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Businesses, Residents In Dete Await Physical Access To ZWG Currency

8 months agoSat, 29 Jun 2024 09:24:33 GMT
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Businesses, Residents In Dete Await Physical Access To ZWG Currency

Residents and business owners in Dete, a township situated within the Hwange National Park about 65km from Hwange town in Matabeleland North Province, say they have yet to physically obtain the new Zimbabwe Gold (ZWG) currency.

They report only seeing the new currency featured on television, in newspapers, and on social media platforms.

Onesimo Ushendibaba, the Chairperson of the Dete Business Community, told the Chronicle that the shortage of ZWG in the area is exacerbated by the absence of banking facilities in the small township. Said Ushendibaba:

I am aware that the new currency was introduced in April but as businesses, we are yet to have a customer who has used this currency in our shops, if so it may have been a once-off transaction.

People have to travel to Hwange to access banking facilities and since that is where we also get bigger supermarkets, they naturally will do their grocery shopping there, especially if it’s paydays.

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Onesimo Ushendibaba explained that due to Dete’s location within a major tourist area, most people in the community are employed in the tourism sector and have better access to foreign currencies, particularly the United States dollar.

Gloria Gumbo, a vendor at the local flea market, said she had only seen the ZWG currency when she travelled to Harare to place orders for her business. Said Gumbo:

People come with US$ to buy wares at my shop, I am yet to sell in ZWG, not that I don’t want but because no one has this currency, maybe a few but they use it mainly to pay bills such as electricity and water.

Launched on April 5th, 2024, the ZWG currency has maintained a relatively stable peg to the United States dollar, starting at an exchange rate of 13.56 ZWG per USD and rising only marginally to the current rate of 13.70 ZWG per USD.

Yesterday, the Zimbabwe Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) said that the month-on-month ZiG inflation rate for June 2024 was 0 per cent, meaning prices have remained constant on average between May and June.

More: Pindula News



kamukono ketsambarafuta 🤸 · 8 months ago
ini anditoriketi ndajaira kuona magreen chte
· 8 months ago
pm · 8 months ago
saturday premier soccer league how far ma results
Zim-Sketch · 8 months ago
the ZiG is at RBZ not circulating in the economy. if it was in the economy I bet the rate could be $1: ZiG 500
madabula · 8 months ago
or ndiyo Shamu inenunyu ,kkkkk
👽 · 8 months ago
aaah Cross Dete lovely folk..miss you Buhle ,mdala Ngwenya and all the pple in Phakhati village ❤️❤️.
Peter Bvirakare · 8 months ago
Zig is not readily available here in Mutare its very difficult to transact using Zig only sometimes you only get a few coins for change. Prices in most shops are pegged in US dollars which makes it difficult to to purchase products. The government should ensure prices are displayed in one single currency ZIG so as to easily monitor exchange distortion. Not all people have bank accounts since the majority are now vendors without bank accounts Very few people are now.in formal employment and they don't do business with banks
Jenerari(retired) · 8 months ago
Rongo Rivhi Pumura
Commentor · 8 months ago
Even kuno kuMwenezi, we use Rands then USD, the rest is digital
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Mudhibhisi · 8 months ago
The ZiG is a very good currency as has been said by us the Zimbos and many other international institutions.However, the onus is on the RBZ to put in place innovative strategies to ensure that this valuable currency of ours reaches every Zimbo.Im sure the RBZ has been letting us down in this regard. #Forever Gold.
Aratijiesi · 8 months ago
Isu kuno Gokwe tiri kungoshandisa RTGS zvekuti kwava neZig tiri kutozvinzwira pano
Commentor · 8 months ago
Social Media · 8 months ago
Ini ndongorivonera pano paPindula rakabatwa naJohn Mushayamunhu
Gamaz · 8 months ago
Kusimbisa Mari isiri muvanhu kuzvifonera
mbocho · 8 months ago
iwe ndiwe usina coz hauna plan nemari
44yrs · 8 months ago
Hezvoness two months down the line no ZWG in rural areas pakatoipa

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