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Mnangagwa Reveals Uneasiness Over American Presence In Zambia During Meeting With Putin

9 months agoSat, 08 Jun 2024 11:34:38 GMT
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Mnangagwa Reveals Uneasiness Over American Presence In Zambia During Meeting With Putin

President Emmerson Mnangagwa expressed concern to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin regarding the preferential treatment Western nations give to Zambia through military and financial aid.

Mnangagwa, who is set to take over the SADC chairmanship this year, insinuated that Zambia is a Western puppet which Moscow must combat.

In a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at Konstantinosky Palace in the Petrodvorets district of St. Petersburg, Strelna village, two days ago, at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia, Mnangagwa said the United States of America is consolidating its power in Zambia to isolate Zimbabwe. He said:

You see, the West has just begun consolidating its power in Zambia, our next neighbour. You know, there was a time when Zambia and Zimbabwe were one; it was called Northern and Southern Rhodesia.

It was made by the British, but they are now separate. And the Americans are consolidating their power in that country, both in terms of security and in terms of financial support to Zambia to make sure that we feel lonely.

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But that will not change us, because we have taken a course as a people that we feel we want to be independent and we will choose our friends ourselves.

And besides, we are independent today because most of us in the leadership trained here during our war of liberation.

We got our independence because we are supported by you here, and we don’t forget that history, and you don’t forget about us.

Mnangagwa’s remarks have sparked debate on social media as they expose Harare’s uneasiness over her neighbour’s choice of friends.

A Zambian diplomat based in Harare told The NewsHawks:

That was reckless by President Mnangagwa. Zimbabwe and Zambia are neighbours with a close history as he said himself, dating back to the federation days.

Besides, he grew up in Zambia; to all intents and purposes he is also Zambian. So how can he talk toxic stuff like that as if he is an irresponsible opposition leader. Moreover, in a foreign country, in far-flung Russia.

This will unnecessarily stoke diplomatic tensions between Harare and Lusaka, given the dispute over the Zimbabwean elections last year and the coming SADC summit.

Meanwhile, presidential spokesperson George Charamba suggested that video footage of Mnangagwa’s meeting with Putin was leaked. 

Responding to an X (formerly Twitter) user who had queried why Mnangagwa made the remarks about Zambia in public, suggesting that some in his inner circle “are deliberately setting him up”, Charamba said:

Why don’t you ask about the circumstances before jumping to condemnation? As you can see from the set-up, this was a closed meeting in which the President of Zimbabwe was a guest.

The recording was in-house to the host. Don’t ask me how it found its way into the public domain; I cannot assist you.

Indeed one-on-one meetings are moments of truths and impressions unadorned and said in confidence.

All Heads do that in such meetings, always with the attendant risks of such lapses. Nothing extraordinary.

In April last 2023, the US Africa Command (Africom) announced it was setting up an office in Zambia. Africom has bases across Africa.

Zambia and many other African countries are close to the US and other Western democracies, while some states like Zimbabwe and South Africa are allies of China and Russia which are under authoritarian governments.

More: Pindula News



Sorojena · 9 months ago
Mnangagwa akaenda kuRussia kuno kumbira kuitwa puppet na Vladimir Poo-tin. Harahwa zvazvinoita so, it's embarrassing a lot particularly to the African people. Selling out your black fellow because arikushamwaradzana nema Americans, that's stooping too low for a leader! Seise!
Africana · 9 months ago
Lobengula akanyeperwa paye
Prezident ka · 9 months ago
Siyanai neZambia makuda kutitsotsonyesa manje,and futi haisi mhosva here kutaura imwe nyika
Michael Laban · 9 months ago
This guys has a serious ego problem if he thinks anything the Yanks do is vis a vis Zimbabwe. "to isolate Zimbabwe"... this guy is really funny. And if the thinks Putin is even going to spare any time thinking of ways to 'combat USA influence in Zambia' that is even funnier! Just finish dualising the highway to Mutare,instead of to the hill where Cecil Rhode wanted to build the capital of the BSAC territory of Mashonaland, before we were joined with northern Rhodesia.
laugh emoji1
patz · 9 months ago
Ka statement kekuti ' Zimbabwe is the fastest growing economy in the region' kari correct pa politicking but not ecomically beneficial. Tikangoziva kuti 90% of 10 is smaller than 12% of 100 or kuti a growth rate of 3% to 5% per year is bigger that a growth rate of 50% to 51% per year one will understand what I mean. A country whose growth rate increases from 50% to 51% has a growth rate of 1% but it better than that one of 3% to 5% with a growth rate of 2%. We cant praise a country in which a loaf of bread costs a US$0.50 but with employees earning US$200 but would rather praise a country where bread costs USD2 but with employees earning US$1000
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 9 months ago
🟣A short story: “Re-engagement. A friend to all, enemy to none. Relations with UK improving. Elated to attend COP - UK. We made it to coronation. Please drop sanctions. We beg to attend US-Africa summit. Thanks for dropping sanctions. Africa first. We are elated to host Nordic summit. We are fixing roads for SADC. Error - sanctions still there. We hate the West. But we want to be in the Commonwealth. Zambia is a puppet. Malawi is too. We are lonely. Russia please take over.” We need new leaders.🇿🇼
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Mhondi dzirikubvunzana...
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Africa can stand on its own we don't need these white folks when are we going to stop fighting each other
👀 · 9 months ago
munoziva it's embarrassing to be an African uchiona kut you're sorrounded by baboons in this continent.kuona nyika inozviti iri independent ichibvumidza vachena veku America kuisa military base munyika.what for?ndzvo zvakarambwa na Gaddafi paya 1968.Africa Africa why are you inhabited by countless baboons pretending to be human?sekuno ku sub Saharan Africa unotoona dambudziko guru rakatakurwa nemapato akaita saana ZANU PF ANC FRELIMO.
Fugu · 9 months ago
Usaote nyemwe.Unaye ari kuZNA.Asi hauchamudi.Dont sacrifice your son.Plis dont.America siyana nayo iyi.Uchatiurayisa iwe.
Fugu · 9 months ago
Dont think ED represents ZimbabweansHe is speaking for himself. Hatidi hondo.Your ideas are wierd and not ressonating with the masses of Zim
Chibabe cheZanu · 9 months ago
A war with USA and its allies is completely different from Chimurenga or Bwanyamulenge or RENAMO.Usadaro ED.
Fugu ka · 9 months ago
Is this what yu called a re engagement policy.Enermy to none and friend to all kkk.Yu have declared Zambia,Malawi and USA your enermies.God forbid
Fugu · 9 months ago
If you cant win them join them.You have failed.Fredrick Shava is outdated. Vana Fugu tiripo wani
Fugu nde · 9 months ago
Muka ubike doro.USAis the king of the world
Fugu · 9 months ago
Putin tactics to stay in office till horns grow on donkeys.Who wants Russia? Stop looting and you will have nothing tp fear at all.Unosvikepi nezano dondo ori.Good goverance brings stability
Anonymous · 9 months ago
ED is planning a war with Zambia and Malawi kkk.Crass
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Dont bring war to SADC.We need development of our economies.War destroys us.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Stop jallucinating Mr ED.Your are creating a threat thats not there.Whatever you plan to do that will not stop USA from doing whatever suits their foregn policy.Nothing stops them.
Fugu · 9 months ago
What is the future of Russia like after Putin. Split into small tribal states
Fugu · 9 months ago
You provoked Zambia.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
You are maling yourself am enermy pf the West.Be careful.Watch where its taking you to
Fugu chiBabe cheZanu pfee pfeee · 9 months ago
Different ally preference spells death of SADC in the not so far future.
Fugu Man to man · 9 months ago
Arms race in SADC Run away from America at your own peril.
Tony Blair · 9 months ago
Gore riya akangopiwa handshake na Blair akafara zvekuti,,zvima fake Patriots zvikanzi i golden handshake,,nhas mava kwa Putin monyepera kuvenga vana Blair
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Hebza · 9 months ago
ZANU PF need just swallow it's pride, hide its harmless tail respect Zimbabwean citizens and sanctions will vanish. Or Is that 2much 2 ask? All this for its people. Qungani isibindi bafowethu.
💃💃 · 9 months ago
Pane wawakambonzwa here ari kuda kuenda Russia kunoshanda,vese vari kungowukura pano vakanzi vapihwa Visa re America nhasi vanofara, ngatirege kufarira shamwari inokupa zvombo zvekurwisa hama nevana vako uchisiya shamwari inokupa mari yekuendesa vana kuchikoro neye kutengera vana chikafu nezvipfeko , zvombo ngazvive zvekurwisa muvengi kwete vemhuri yako
Vladimir Putin · 9 months ago
only coz you don't know anything about my country ☺️🇷🇺
🏋️🕺⛹️ · 9 months ago
worst racist of all times
· 9 months ago
ED is robbing a certain village in Belingwe of a village ****
· 9 months ago
me · 9 months ago
ZANU PF IS THE GLOAT (greatest loser of all time)
Account Holder · 9 months ago
Kana Putin arimuhombe ngaabvise ma sunctions tione....that shows that Britain and America ndovaneyese......admit
Wa Gutu · 9 months ago
I don't see any problem with our President here. What it simply showing is Zim-Russia are all weather friends and the 2 are inseparable. HE is trying to tell his brother why don't you come and consolidate the same in Harare. He is our President and its part his role to play a protective role towards the rest of the Zimbos. Remember true friends share sensitive information. For sure the emergence of American bases in Botswana and Zambia is leaving Zimbabwe lying between a rock and a hard surface.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Russia should set a base in Zimbabwe. Chegutu or Norton the area is good.
patz · 9 months ago
Zimbabwe is a sovereign state which has to choose its own friends and noone should choose friends for us. We chose Chinese, Russians, Belarusians etc. receive goodies from them does not make us puppets to these countries.I dont think Puppet and friendship mean the same. Zambia is equally sovereing as us. Our enermies are others friends and our friends are others enermies. Surely this was a closed door meeting (makuhwa) which was not meant for public consumption. Our President could not have that in public in full glare of the media
PanAfrican · 9 months ago
ED also invited Russia to join the SADC
me · 9 months ago
GLOAT(greatest loser of all time)
hoo · 9 months ago
kuti chiiko iwe mfana
Sabhuku · 9 months ago
Someone please tell ED that he is back biting a fellow African statesman to someone of fair skin.
...,. · 9 months ago
@ C b C Z. who is or are those you say "we" can send them packing ichiita yedu?
tt · 9 months ago
Account Holder · 9 months ago
and we will choose our friends ourselves..,.let Zambia choose theirs friends themselves , isn't that you chose Russian as a friend
...,. · 9 months ago
@ KG what is a PUPPET? Who is a puppet, and who is not a puppet? How does one become a puppet? Is one appointed to be one, offers to be one or forced to be one?
Kg · 9 months ago
A political PUPPET is a misguided politician who serves foreign interests at the expense of national interests, one who ABONDONS the will of the people and unpatriotic like our opposition party here who went to beg for SANCTIONS in America, to cause human suffering in Zimbabwe. a PUPPET is a power hungry moron who has no ideological foundation but IA just a YES man to foreign IMPERIALIST FORCES. the result of a PUPPET regime is NEO COLONIALISM, which of course is unacceptable. Mobutu was a western PUPPET, moice Thsombe, etc. Former French colonies were ruled by PUPPETS and a new revolution is in the making replacing those puppets right now.
SC · 9 months ago
Zambia is doing what ZANU PF supporters do. "kutambira kunodyiwa". Hanzi famba nedzinohwina dzinodyisa bag. in this case Russia is a poor man with very big muscles
...,. · 9 months ago
the interview was for public consumption as the president said he would say some more to him later, if one has listened to the speech. what of Botswana who have a more serious American presence presently than the said promised on Zambia? What has Malawi done with America? What of Ruto of Kenya who had the red carpet laid for him at the White House by the American president a few weeks after he was in Zimbabwe? Kenya accepted an American presence which looks more serious than that presently in Botswana. The best and most modern embassy in Zimbabwe which is the most expensive structure near Mt. Hampden, the envisaged new Zimbabwe capital city is the American embassy. The Americans and their food aid and the medical aid from the American president all see welcome in Zimbabwe.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Saka zve expensive embassy yavo muno zvinei nesu? We can always send them packing ikasara ichiita yedu. We can declare them a PNG
Anonymous · 9 months ago
But imi Team chi babe chezanu, Russia iyoyi yamunoda kudai yakambobatsira nyika dzipi kuti dzibudirirewo, chainongoita Russia kupa vanhu zvombo zvekuti vaurayane, ukaona nyika inoti inowirirana ne Russia inyaya dzehondo, that is why tichiri kutenda zvehondo yakarwiwa 50 years ago and Zimbabwe hainawo kuzombobudirira kubva kareko
border gezi green bomber recruit 💚 · 9 months ago
ko mukuru akabura hombe ku Russia. ajaira muno maanotuka Ma**** achingoregwa. tsika mabhunu tiende mukoma nhongo
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
Hombe yei ipapa.
KG · 9 months ago
Ed is correct, most countries that have us bases the result is their neighbors suffer from untold military incursions . They train military rebels to launch instability and advocate PUPPET REGIME change agendas. vigilance must be our utmost priority. it's a fact that Americans are very interested in PUPPET regimes. we will resist any moves to install any stooges in our country. no wonder why hh is in good books with our local sellout, chamisa.
Vladimir Putin · 9 months ago
you are promoted to be behind my back
Hombre · 9 months ago
Let's see if SADC are going to allow one member to divide them by lambasting another in a foreign land. If SADC allows this, Zambia must pull out of the regional grouping.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 9 months ago
We've a summit this year in Zim. Mutungamiri we SADC muchamuona. It's gonna be an interesting time ahead
. · 9 months ago
nelson chamisa abatwa achibonyo ra nachiwenga
@Man to Man · 9 months ago
Zambia was out in Petersburg Africa Economic Forum
👀 · 9 months ago
haiwawo ko ainyepa here his Excellency?mabhunu aya tinoaziva ukaona achiita get cosy with you like what's happening in Zambia uko ziva kut you're in for a rude awakening very soon.Putin anoto fanira kutipa mamwe ma missiles bcoz mabhunu arikuita consolidate power zvedi in Zambia uko.Zambia inofanira kubuda mu SADC together with Botswana bcoz they're more American than African
Joza · 9 months ago
@👀Vaunoti mabhunu ndivo vakaita sei? Tarisa skin yaED neya Putin. Urikutoona mubhoi pana Putin. Urikutoona bhudhi Putin. I'm no racist. Just correcting your fake prejudice.
@joza · 9 months ago
you don't think then kana usingazove kut mabhunu ma British ma Americans nema Boer goats azere mu DA in south Africa uko
rx · 9 months ago
Zvirinane kuva chimbwasungata cheAmerica than china and Russia , tarisai nyika dznowirirana neAmerica kunaka kwadzakaita vanhu veko vakagara zvakanaka imi ana sorobhangu mune mungoteedzera varikuba kutuka Amerika
patz · 9 months ago
Kupinda kana kubuda muSADC zvakangofanana nekupinda kana kubuda mu whatsapp group. Mu whatsapp group hamubhadharwi mamembers mari unongoramba uri zvauri
☝️ · 9 months ago
mufana Laurent Kabila benefited from SADC gore riya
@Man to Man · 9 months ago
thrd world war biggest loosers United States of America,,,,,,and it will leave Zimbabwe as super power
laugh emoji1
Ganyamatope · 9 months ago
Ndofunga chibaby chezanu unodakubatsirwa.Wisdom unoiziva iwe.Nyika yazoshaya grnd rokutambira bhora chairo mine munhu ane wisdom,nyika yazoshaya Mari yayo,vanhu vaizoziya nenzara,road dzaiuraya vanhu everyday uri**** remunhu.
fugu pfeee · 9 months ago
hativaraidzwe nebhora nyika ichiinda. enda kuzambia kwacho kune maground unowona bhora ikoko
Samui · 9 months ago
Zimbabwe must invade Zambia hichilema is a puppet of the west
· 9 months ago
Do you have the bullets and resources to fight?
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Who's money do you use to buy your groceries every day??? Certainly not Russia!!!!!!
@Man to Man 🙋🙋 Prophecy of World War 111 · 9 months ago
countries that will take part in Russia, Ukraine,England ,United States of America,Canada,Japan ,Eugypt,Iran, Israel, Zimbabwe,South Africa,Taiwan,South Korea, Germany,Saudi Arabia,North Korea, Palestine,India,Brazil, Argentina
· 9 months ago
You wish
Mavhaire · 9 months ago
Ndozvinoita munhu kana abobomerwa,anokwanisa kt achikona chokwadi oti imhebwe.Mashoko . Kungwarira makuhwa.
Leo · 9 months ago
3rd world war will begin and earth is going to end after that
@Man to Man · 9 months ago
Pasi ne Zambia a puppet of the west
pm · 9 months ago
zvido zvenyu kunyanya

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