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War Veterans Pledge Loyalty To ZANU PF

9 months agoThu, 23 May 2024 09:47:43 GMT
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War Veterans Pledge Loyalty To ZANU PF

The War Veterans League has pledged loyalty to ZANU PF and expressed commitment to ensuring the ruling party’s sustainable growth.

Speaking at the inaugural two-day War Veterans League National Assembly meeting in Harare on Wednesday, the Secretary for the League, Douglas Mahiya, said:

The league commits itself to ensuring the sustainable growth of our Party ZANU PF. Since the formation of the League in 2022, our department has been seized with the mammoth task of operationalising our structures by educating members on their constitutional mandate as well as on how they should work with other wings of the party…

The league will ensure that ZANU PF builds visible and vibrant structures. In that pursuit, we continue to conscientise the masses on the agenda of the West to undermine ZANU PF and subvert our Government.

The ZANU PF constitution provides that war veterans, ex-political prisoners, detainees and restrictees, protect the party and its leadership.

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We also observe with concern, similar efforts by former colonisers to subvert governments that are led by former liberation movements in Southern Africa.

We will remain vigilant to counter such machinations by the West and their surrogates.

The meeting was attended by more than 600 war veterans and ex-political prisoners, detainees and restrictees, reported The Herald.

Mahiya also said the War Veterans League supports the ongoing process of enacting the Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment Bill saying the law will deal with rogue Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

More: Pindula News



Khan · 9 months ago
@ Anonymous I have no master and the only reason I refer to yours as Western masters is because of the inferiority complex I sense every time I have to read one your long winded essays full of self pity and grandstanding to the point of nausea for the West...There has never been any self interest from the war vets but rather a civil and gentle reminder of compensation for their immeasurable contribution towards the attainment of independence and freedom which vermin like you are starting to abuse...We are in control of our resources hence all the sanctions being imposed upon the nation and all the countless hit pieces being written in those Western countries newspapers designed to create mass panic and civil unrest... What are you talking about you ingrate currency sabotage was first initiated by your dear friends at the IMF who gave us one of and if not the worst structural adjustment plans not even meant for a microstate let alone an entire nation state like Zimbabwe... Further currency erosion was brought about by your colleagues who went cape and gown to beg for economic sanctions which decimated our local currency....As for my previous catchphrase Censorship Inc which I am sure you have a seat on the board made sure that every time I used it my comment would get deleted so I had to stop using it not because I do not believe in it or have wavered on my belief of the current state of the nation... Mercenaries are people like your former leaders of the opposition that were successfully thwarted by the embodiment of constitutionalism and democracy Tshabangu, who actually receive funding from questionable associations linked with regime change merchants...I am Khan and I approve this message
@Khan · 9 months ago
Zvauri kutaura hazvina sense wangu
Anonymous · 9 months ago
No one can write as much rubbish as you. The IMF is an advisory not an implementing body. Always blaming someone else. As the news over the last has shown, it is you and your friends children who have been sabotaging the currency for personal gain. That is the problem when individuals are glorified over the nation. Censorship? United and Free is being censored. What a joke. It is clearly your blatant lies that got kicked off. I don't grandstand for the West. You are the only one punting an aligned message. Stalin didn't create the superpower. He consolidated it. There is a difference. And by doing so, what was his body count? Not of his enemies, but of his own people. You are a sadist. Glorifying those who slaughter their own to solidify their position. Fighting imperialism and capitalism? Where did that garbage come from. Back up your words with facts. How did Kim and Pot do that? Which imperialist power did they overcome? What great freedoms did they deliver? Maybe you should add their body count to the list of their accomplishments? Your words expose your clear genocidal mania. "Economic stability must precede political diversity". That day will never come under a one party rule system, because they repeat their mistakes because there is no-one to put their decisions to the test before they implement. Economic sanctions didn't decimate anything, it just showed the flaws in the policies. With a nation with significant resources is held up by those who buy them. Sanctions should have done nothing to this nation because we were the breadbasket of Africa and had significant resources to back all the previous currencies. Your "war vets" have done nothing for me, but take value out of my efforts to feed them. I was born after independence. What value and freedoms have they brought to those who were born after independence? They achieved their goal at independence. Everyone can agree that health care and housing is fair. They are also citizens of this nation so they must also contribute to its growth. Not demand diplomatic passports and be excluded from paying taxes and duties. From their statements, that is clearly what they fought for.
Khan · 9 months ago
@ anonymous The Zim context is unique to whatever democracy you intellectually fellatio in the vain hopes of being considered a democrat....As I say I cannot continue arguing with someone who already has a preconceived notion that only the pressure group he supports which under a previous guise committed treason most foul and gladly boasts about it...All those individuals you mentioned over there have done a great deal for their nations more than you ever will... Sometimes economic stability must precede political diversity to prevent descending into anarchy...Stalin literally moulded the Soviet Union into a superpower until your friend and noted CIA agent Gorbachev ruined it all....As for Pol Pot and Kim Jong IL they are regarded as heroes and standard bearers who fought and are continuing to fight against imperialism and capitalism which I am sure your Quisling wannabe self will never understand...I am Khan and I approve this message
tt · 9 months ago
saka muchadii
Khan · 9 months ago
@ 😅😂🤣 your infantile efforts to trivialize the significance of ZanuPF in terms of Zim patriotism is questionable and clearly shows you belong or have been under the influence of a certain pressure group masquerading as an opposition party...The economy is thriving can you not see the bullish stock market and positive economic growth...There has been budget surpluses in 3 of the past 5 years even during the pandemic. These baseless claims you are making clearly show you work on emotions rather than facts on the ground.. Smuggling gold please don't tell me you also believe that mockumentary made by a Qatar based news channel...A documentary which lists a useless conspiracy theorist like Simba Chikanza as one of the investigative journalist get out of here man..Qatar is desperate to be seen as a bastion of human rights yet we all know it is not a clean state and basically staged a world cup built on the backs of slaves from Africa...Get out of the opposition hive mind which teaches you that even bad weather and bad luck can be attributed to Zanu PF... I am Khan and I approve this message
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Infantile? Please be serious. This coming from an person who believes that individuals must have ultimate power over the people and the country. You fail to smell your own stench. The nation should come first, not a party and certainly not individuals. I suppose someone who glorifies Kim Jong Il, Pol Pot, Stalin and their like, what else could one expect.
ZiG · 9 months ago
Vese vanoda Zanu MHA ta dzavana mai venyu
Chatunga Mugabe · 9 months ago
muchingofa nenhamo muchingopledge loyalty use you guys
😅😂🤣 · 9 months ago
As useless as a Zim war vet
Khan · 9 months ago
@ anonymous what constant bootlicking are you babbling about...The greatest trick these Western powers have mastered is pretending they don't care... Right now they are in competition to strip Africa of rare Earth minerals required for their microchip processing plants..I do not believe there is self interest and paranoia in the War Veterans camp but it is rather present in the minds and hearts of the scribes that pen this hogwash inorder to satisfy their masters and sow confusion in the minds of the populace of Zimbabwe...Am sure the maniacally overworked AI that is utilized to author these stories is close to malfunctioning now ...I am Khan and I approve this message
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Of course there is. There has only been self interest for these supposed War Vets since independence. You waffle all day long about the stripping of resources. Who has control over those resources? And what does this have to do about the current discussion? Adding your West hating diatribe with every insult laden waste of oxygen. You talk about everyone else having masters, but it is clear to see that you have no original thoughts whatsoever, who are yours? You blurt the same nonsense everyday. What happened to your United and Free? Have you finally read the dictionary to understand what those words mean. These "War Vets" have done nothing for the country since independence other than the steal the peoples value out of their accounts. Every failure of the currency can be linked back to their demanding more things for free. Maybe you should check the dictionary for the word mercenary. Where the support is based on what you are given, not your loyalty.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Mungadaro henyu asi tiri kuMoza takatambura.Dei tawedzerwa marifuti.
S.Class · 9 months ago
@bhomora zvekuti nyatsomu bhomora zvekuti khan uyo .he is just a blinking ****
Bhomora zvokuti · 9 months ago
@Khan, dai uri muchero taikuti d****fiya...uri muti taikuti munanga...uri ndove taikuti uri yemunhu chaiyo dhooootiiii. this is my story and i am sticking to it!!!
John ZiG & G40 · 9 months ago
pa fair team iro kwasara less than 60 vamwe vangori vezita
Khan · 9 months ago
I have no problem with pledges of loyalty to the revolutionary party...This must be an ulcer to the belly of activists and Western countries bootlickers must be quaking in their ill fitting shoes...There is no discontent or disgruntlement between War Vets and the revolutionary party...Control Your Narrative malicious scribes of worthless rags and enjoy the economic miracle being experienced in this mighty land of Zimbabwe characterised by a bullish stock market and positive economic growth...I am Khan and I approve this message
Anonymous · 9 months ago
What rubbish. The Western powers couldn't care less. The need for constant bootlicking shows paranoia and self interest.
Vesto · 9 months ago
Hardly had the elections been done did ZANU started destabilisation of CCC. Followed up by replacement of elected representatives with ZANU sympathisers in the name of Tshabangu. We have seen hype about defections starting with Chebundo, and recently of purported 200 thousand. Now there's unexplained restructuring of ZANU political and administrative structures. Hard on the heels of that we now have 'O' vets pledging support to ZANU piyefu. This is the sort of activity we expect in the run up to elections. Does ZANU know something we don't?
Tkt · 9 months ago
Yes, we know you think we don't know that we know you think there's a hearsay of Elections Re-Run sometime after the August meeting of Heads of States. We know you want to perform Acts of Violence as the meeting will be going on. Saka uchiri neche kutaura here futi kana kubvunza ndiku pindure.
@Tkt · 9 months ago
You read too much fiction. Plus you owe your facts to very fertile imagination
Tkt · 9 months ago
Honestly, how many people are still alive of those that really went into the Battlefield?
...,. · 9 months ago
had they stopped being loyal, or is it a different grouping of war vets, or to what they see like a different party composition? to us zimbabweans, the war vets we know have always been loyal to the party with no need to remind us or the party
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
The reminders are necessary especially at this time when most media outlets and social media activists are publishing falsehoods
CHITEPO · 9 months ago
War veterans are celebrated anywhere in the world for their decorated sacrifices. We shall never forget how you fought relentlessly in defiance of colonialism. The freedom we're enjoying today is a result of those efforts
stigger · 9 months ago
zvimwe zvamungaita ndezvipi you firewood sellers
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 9 months ago
ma U 7 tingataurei kunyarara chete
Scud · 9 months ago
Tibvireyipo, Zvikorobho zveZanu.
Douglas Mahiya · 9 months ago
matii baba
fugu pfeee · 9 months ago
ukarwadziwa nezanu pf nemapazi ayo haupore. ungatidii

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