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Tshabangu Set To Receive CCC Political Party Funds

9 months agoMon, 03 Jun 2024 05:17:26 GMT
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Tshabangu Set To Receive CCC Political Party Funds

Sengezo Tshabangu is set to receive the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party’s share of Government funds allocated under the Political Parties (Finance) Act.

This comes after Tshabangu appointed himself as the leader of the opposition in Parliament last week.

In an interview with The Sunday Mail, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi said disbursement of the funds will be made “soon”. He said:

There were delays (in disbursing the funds) because the Minister of Finance (Economic Development and Investment Promotion, Professor Mthuli Ncube) was not available.

Once the processes have been completed, we will disburse the funds soon.

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The recipient of the funds was determined (in Parliament) and it is the opposition (faction) with the majority of members in Parliament.

Political parties that receive at least 5 per cent of the total votes cast in the general election qualify for State funding.

This means that only ZANU PF and CCC qualify to receive a share of the funding in terms of the Political Parties (Finance) Act.

Each party’s share is proportional to the number of National Assembly seats they secured in the previous election.

Constitutional law expert Professor Lovemore Madhuku told The Sunday Mail that the funds should be disbursed every financial year over five years.

The Political Parties (Finance) Act states that every political party shall be entitled to receive from the State funding payable to it in terms of the Act annually. It reads:

The minister shall, as soon as is practicable, and in any case no later than 30 days after the beginning of the financial year, publish, with the approval of the minister responsible for finance, a notice in the Gazette specifying the total amount of money appropriated for all political parties and the amount that shall be paid to each individual political party in terms of this Act.

Each political party whose candidates received at least 5 per centum of the total number of votes cast in the most recent general election shall be entitled to the same proportion of the total moneys appropriated as the total number of votes cast for its candidates in the election bears to the total number of votes cast for all its candidates in that election.

Meanwhile, CCC’s founding leader Nelson Chamisa quit the party in January this year citing infiltration by ZANU PF after State institutions recognised Tshabangu as the party’s “Interim Secretary General”.

Since the August 2023 harmonised elections, the Parliament of Zimbabwe has refused to entertain anyone else when dealing with the opposition except Tshabangu.

Tshabangu, an obscure opposition activist, wrote to Parliament and the Ministry of Local Government in October 2023, recalling several CCC MPs and Councillors.

Surprisingly, both Parliament and the Minister acted upon Tshabangu’s letters, even though he had neither held a CCC office nor been a candidate in the 2023 general elections.

Subsequently, Tshabangu recalled dozens of additional CCC councillors and MPs, with the courts endorsing his actions, effectively establishing him as the de facto leader of the opposition party.

This week, Tshabangu changed the party’s leadership in Parliament and also appointed himself Leader of The Opposition.

This came after Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda rescinded appointments of CCC legislators to various parliamentary committees in February this year by Jameson Timba, who leads another CCC faction, saying he had no right to do so.

More: Pindula News



Bryan tickey · 9 months ago
Holywood film producers should make movie abt recent zim elections I bet it would receive massive profits kkkk, Americans should learn abt rigging
Bryan tickey · 9 months ago
Good 4 Tshabangu just for now remember what happened to judas in the Bible did he find peace, happiness
Mevis · 9 months ago
That's why l stopped supporting zanu hurumende yehuori inoda zvakapfava sehonye, ZANU is a problem in Zimbabwe after 45yrs they now bring tshabhangu, Zimbabwe is not free uder zanu
Taku · 9 months ago
Zanu using tshabhdangu to controll Zimbabwe will back fire, this tshabhangu need to be jailed this is treason
👽👽 · 9 months ago
Tshabhangu must be jailed with immediate effect, we can't pretend as if everything is normal,who voted this guy, zanu if you a happy with this tshabhangu you a now dividing Zimbabwe and it won't end well
Rudo · 9 months ago
Zimbabweans don't intertain this lunatic tshabhangu who was hired by zanu to distroy opposition, nobody voted this lunatic , ZANU is using this lunatic, to divert the real issues of rigging, zanu failers, economy don't be fooled with this thief nothing will come from this tahabhangu mbava iyi
Tafara · 9 months ago
Tshabhangu is a conman he is fraudulent, that's why only chi baby na fugu they try by all means to make him relevant but it won't work,
Fari · 9 months ago
Zimbabwe will be free when people like tsha hangu a jailed mbva idzi he think he propaganda will work
Ben · 9 months ago
Hanzi opposition leader this guy is a conman, tshabhangu why did you recall voted mps,, were is the congress you were talking about, now you exposing your handlers from SG you a now leader for ccc, you think citizens a fools
Hope · 9 months ago
Tshabhangu is a theif Zimbabwean a now reduced to a nothing, tshabhangu now a opposition leader after hijacking ccc with the help of pindula , charamba , chi baby chana mupurwa, uriri , ziyambi, mudenda and zanu every one in Zimbabwe knows that, so don't come with your cheap propaganda here, this mission will back fire because tshabhangu thinks he is smart yet nobody voted him kumberi kunenya
Ccc · 9 months ago
How tshabhangu get to be SG who voted him , how can he say is real opposition party without being voted for , hijacking ccc with the help of zanu will back fire , your mission is to distory what you never worked for thief, tshabhangu need to be jailed, this guy is a danger to the country
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Straight in the pocket.
chinoz · 9 months ago
nyangwe akapihwa hazvichinjise e economy vanhu vanongoramba vachimama
Big dhara · 9 months ago
ngithi sengezo uyasinda uqinile jaha lezansi.yikuthi abantu bakithi liyiziwula sure lehluleka ukusupporta your own lifuna amatshabi ehlale elibusa.dlana imali ut**** sengezo uchamisa wathengisa abantu
**** u · 9 months ago
Political parties in Zimbabwe have been doing great with less funding..don't know wats the fuss about kumurume anozvit chibaby
**** u · 9 months ago
opposition political parties
stylez · 9 months ago
anovhoterwa nani chabangu wenyu iyeye muzanu uyooo
The Griot · 9 months ago
This is BS by Censorship Inc... They delete my comment but keep the imposter's comment which makes as much sense as a plus sized bikini... That's the bottom line because The Griot said so
👀 · 9 months ago
ko maida ani kut aite receive the funds when the whole world knows that Tshabangu is the rightful recipient?tumwe twunyaya twunyaya twusina kana basa mfunge
Mukadota · 9 months ago
When i told Zimbabweans to stop voting there was an outcry. Zanu pf and the main opposition are two sides of the same coin. They're just power hungry. Supporting an opposition party openly is just risking your life for no apparent reason. Chamisa just chickened out after having watched a lot of people dying for the struggle. This just means that his life is much more supreme that it cant be risked. Zanu pf just uses pawns. So does the opposition
Vybz Kartel · 9 months ago
The correct word would be he is a coward and was there only for five minutes of Fame he will never amount to a leader of a nation
☝️ · 9 months ago
when you told Zimbabweans to stop voting?????iguka here chairman?
Mukadota · 9 months ago
Why vote yet nothing changes. You vote for an alternative that is a reflection of the incumbent? What kind of nonsense is that?
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
but mukadota is right,sa prospered thru low vote turnout,coz only 58,61% voted
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
coz dai vakavhota vese dai anc yakapfuura pa 40% pavakaita
eezy · 9 months ago
uTshabangu bakithi waze wasithezela olulenkume bhururu uNkulunkulu abe lawe lapokhona.Kanti kahle kahle bhudas vele wavela kuphi njalo uqamuka kuphi mtaka baba.Mina ngangingakwazi waze waphongukuvela ngengethumba kkkkkkk yah kuzokuthola lawe emalangeni
Mbonisi · 9 months ago
uTshabangu wayala ukusetdhenziswa ngamajaha ase mpumalanga. Kade besisebenzisa besikhangelela phansi. uNcube wesaba ukuzimela wabizana lo Mtambara. Mina ngikubona kufanelr ukuthi sibe lo leader of the opposition ovela eMatabeleland.
Me · 9 months ago
UChamisa laye watshengisa ubugwala,kwakungamelanga atshiye ubu president,mana sibone yenao Tshabangu ukuthi wenzan,kodwa vele why sokukhulunywa ngemali thina sikhangelele I development.
great world · 9 months ago
Tshabangu finally receive his pay cheque.
🇿🇼 🇿🇼 🇿🇼 · 9 months ago
Ndezve marema. Chinonzi hurombe hakusi kusashanda kana kusawana. Hurombe kushanda wowana zvopfudzikira pasi. Chamisa simply hands away zvinenge zvashandirwa ne Povo
patz · 9 months ago
I followed S.A elections on SABC ndopaunoona kuti ini Zim tiriwemahumbwe thats why we are poor and economy in shambles. Despite being neighbours we are actually the opposite of each other
Jokonia · 9 months ago
Zimbabwe has one party. Zanu pf. There is also an ever infiltrated opposition. That cannot be relied on. For as long as the budget of the CIO remains unknown, the opposition shall always be buyablr. There is no true opposition in Zimbabwe
.... · 9 months ago
jus because your neighbour's is rich newewo..if kugarisana kwedu point is yes we are mess but jus bcoz s.a is rich so shud we as neighbors..things can only change for if political field ikachinjawo
Wuto · 9 months ago
welcome back the original Griot
The Griot · 9 months ago
You're the imposter who's been using my name you faggot and writing your LGBTQIA stuff here you ignorant buffoon
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Everybody knows you like it.
me · 9 months ago
lmisebenzi ye zanu so, asazi,konke kulesikhathi sakho.
Nkululeko Ndabeni Dlodlo · 9 months ago
Kangiboni kulicala leZanu. Unkamisa ngumthengisi. Wenza njalo ngesikhathi sika Mwonzora. Lamhlanje uphindile njalo. Yen' udla esutha. Ukhomba ngomphakathi. Sichazimula isisu sakhe. Kala ndaba labantu ngoba yena udla le Zanu. Inkampani yakhe eyezimota ezinkulu yasungulwa ngemva kokuphiwa imali yi Zanu
jim · 9 months ago
Tsabangu unorema ndakutyai wakkuyenda ne bag remari.
fugu pfeee · 9 months ago
Tshabangu the great, I like him. rwendo rwake nderwe nzou
Anonymous · 9 months ago
A clever African politician anongoti pfee pa one five Year term, obuda zvake ane mazimari Ake nepurazi. Hapana auditing nokuti he recalls angoita mistake iyoyo. Dougie akabuda nemari nepurazi akazadza mombe , pigs chickens nemadhumbe. Iwe urikugara muplastic ku over spill une short sleeve. Thsabangu abuda nenyika vakomana.

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