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Spar Supervisor Accused Of Rejecting ZiG Notes For Bread

8 months agoMon, 24 Jun 2024 12:19:06 GMT
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Spar Supervisor Accused Of Rejecting ZiG Notes For Bread

A supervisor at a Spar Supermarket in Harare was last week arraigned before a magistrate for allegedly refusing to accept payment in Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) notes from a customer.

Panashe Takavarasha (37) appeared before Harare magistrate Caroline Matanga facing two counts of contravening the Reserve Bank Act and was remanded on free bail, reported The Herald.

On Count One, the complainant is Precious Gracia Ngwenya while on Count Two, the complainant is Sydney Chatora.

Allegations are that on June 16 2024, at around 3 PM, Chatora went to Spar Supermarket Market Square intending to buy a loaf of bread using the ZIG.

However, just as Chatora was preparing to pay for the bread, he was informed that the Spar grocery store would only accept payment in United States Dollars for the purchase of bread and that the local ZiG currency could not be used to complete the transaction.

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Chatora pleaded with Takavarasha who allegedly insisted that Spar does not accept ZIG as payment for bread and that customers could buy bread with only United States dollars.

Chatora left the supermarket in frustration and reported the matter at the Market Square Police Post leading to Takavarasha’s arrest.

More: Pindula News



GHETTO GOSPEL · 8 months ago
Money Changers arrested for accepting ZiG. Spar Supervisor arrested for refusing ZiG. ZIMBABWE A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY BETWEEN LIMPOPO & ZAMBEZI
Zim-Sketch · 8 months ago
upon realising that, the franchise is being run by a close colleague of Vene, the case was closed.
Boss lady · 8 months ago
Spot on
bee · 8 months ago
chonetsa at national events the leaders are doshing out USD.ko ngavatange kupa maZIG ipapo to lead by example.
cde · 8 months ago
ko ku fuel kwamira sei varikutora here
cde · 8 months ago
ngavasungwe vanoramba zig
44yrs · 8 months ago
ZiG note tipeiwo maserious nematerial iyoyo hainakidze kubata havasi kuramba value but material zvimanotes zvapera kutsemuka tsemuka gadzira zvinoyedza kushandisa
African Observer · 8 months ago
haiwawo kumwe kushaya brain kuramba zig arikungo perera kupa vanhu change uyu by sunset unotoona zig wese apera kuenda nevanhu iwe waswera uchimu tambira zuva rese. zvimwe zvacho kungoti avo vashandi vekwa spar avo vanenge vatoita receive a directive from the top.zvno anofanira kusungwa apa ndian? supervisor? management? shareholders?
African · 8 months ago
Government is doing enough about protect their Zig... They should take note that most of these retailers are playing tricks with their minds. Retailers now have Zig cash counters or swipe. but when it comes to swipe or eco cash they always tell you that network is done. they don't literally reject Zig but they literally tell you network is down for zig. even big retailers they do that.... Government should introduce toll free numbers or free sms number then when customers encounter such you just make report on that number. Wake up imi we can't tell you everything
. · 8 months ago
Asi ndiwe wega une network inoseenza?
African · 8 months ago
mafungiro ako newe
African · 8 months ago
yikucabanga kwakho lawe
· 8 months ago
vhura shop Yako utengese nemarara
It's a pity tht us the citizens actually sabotage ourselves if you don't understand how things are run economically rather opt for a solution rather be the problem Dai akatora MA Zig spar singo mayendesa kuna baker baker oisa mu bank obhadharawo tax isusu ku bank towana cash munhu unoda USD pamwe uchitozori pfuudza not yoz to use in any benefit to the economy in any of its constitutes it's a pity
. · 8 months ago
ZiG haisi mari. furustop
Cee Bee 🐝 · 8 months ago
Nyaya dzekare kare idzo
justice · 8 months ago
this is nonsense. the bakery delivery trucks are only collecting us dollars and tell you they have no swipe. ZIG cash not taken.
patz · 8 months ago
Zig raingofanirwa kuperera pacoin macoin acho achigumira pa 10 zig. MaUSD ari muvanhu and 80 % of transaction are in USD. Tax payers are contributing enough to sustain the economy. We know the real sanctions affecting us- Chivayo and company squandering tax payers money. So alarming!!! The so called sanctions is actually corruption. We only need zig as change and to buy goods and services that cost less than 1US$
Tambaoga · 8 months ago
Zig chii nhai ndimunyowani
customer · 8 months ago
munhu kuramba zig rangu, ngasungwe and rot in prison
Chirandata · 8 months ago
Vanhu havana chakanaka zvokwadi. Dai zvaibvuma tasiyana nemari dzedzimwe nyika. Zvino kuSpar uko hamuna kuzvihwa kanhi? Zvakabwereketwa kubva pakutanga wani kuti vanenge vachiramba mari yedu pachedu, imhosva. Zvimwe zvivindi itaiwo muchitya nekuremeredza zvavambwa nevakuru venyu. Vazhinji ndiyo mari yatopiwa neHurumende kwatinoshanda zvino mukairamba kana kukwidza kwidza rate munoda kuti tirarame cy. KuAmerica kwacho ndiani wakamboen****, sesu hedu vana wonini.
. · 8 months ago
Dai mutupo webenzi
...,. · 8 months ago
this is the funny thing about our country where we have individuals being treated as if they own what they represent, same as politicians who think they own the country and the people, and the courts do not see beyond the person

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