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Police Release More Details On Harare-Bindura Road Kombi Accident

9 months agoWed, 19 Jun 2024 15:34:14 GMT
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Police Release More Details On Harare-Bindura Road Kombi Accident

Police have released the name of one of the five people who were killed in a road traffic accident involving a kombi, a truck, and a Toyota Belta at the 37-kilometre peg along Harare-Bindura Road on June 18, 2024, at around 1:45 PM.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi said 5 people were killed whilst 13 others were injured when a Harare-bound Toyota Hiace kombi with 17 passengers on board was involved in a head-on collision with a Man truck carrying three passengers. He said:

The collision occurred whilst the kombi was overtaking a Toyota Belta vehicle at a curve. Subsequently, the kombi went on to side-swipe with the Toyota Belta vehicle.

Comm Nyathi said one of the five deceased persons has been identified as Ruth Chakukura (70) a female adult. He added:

The other four victims have not yet been identified by their next of kin. Some of the injured victims are admitted at Concession Hospital whilst others were referred to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, Harare.

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Comm Nyathi also revealed that a ninth Anglican Church pilgrim died in hospital after a Pashonlink bus they were travelling on caught fire at the 26-kilometre peg along Nyabadza-Gandanzara Road on Sunday.

He urged drivers to observe all road rules and regulations and avoid recklessly overtaking along road curves when observation and judgment are affected.

More: Pindula News



Khan · 9 months ago
@ . calm down you rapscallion...Take your time to analyse the carefully curated jibe I know it extremely laborious for one brain cell cretins like you to read proper English verbiage but at least try...You are a negroid who still thinks **** is a demeaning word when it is now actually a cliche...You are nothing but garbage and not on my level...The only person I respect is Mai Titi the rest of you are numskulls in desperate need of basic education.
Kongaring Kongara · 9 months ago
MTSRIP.Once again souls are being lost on our country's roads and we never know when this will end.Discipline should always be part of our mindset when on the road especially when behind the wheel.
million · 9 months ago
ndizvo zvinongwarirwa nepolice kutaura vanhu vafa instead kusunga mbavha dzezanu
Khan · 9 months ago
@ Patriot not only are you incapable of constructing a proper sentence you have also proven that you are an infidel not worth Lord Khan's graces...Gross anatomy has clearly shown that normal healthy people have one rectum so where does "rectums" come from you absolute moron..🤣🤣🤣🤣 and he desperately wants to argue with me when clearly he has the mind of gnat...🙌🙌🙌 out of everyone I have ever encountered on this platform you are truly the dullest....You are such a slow-witted individual who is clearly not worth my time...Go argue with your intellectual peers who can be found in the neonatal intensive care unit as I can only assume you are a premature little worm who is desperately trying to convey words but is only making themselves look moronic by the second..."Rectums" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you should be a comedian but then again you would be too hip for the room and a plague to the cochlea of the savior of the intellectual masses...Keep your grunts and unintelligible scribblings akin to caveman drawings of Altamira..You are the world's first human vacuum cleaner as you manage to suck and blow at the same time...I am Lord Khan and I do not need the approval of random strangers on Pindula unlike you who is clearly desperate to get attention from God...I will not give you the satisfaction you grifter ...Lord Khan is the paragon of black excellence and Zanu PF commenter in chief...All hail Lord Khan
. · 9 months ago
This goofy 🅱️ℹ️TCH has no idea what he's talking about 🙄
Xx · 9 months ago
Rest in Peace to all who lost their lives, and a speedy recovery to the injured
maboss · 9 months ago
Patriot · 9 months ago
my sincere condolences kune varasikirwa and Rest in peace to the departed
Khan · 9 months ago
@ Tafman For too long I have let these scamps run amok and do as they please as if it is the hedonistic ages ..I am Lord Khan and I will end the reign of terror Pindula had been experiencing under the yoke of unabashed blockheads...I am Lord Khan and I approve this message
Patriot · 9 months ago
you have an itch in your rectums you need scratched that's why you are overly engaging in fights with real men on Pindula .I can't waste time on you
Khan · 9 months ago
@ . You and what army you twat of questionable origins....I am Lord Khan and I will make sure you and your pathetic offspring will feel my wrath... You must have committed great sins for your god to send a punishment like me upon you...You and the small vocal minority that mostly exist in that deteriorating necrotic tissue you call a brain are the ones that oppose the language Khan uses... Learn to stand as an individual you puny retard who should have been aborted to save the rest of humanity from your unprecedented imbecility...I can only marvel and wonder at what it must be like to be a spineless human being who is unable to stand as an individual , then again you might have multiple personalities which makes it okay for you speak in pronouns...Get out of here varlet for I will end you ..Go join the increasingly neurotic ne'er-do-wells I have sent to the intellectual gulag where homonculi like you can comfort each other in your feeblemindedness...I am the Lord Khan and I approve this message
Zuze · 9 months ago
You are really a tiresome little prick.
· 9 months ago
Mupengo anotaura chirungu anononoka kuonekwa hupengo hwake , Bamunini Khan makupenga
Tafman · 9 months ago
nhy Khan, ko chii. wise people know when and how to respond. Like the old adage goes "a man doesn't look **** until he start talking"
Khan · 9 months ago
@ VaBhomba you mean that dullard who cannot even construct a basic English sentence and is allergic to the use of an apostrophe... Patriot is unavailable as I have made sure of his utter demise....He is nothing but styrofoam in a room full of emeralds...I am Lord Khan and I do not care about your dullness
. · 9 months ago
and we don't give a damn 🙄 about you or what you say. You insufferable little prick🖕🏾
@Man to Man · 9 months ago
thanks for the results
Chibaba · 9 months ago
Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu are hiding in China fearing to be prosecuted by ZAAC on their issue of money laundering with Wicknell Chivhayo.
nherera · 9 months ago
full time results Germany 2 Hungary l
Ooo · 9 months ago
Iwe nyati sunga weckinell
@Man to Man · 9 months ago
tiudzei nezvebhora
mbb · 9 months ago
Germany ne Hungary rapera sei bhora
VaBhomba · 9 months ago
Big up Patriot wamupedzera his gayness Khan
nherera · 9 months ago
half time results
cat hunter · 9 months ago
@Man to Man · 9 months ago
Germany vs Hungary full time results update mi guys
nherera · 9 months ago
Germany leading I. Hungary 0
Lord Castlereagh · 9 months ago
Vanhu ve bhora ndimi makaisirwa option yakanzi "Discuss" pa dashboard re Pindula after vaona kuti munonyangadza comment section muchibvunza ma results e bhora zvisinei ne news dzaiswa pa top. Anyway kuchona kwakaoma vakomana, zvekusvika pakubvunza ma results e bhora pa Pindula nekuda kwekushaya kana ma text message hawo ekubvunza bhururu wako anoonera bhora kubhawa, haaa Zanu Pf isadaro so
@Man to Man · 9 months ago
😂😂zvemahara zvongodiiwa plus hauzive here kuti pindula ndeyezanu
Paul Toga · 9 months ago
kkkkk ndiwe une yese
Antman · 9 months ago
Mushikashika kill us, registered Kombis and busses are also killing us only option is to use our own cars but we cant afford cars. Either way we die. Just be safe Zimbabweans always live today to the utmost and enjoy it cause tomorrow is not guaranteed

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