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SADC Will Not Intervene In Zimbabwe's Electoral Dispute - Hwende

9 months agoFri, 07 Jun 2024 09:42:54 GMT
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SADC Will Not Intervene In Zimbabwe's Electoral Dispute - Hwende

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) legislator Chalton Hwende says Zimbabweans should forget about the Southern African Development Community (SADC) intervening in the disputed 2023 harmonised elections.

Hwende’s remarks contradict CCC’s former leader Nelson Chamisa who recently claimed he was in contact with SADC leaders to intervene and “resolve the governance crisis” in Zimbabwe.

Speaking in an X space, Hwende, a former close ally of Chamisa, said that no intervention would come from SADC, adding that the matter is a closed chapter. Said Hwende (via NewZimbabwe.com):

We met the executive secretary of SADC. We went to meet the executive secretary in Botswana and during the same meeting, I then raised the issue of Zimbabwe to say we are waiting for you in Zimbabwe because we think according to your report the elections were a sham, it was rigged and you need to come and help the country to resolve that issue and they all laughed including the executive secretary.

A whole country can not wait for a SADC that is not coming. They said that the case is closed and we are not coming to Zimbabwe.

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At that time they were claiming they had not received a letter and I knew advocate Chamisa had written them a letter but this is the contempt these bodies have for opposition politics.

There is no SADC that is going to come. I am willing to put my head on the chopping block. If you ever see SADC can force an election in Zimbabwe I will resign as a politician.

Since the SADC Elections Observer Mission (SEOM) delivered its final report on Zimbabwe’s election, there has been a deafening silence from the regional body as far as resolving the dispute is concerned.

SADC is set to hold its 44th Head of State summit which will be hosted by Zimbabwe with President Mnangagwa assuming the chairmanship of the regional bloc.

Hwende said SADC did its part and the onus is now on Zimbabweans to implement the recommendations that were made by SEOM. He said:

SADC spoke very well. Their report is very clear that the elections did not meet the expected standards that are expected.

That to me is as far as what SADC can do. It is now up to Zimbabweans to organise ourselves and enforce that resolution from SADC.

SADC has no history of ever ordering fresh elections anywhere else it will have to start in Zimbabwe but the preparations that they are doing to install Mr Mnangagwa to be a chairperson of SADC clearly shows you that there is no appetite in SADC to go beyond their report.

To them, their work is done. The biggest challenge we have is we are afraid of organising ourselves and demanding our own rights that are enshrined in the constitution that is why everyone is hiding behind SADC.

There is no SADC that is going to come. I am willing to put my head on the chopping block. If you ever see SADC can force an election in Zimbabwe I will resign as a politician.

More: Pindula News



if · 9 months ago
if truely you know that you're the winner why can you fear the losers for we can win even we go again home and away kkkkkkk
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Tha shame elections matters affected all parties and all voters so next time improve. Mukatambiea bhora muRufaro all players will experience the same. So it was fair under substandard conditions for all parties not only the looser as **** ccc supporters think.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
MuSabatha SDA · 9 months ago
the reports are an essential part and milestone in our struggle. remember the reports are here to stay and are like a tag that is clipped around zanu's neck. we will always refer to them at any appropriate time to remind zanu that they are not recognized and are a product of a condemned process. so they give us a good starting point in our struggle.
Mhogu Hwende Chibaba · 9 months ago
Well said mhofu.Thats what some of us have been saying for the longest of time. The Chinhu Changu Chaora (CCC) only disputed the election results on twitter, they didn't bother to register the dispute with the courts in Zimbabwe. So legally there was NO electoral dispute in Zimbabwe. No matter how critical SADC electoral reports are, the reports are interpreted as meer peer review reports designed to improve future electoral practices. Chete chete chete.The SADC mandate does not go beyond that.No wonder the SADC Secretariat laughed when Mhofu wanted them to discuss a non-existent electoral dispute 😂😂😂
Gunvosta · 9 months ago
you asked SADC to come and observe, they came they observed and they said the elections where neither free nor fair what more do you want from them
jii · 9 months ago
we want zanu to go bcz it is a product of a fake process
great world · 9 months ago
indeed sadc is a grouping of cultists, who can only defend each other. they will never go against each other
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Kkkk the seom in clear terms advised ccc to go to court and chose being clever as usual then blame everyone else but themselves, surely had they gone to court i think sadc would standing on two legs, not acting like the world owe you something for your disorderly way of doing things, long as you play cult politics foreigners will always give you lip service, unite opposition, swing vote that need change will rally behind you not mahumbwe ekuti munhu arizaina anorambwa achinzi president none stop, what you are telling the voter is you are opportunists with zero leadership quality, hwende have seen light in a wrong group anonzi project very soon
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 9 months ago
If we can't get touches from sadac so why do we belong to it, why hosting it, and why do you talk about it?. Clever for nothing to utter nonsense early morning. Be trustworthy not to be snake, sadac is you, it is you who make it, it's you who did the election, you can explain to yourself how you did it clearly and we proceed. It's wonderful for leader today to show his country how he came into power, even after 3 5 10 20years later. That's good history for a leader to revise himself over and over again not to close chapters forever. WAKE UP FOOLS WAKE UP MBAVHAS WAKE UP CORRUPTION ORIENTED BURSTARDS. Munogumbura chose
Chibaba · 9 months ago
Who will rule Zimbabwe after ED Mnangagwa
MuSabatha SDA · 9 months ago
even if sadc fails to intervene publicly, the election observer missions reports are enough to discredit zanu rule. the reports have said it all. zanu is a mafia and is not the people's choice. this means even during international foras, zanu will and must be treated as an outcast , a shameless gang that does not respect the wishes and rights of the people.
kembo kashiri chinamasa · 9 months ago
WHY NOT IF YOU'RE DEMOCRATIC,? DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO HIDE? AND SOON YOU ARE TO HOST SADAC MEETING OF WHICH YOU ARE UNDER PREPARATION, THOUGH FAKE ONE. Really why do you pretend in what you do? Zimbabwe is built of mbavha peoples who stealing is in the integral of brains, no transparency looting and killing destruction of existing property selfishness mind
Anonymous · 9 months ago
chamisa vanomudana chete umwe wavo mu south africa uko rakuita kunge gunguvo kana zizi aaaah mwari hadhakwi uyo
Apapa pa... · 9 months ago
Sadc gave it's recommendations for the future, that is if ever, CCC would be existent, the correction would be in 2028, coz, as the governing body it has no mandate to make a rerun unless 1)the elections were chaotic 2)all the fielded parties were disgruntled and launched a complaint on the conductinon of theelection 3) unless there has been stalemate, and they have a special budget allocated to it so that is it
Sister in charge of Ingutsheni · 9 months ago
please please Griot is an escapee of Ingutsheni we are looking for he if you come across with he notify us quickly or you can just call our toll free number 080.... 89.... 8912.
nkust · 9 months ago
ivo vakuru vanoziva kty nekuhla kufa kwedu mazimba hapana zvatoita bcz if at least we trigger kiotic scenes hence need for intervention chero mumba kana mukadzi nemurune under achifira mumwoyo hapana anokwanisa kupindira,mumba akatraya,vaka maker sure kty job anobuda zvadzikama kkkkk
Chibaba · 9 months ago
So why did SADC came here to observe our elections yet in case of election dispute they offer nothing.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
hwende ndiye mutengesi mukuru uyo manje vanobva unoinda nepi
Xxx · 9 months ago
Fight for your own rights SADC has done it's part.
🦀🦀 · 9 months ago
yah Chamisa anga agere nemhandu dzakawandisa,naHwende futi uri mtengesi
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Mhandu ndiChamisa ononyepa kuti Sadc ikuuya iyo isirikuuya
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 9 months ago
chokwadi chinenge makuhwa,,,zvichena zvinenge nhema
. · 9 months ago
true word SADC is a toothless bulldog hapana zviripo paye
Anonymous · 9 months ago
ko iye ndiyewava spokesperson we sadc here mutengesi
Mai Ro · 9 months ago
isu sevana vezimbabwe ticharamba tichingosheedzera kuti tirikutongwa nembavha muno. nekudaro, pasi rose rinofanirwa kuziva kuti muzimbabwe hatina mutungamiri asi kuti tine zvigebenga zvakabiridzira sarudzo yevanhu ndokuchitanga hutongi hwekumbunyikidza nekudzvinyirira vanhu. vaHwende vareva zvavo chokwadi pavati vana veZimbabwe must take the initiative to make sadc intervene. pane matanho akawanda atinofanirwa kuita semhuri yezimbabwe kuti nyika yose ipindire pakusunungurwa kwedu from zanupf rule. tinofanirwa kuramba takasimba tichibudisa pachena kuti hutongi hwavamnangagwa hwakarambwa nevanhu uye vakazvigadza pachigaro zvechitsotsi. mapoka ose nevanhu vakauya kuzoongorora sarudzo dzemuno vakati zvakaitwa nezec aiva mahumbwe chaiwo. saka zvinoziikna pasi rose kuti boka rezanupf harina kusarudzwa zvejekerere asi kuti rakambunyikidza zvido zveveruzhinji
Xxx · 9 months ago
Ko iwe wacho who is directly affected

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