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Minister Accuses Media Of Peddling Falsehoods Over Appointment Of ZANU PF Activist As ZBC CEO

10 months agoSat, 18 May 2024 06:31:28 GMT
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Minister Accuses Media Of Peddling Falsehoods Over Appointment Of ZANU PF Activist As ZBC CEO

The Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Jenfan Muswere, has accused some online publications of peddling falsehoods on strategic and operational matters at the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) saying they are bent on tarnishing the image of the Government.

In a statement issued on Friday, 17 May, Muswere said the deployment of staff at ZBC is the responsibility of the organisation’s Board and Chief Executive Officer. He said:

The ministry wants to make it clear that the Board and the Chief Executive Officer are responsible for the management of the ZBC in accordance with the Public Entities and Corporate Governance Act. The deployment of staff at ZBC is therefore the responsibility of the Board and CEO.

I call upon all media practitioners to exercise their duties within the confines of Section 61 of the Constitution and the Cyber and Data Protection Act.

I also encourage the media to adhere to the ethics of journalism which include truthfulness, accuracy, authenticity and objectivity.

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This statement comes after the ZBC Board on Tuesday, 07 May, announced the appointment of Charles Munganasa, a ZBC board member, as acting CEO.

Munganasa is the secretary for administration in the Masvingo ZANU PF Youth League.

He replaced Assael Machakata, the ZBC finance director who had been acting CEO since February following the suspension of Adelaide Chikunguru, who later resigned.

ZBC also announced the appointment of Merit Munzwembiri as the acting head of news and current affairs.

Munzwembiri takes over from Jackie Gwemende who replaced Robson Mhandu whose contract was not renewed when it expired earlier this year.

According to ZimLive, the latest changes at ZBC were ordered by the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, which maintains a tight grip on the state broadcaster.

More: Pindula News



Chief Bonolo · 10 months ago
Takanga takateerera bhora paradio haa zbc station radio Zim hayaisobata padomboshava apa,plus vaidaidzira bhora vacho havasikugona vanobvavaita dzungukunge ndivomasaporter,Tainzwa bhora zvakanaka richidaidzirwa nanaEvance Mambara kwete mhepo dzamakatiisira idzo, Kupolitics VaMunangagwa nyaraiwo zvamakiita tirikuzviona zvkututira zvigaro zvese zvinorema pamasvingo chete,hakusiiko kutonga nyika ikoko,kkkkkkkkkk Manje ndinokudzai kuti mucharangwa namwari dunhu remasvingo,Mvura yokunaya mumwaka unouya uyu hamufi makaiona,hanzi namwari muchadya.zvamurikupamba munyika yose,ndatenda
Crocodile · 10 months ago
Madzimai Emily mukawana mukana websa muine hama yenyu rovha , munotora mutorwa or hama yenyu?
cde Ernesto Che Guevara · 10 months ago
kuti kunyepa ere kuti munangagwa wacho aaa munangaza ndewe zanu
Madzimai Emily · 10 months ago
The state shld employ civil servants on merit not on partisan basis or political affiliation zvemapato ko ndikafunga kusupporter CCC mangwana ini mandipinza ndiri weZanu zvoreva here munodzidzinga basa?
Cde · 10 months ago
@patriot ibva pachemba pawakagara usada kushatisa chimiro chemusangano
baba jukwa · 10 months ago it that you are happy for being a one party state of you are de campaigning the so called varakashi, and thanks to you for agreeing with me that zanu pf is looting in mines and offering land to themselves. That is the kind of politics that we are saying is bad for the future, we want a level playing field where everyone has equal chances of living a good life
bounty hunter · 10 months ago
nhy che zanu ko anonzi pasi pamire chii cha Grace Mugabe????? ndodawo kuziva
BigDawg · 10 months ago
Zanu monyatsoiziva hre imi kkkkk
bounty hunter · 10 months ago
l do like wat politicians do for each other.. fighting each other showing muscles eg mutsvagwas.. yu make mie laugh but please don't kill each other
Patriot · 10 months ago
One party state, Zanu pf only farms and mines ✊🏾🇿🇼
Patriot · 10 months ago
no member of opposition should be in any position of power
# · 10 months ago
Unfortunately, opposition also exists in Zanu pf.
Legend · 10 months ago
Dai maisada kuti zvitaurwe maingorega kumuisa media iri kureporter as it is mazuvano thanxs to media
WiFi · 10 months ago
True chibaba, whatever explanation it does not change the truth
coni · 10 months ago
atinei nazvo izvozvo chatongoziva kana usiri wezanu haupihwe chigaro chihombe so media yadiiko...ko haasi zanupf activist here tiudzeiwo

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