a weakness
Roswell · 10 months ago
Ko zvamunoti zig harishande wani ko munorichemera kuridii , 2 Remember zig rowanikwa nemunhu ane account ku bank haungangomuki uchiti wava nezig mupocket iwe usina kana chitupa zvacho , so I do what i want with my zig either to withdraw it or to use my bank card , so pliz don't force people to withdraw their money.
⛹️🕺🏋️ · 10 months ago
people earning zig don't use public transport?, they don't want their change back?, truth of the issue is they spend their zig on groceries @n. Richards or ok coz that's all their worth
Skimbo · 10 months ago
Varikutywa kuriburitsa vanoziva kuti vanoita loss vaka printer rakawanda
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 10 months ago
Ndezvawo sunganai pedzeranai ikoko ndokuti zig zag muchiita mari yenyu mega garamo zvako mune vamwe wani tambisai ma us zvinoita🌖gold iyo tambisai futi
Khan · 10 months ago
@ rx the USD has small denominations too why don't you use them instead of waiting on a currency you hate and want to sabotage...this time saboteurs have met their match in John F'n Mushayavanhu
rx · 10 months ago
Nhai Khan inogara MuZimbabwe here? Ndiri kutaura matambudziko atiri kusangana nawo iwe uri kuratidza kuti hauna ruzivo nezviri kuitika muno
aluta · 10 months ago
Kuruzevha hakutorina zig or zag racho, urikutenga nezvausingadi kuitira change.
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Ndokuti vachangamuke
44yrs · 10 months ago
Tichadzidza zvakawanda 2024
𓅓︎ᵖᵃʳⁱᵐᵃ ⁿᵈᵒ ᵖᵃᵗⁱⁿᵒʷᵒⁿᵉˢᵃ · 10 months ago
𝗣𝗜𝗡𝗗𝗨𝗟𝗔 , 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗯𝘂𝗴 𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺. 🔬
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 10 months ago
Very true, they should explain the source of this bug
Anonymous · 10 months ago
Inonzi Khan ,big yacho
Tovaziva · 10 months ago
havatodi kuti mumabate nekuti imari chaiyo chaiyo
Khan · 10 months ago
I thought the public did not want the ZiG and would have rather continued using the currency of heathens....While I do concur with some of the points raised by the esteemed author who seems to be holder of a non existent economics degree I am of the view that let the good governor stew he seems to know what he is doing...Only saboteurs are decrying the shortage of ZiG as they would have rather been the ones controlling the narrative driving inflation into the uncharted stratosphere.... Bulwark of People United and Free
rx · 10 months ago
Khan hauna kukwana sorry hako nekukuudza chokwadi . zig torida for change only zvimwe hatinei naro nekuti haisi Mari, kuBulawayo zvakavanakira nekuti they use rands pa change muno muHarare atori ma 1 , zig racho Tiri kungoona kaTen zig chete
That Oh My Guy · 10 months ago
Khan **** yemunhu mwana we****
laugh emoji1
Wuto · 10 months ago
Nyoka huru haizvirumi but apa paremera vakuru hapana rigging
Khan · 10 months ago
Problem yekuda kutestira bomber muvanhu manje mashayavanhu vacho chero rikarega change kwayo yavepo
🤣🤣🤣🤣 · 10 months ago
kumwe kukundukana kunobatika uku
Zim-sketch · 10 months ago
@sandy🦄aa hapana huchapa apa...muto wemheeecheee hauna kuhwa here masigede achiti panzara ya2006 vaitokanyigwa sadza nemvura dzekuzasi
Jah Zignal · 10 months ago
they are afraid of flooding the market with zig hanzi inoshaya value so in short Betta imi mumame to protect the zig
.... · 10 months ago
21 comments but I am seeing 5 kkk
🦁🦁🦁 · 10 months ago
MaZig ese akatorwa nana Neville nevana vemashef
Sandy 🦄 · 10 months ago
Kuyamwiwa 🖱 🍑 mungati huchapa here? Ini ndinoda murume anosveta
cde · 10 months ago
ehezve huya
patz · 10 months ago
They dont mind coz its affecting town fellows. Those in Uzumba Maranga Pfungwe are sitting pretty idle waiting for drought relief whilst their very sons and daughters in towns, who usually upkeep them are facing the music- but because of who ?????
masigede real · 10 months ago
but inini paTuckshop pangu handitori rese dollar pachinhu che.50c. i offer short time for the change. Women customers are only welcome kana vachitenga nemari isina change.
masculino · 10 months ago
handiyo discrimination yacho here. we demand equal rights

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