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Stade de Reims Donates €30 000 To Marshall Munetsi Foundation

9 months agoWed, 29 May 2024 13:49:39 GMT
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Stade de Reims Donates €30 000 To Marshall Munetsi Foundation

Marshall Munetsi’s French club Stade de Reims has donated more than €30 000 to the Marshall Munetsi Foundation.

The Ligue 1 club pledged to donate €100 to the Foundation for every kilometre covered by the Zimbabwean midfielder on the pitch.

Munetsi clocked 301km in the 2023/24 season, which translates to €30 100 for his Foundation. Stade de Reims said in a statement:

301km this season for Marshall Munetsi! For every kilometre travelled by the Zimbabwean midfielder, the Stade de Reims donates €100 to its Foundation!

The Marshall Munetsi Foundation is committed to promoting access to education for children in the country.

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Through this Foundation, Munetsi donates 10 per cent of his earnings to provide education for underprivileged children in Zimbabwe. Speaking to FIFPRO in 2023, Munetsi said:

When my agent first told me about the new clause in the contract that I was being offered with Stade de Reims, it came as a huge surprise.

I had never heard about something like this happening in football before and I had never mentioned anything of the kind to the club – the initiative all came from them.

The commitment to donating €100 per kilometre I run is no mean feat, as I average around 11 or 12 per game, which can see €1,200 going towards my foundation in Zimbabwe every single match.

More: Pindula News



Zindoga · 9 months ago
Saka unofanira kumhanya chero pa halft
The Griot · 9 months ago
😂😂😂 you copy my catchphrase and yet you wanna act like you better than me...😂😂😂 nigga??? are you that much of an Anglophile only bellends who live on social welfare call themselves nigga ...I already have all the ladies I want thank you and I am sure the type of ladies you like are the ones that had to have an invasive surgery inorder to become ladies... That's the bottom line because The Griot said so
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 9 months ago
Why why why I blv in English yet u hate whites . I hv bn following u , I thot one of these days uchataurawo neshona yako iwewe kupembedza rurimi rwakwo rudzi rwako chimiro chako nedzidza rako.. asi iwewe takarasimba nemutauro usiri wako
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 9 months ago
chimbotaura newako mutauro,
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 9 months ago
you are nothing . haudi vachena but I always try means and ways kutaura mutauro wavo at any cost then I begin to doubt u , u r some how some where mentally dis ......
The Griot · 9 months ago
@ Yoyoyo I am done trying to justify myself to pissants of your ilk who think they will get me to cease commenting because of gay rumors...I have never spoken of my preferences because at the end of the day it's not a big deal...Only insecure people like you make a big deal out of something private and insignificant as se.x.ual preference... Your obsession with me and what I do in my private life is downright creepy get some help and medication for your clearly disturbed mind.... That's the bottom line because The Griot said so
Yoyoyo · 9 months ago
😁😁nigga you gay...that's the bottom line and Yoyoyo said so get help ... I could hook you up with a lady they are not that scary
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 9 months ago
Excellent your excellency sir, you deserve his excellency with that respect love doing for others, humanity, transgression heart of world, brave, matured man, thank you for such unique understanding, wise idea. Keep up well done. That's great of you, may He bless you more
The Griot · 9 months ago
@ Rx Just highlighting the hypocrisy of the French
The Griot · 9 months ago
@ Learned what are you supposed to be now??? The thought police from 1984😂😂😂 Be serious I can use whatever pseudonym I want you call yourself "Learned" yet you can't decipher between an imposter who still thinks it is edgy to call someone in 2024😂😂😂...The funny part is me the alleged gay man does not even speak about my alleged se.x.ual predilections and desires yet you the straight man goes into deep details about what a faggot desires in man...Are you sure you are not the gay one🤔...It is okay Mr Learned to be gay you don't have to project your desires using me as a conduit😂😂😂... That's the bottom line because The Griot said so
Yoyoyo · 9 months ago
😁😁it's not okay to be gay as you say...You are pushing an agenda we know you everytime you seem to defend your gayness you even bring up the topic when not attacked...Everyone one knows Khan The Griot is gay ...why are you gay???
The Griot · 9 months ago
I do not have to justify anything to anyone especially to a pissant like you...Call me gay , straight, as.e.x.ual , trans or whatever but my message is important... That's the bottom line because The Griot said so
The Griot · 9 months ago
As much as I hate the Great Satan and Britain my hatred for France is much worse...From making Haiti om extortionate amount of money for the crime of gaining independence to the meddling in affairs of the Sahel region states...Most Francophone countries in Africa are forever trapped and will continue to stagnate due to the CFA franc system which only favors France and no African state...I am glad most of the West African states are staging coups deposing the French puppets put in place who were there to safeguard France's interest...It makes me sick that De Gaulle basically interviewed Bongo for the job of president of Gabon and for years supported the Bongo regime...Niger could have been a big player in the uranium market yet the French scuppered those ambitions by making unscrupulous trade agreements... Free New Caledonia now.. That's the bottom line because The Griot said so
Yoyoyo · 9 months ago
😁😁 you like the word bottom wonder why you love men's bottoms
The Griot · 9 months ago
Talk about projection if there ever was one...Your grasp of the English language is shallow and it would be a waste of time to try and argue with you... That's the bottom line because The Griot said so
Learned · 9 months ago
Apa you use the French word Griot as a pseudonym you are not a story teller or historian, musician or poet are a puffed up pseudo intellectual man loving homoerotic faggot...,whose preoccupation is other men's butts and bottoms
rx · 9 months ago
Ngano yese yauri kutinyorera iyi inei nenyaya iri mudariro
The Griot · 9 months ago
Just highlighting the atrocities done by the French people you people are clearly supporting
flying Doc ( 3Ds) · 9 months ago
the amount u hate white I never thot u wld lv English as your better language to express your self
nherera · 9 months ago
not ma Chinese racist who take us blacks as slaves pasi nema China if you meet them spit they stink.
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 9 months ago
Angu mabvi ndaisa pasi kuri kumbira varikumatenga kuti vawedzere shomwe dzezvikomborero mune rako bindu.Komborerwa mwana weZimbabwe wako muchero tauona dai ukaita mhodzi ichazova muti muneramangwana.Asi nyunyuto yangu iri pane uyo anoda kuedzanisa mapiro evanhu.Wehukama ziva chinhu ichi ese maruva asi zvaakatakura ndizvo zvakasiyana rimwe rinobva patambo duku duku asi richitakura Mai vemuchero semwiwa ,rimwe rigobva pahunde hombe asi zvibereko zvaro zvigova zviduku sewuyu.Chiregai kufananidza mapiro asi chikuru kutenda wose apa nokuti ruva rimwe nerimwe rine Charo chibereko.Vamwe vakaiwana mari inopererera kufadza pfambi asi mumugwagwa mapofu nezvirema zvizere.Asi toshora here vakadai kwete nokuti nyangwe pfambi ine muromo ne****u inotoshuvirawo kuguta.Bhadhiza bhobhojani ndiro rangu Zita umbiridzwa kana ndahukura ruregerero asi kana ndataura rinobatika ripfumbate uridiridzire mangwana ugodya nepwere dzekwenyu
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 9 months ago
### · 9 months ago
God bless you mafana .... wagona kushandisa marii yako apo... Unlike vekurombaa avo vanorasira marii mumaStreets
Asalif · 9 months ago
Thank you France as a whole for recognizing what the Zimbabwean football truly need
Gangamanzi · 9 months ago
siyanaxvo izvo iwe rega Zanu itire vanhu vayo
💃💃 · 9 months ago
Vamwe vachi doneta ma Aqua ,uri ari far far beta anobatsira vanotambura kushairwa mari yedzidzo ,Mwari vamukomborere
Chh · 9 months ago
Vamwe vanotobira varombo, saana Neville nevanozviti Vene

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