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Traveller Hangs Himself On Toilet Door Hinge At JM Nkomo International Airport

9 months agoFri, 14 Jun 2024 16:32:50 GMT
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Traveller Hangs Himself On Toilet Door Hinge At JM Nkomo International Airport

A 27-year-old male committed suicide at the Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International Airport on Thursday after checking into a flight to Johannesburg.

The man, who has been identified as Cecil Themba Elisha, a resident of Killarney suburb in Bulawayo, allegedly hitched himself using a door hinge.

An airport worker who spoke to ZimLive said the suicide move appeared “almost impossible to pull off.” Said worker:

It beggars belief because how do you use a door to kill yourself? He must have worked really hard for it. I guess when it’s your day, it’s your day.

Police reportedly recovered a diary “full of suicide notes”, and “The young man had a lot which was happening in his life”, according to a ZimLive source.

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Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson for Bulawayo Province, Inspector Abednico Ncube said Elisha completed all travel formalities at the airport as he checked in for the 5.30 PM Fastjet flight to Johannesburg. He said:

He went to the toilets and took too long to return thereby delaying the flight to depart. The airport aviation security officer started looking for him and he found him hanging at the back of the door of the international departure toilet.

He used a nylon rope to hang himself on the hinge which is at the back of the toilet door.

In an unrelated incident, a renowned cattle breeder and proprietor of Heads and Hooves Butchery in Bulawayo, Christopher Androliakos, took his own life at his home on Thursday.

Inspector Ncube urged members of the public to seek counselling if they encounter problems, rather than resorting to suicide.

More: Pindula News



Perez · 9 months ago
kkkk Some comments,
Anonymous · 9 months ago
There could be details left out about the young man found hanging by the door knob. Google about "EROTIC ASPHYXIATION" Some few years back a form 6 boy was found hanging by a shoe lace tied on the window handle in a toilet. The state in which he was found; sitted on the closed toilet seat with pants half down, tongue out and eyes directed to his privates. The investigating officers and medical team came out with that word indicating that it was happening especially at schools but deaths are avoided coz the young men work in pairs or groups so they can release their friend before the worst happens.
Khan · 9 months ago
@ chairman mao.. First of all get a proper name instead of disrespecting the paragon of communism...This isn't group therapy where you reflect your inner feelings of shame onto me...Your gayness has nothing to do with me...Lord Khan will not waste his time on someone with identity and s.e.xuality issues...I am Lord Khan and your tears hydrate me
Khan · 9 months ago
@ Nherera you truly are a gombeen of epic proportions who clearly has a predilection for making up words...There is no such thing as a homophiliac you dolt...You are an ignoramus who clearly deserve utter contempt from anyone on the right side of the autism spectrum...You are a one digit IQ merchant who only lives for my approval which I will never give...Go read a book and learn actual English words instead of this verbal micturition reflex...
Bad news 📰 · 9 months ago
Mukashandisa chirungu chenyu makuruwani kunyora nhetembo dze chirungu munoita mbiri pane kutukana pama click n cluck aya
Khan · 9 months ago
@ Mdara Odza Stan stop it please you are exposing your lack of common sense and wit....You are melting due to the dexterity of my well crafted shots at your irrational obsession with Lord Khan...Why would I use cucumbers if I am gay???...Dude get a grip please you exposing your f.e.tishes on a world stage...Go check yourself in the skid row you insignificant pissant...I have no time for no good incels who think cucumbers are s.e.x toys for pleasure....I am Lord Khan and your tears hydrate me
chairman mao · 9 months ago
we are sick and tired of your ramblings gay Khan don't overload commenfs sections with your psychotic comments
nherera · 9 months ago
We know you are a homophiliac individual
rms · 9 months ago
rest in peace brother we never know u were passing through all this but it was too sudden for u to die
Khan · 9 months ago
@ Nherera look who decided to chime in with insignificant and unwarranted hogwash from a self perceived and imposed sense of healthy mental wellbeing...I do not think of myself as Caucasian and I definitely do not describe myself as Kaffir...You are the infidel here you faux orphan who is only attacking me for clout inorder to satiate your all too apparent fragile ego...Mutsvangwa does not operate a night school , just because he is eloquent and an effective communicator you see it fit to bring him down???...Just because you have a phobia of the King's Language you perceive words as dynamite?....Now leave me alone you pissant and never invoke my name again you no good scoundrel...I am Lord Khan and your tears hydrate me
Mdara Odza · 9 months ago
Go fück yourself with cucumbers as you always do gay dude
Mdara Odza · 9 months ago
im not one of your gay lovers wazvinzwa you lunatic go to Ingutsheni
nherera · 9 months ago
magwara cowards ma broiler who got everything in a silver spoon life is not about money life is about people who surroun you if life was hard Presidents would be the first to commit suicide because arisi basa iriri
Khan · 9 months ago
@ mdara Odza if it isn't my Stan himself in living color...How is it obsessing over someone who doesn't even care about you??😂😂😂...You always think of excrement and now you assume that's everyone's happy place...Unlike you I prefer my shît in the toilet unlike you who clearly has a museum in your one room ramshackle apartment which you clearly use for jankum.... Anyway don't invoke my name you little pissant or I will make sure you never dare raise your puny and insignificant voice on this platform again...I am Lord Khan and you mean nothing to me
nherera · 9 months ago
Khan this is not night school be real uri black munhu mutema kunta kinte Kaffir bobojani seni unibva kwa chivi iwe wakauya uptown nezuro ukaenda Mutswanga night school shut up
nherera · 9 months ago
Khan you are a candidate of suicide iwe kasira uyende kwama Kandiwa or Magaya
nherera · 9 months ago
maswera. cowards who think that life is about cash life is about people around you
euro · 9 months ago
Nano · 9 months ago
ko hapana ma security camera here
Bonnie · 9 months ago
Who puts security camera inside a restroom.... Don't be an ****
👀👀 · 9 months ago
muno mu Zim ma CCTV unotoaona muma private institutions hama yangu ,kwete muma gvt,nyika yedu inowanepi mari yekuisisa ma camera muma toilets
patz · 9 months ago
Mutoilet here
Sultan of Bhurunai · 9 months ago
this is not newsworthy
shug · 9 months ago
haaaaa Nhamo yaonesa vanhu moto vapererwa kusvika pakufa, ummm ED asadaro, kana kuti ano supporter Blue munhu uyu
Gh · 9 months ago
it's mostly man who commit suicide?
Bonnie · 9 months ago
Obvious because men go through a lot but the society doesn't allow them to break down, "men don't cry"
Gh · 9 months ago
have you ever ask yourself why is it mostly
mthombeni · 9 months ago
i guess they are trying to kill the pain inside
nherera · 9 months ago
what pain that's being cruel to your self and family why not spend day ****
Citizens · 9 months ago
honestly speaking the issue of mental health is affecting alot of people. many have issues that they can't handle sue to depression, economy upheaval an awareness to address all this should be conducted ASAP
theLastAntKing · 9 months ago
But he could afford to fly to Joburg when rest of the population could use a bus. What kind of poverty is that? Mental issues yes, drug addict probably
Bonnie · 9 months ago
Mney doesn't mean you are mentally okay. People are suffering from a lot of things besides your poverty
Account Holder · 9 months ago
something is fishy.......I smell a rat
dic · 9 months ago
you need to see an ENT Doctor
mai Tee · 9 months ago
mmm nylon rope futi... cattle breeder uyoo ashandisa nylon rope zvekare....
patz · 9 months ago
Hapana pambonzi cattle breeder hanged himself using a nylon rope.
Antman · 9 months ago
Candle breeder hanged himself using nylon rope go and check
Mdara Odza · 9 months ago
That thing calling himself Khan I advise you to get rid of the poo 💩 in your head that you mistake for brains
FBI · 9 months ago
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Pamwe aiva negold akagona kuti bag rabatwa kuno sechwa akapinda mu loo kunozvipedzisa.
Mdara Odza · 9 months ago
Someone must have strangled or smothered him then hung his body on the door hinge, otherwise this story about him hanging on a door hinge is illogical, counterintuitive and preposterous
Anonymous · 9 months ago
Agreed, a t****rough investigation is necessary
Gh · 9 months ago
I used to think it's voluntarily to have stress and depression. But, you can not chose the first or the later. When it's your turn, you may not be able to see even the back of your hands. It's a pity some are taken away and never come back. But nevertheless, ending your life is a devilish idea
Antman · 9 months ago
I told my self that no matter what I will never consider taking my life as a solution
Bonnie · 9 months ago
Don't be too quick to make that decision
Gh · 9 months ago
It's hard to be a man. When I was a son, my father told me when I turned 19 that one-day you will have to do the same
jim · 9 months ago
manje wozisungirira woshortesa hamadzako here , satani so
Antman · 9 months ago
Apa unenge une family member ikuda kurumbo but due to loving their family they have no one to offer iwe wotambisa hupenyu. Well it's painful to be a man. If you share sometimes people laugh at you, also if you bottle more than you can take you end up loosing it. May the families of the deceased dind comfort in the Lord. I have a neighbor who drank poison this week, a man to make matters worse. Seems like men are getting week as time goes on. Problem shared is problem halfed
VaBhomba · 9 months ago
Suicidal thoughts

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