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AMA Urges Farmers To Pay Livestock Development Levy

8 months agoTue, 02 Jul 2024 14:17:14 GMT
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AMA Urges Farmers To Pay Livestock Development Levy

The Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA) is urging stakeholders in the agricultural sector, particularly the private sector, to support government initiatives by contributing to the livestock development levy.

In an interview with NewsDay, AMA Chief Executive Officer Clever Isaya emphasized that the levy applies to businesses involved in chick production, raw milk purchase, and beef cattle slaughter.

Isaya outlined that the levy’s objectives include promoting the sector, enhancing disease surveillance and control, researching livestock production technologies, improving animal health, ensuring transparent grading of livestock and products, facilitating orderly livestock marketing, investing in veterinary infrastructure, and promoting sustainable animal husbandry practices. He said:

There has been reluctance by stakeholders to contribute to this levy. The advantages of doing so are many.

All resources must be harnessed towards the rehabilitation and consistent dipping of cattle, which are proven methods of containing menacing diseases.

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The Presidential Tick Grease Programme has been very successful and millions of farmers across the country have benefited from the same.

The livestock development levy must effectively contribute to this cause. The levy remains an enabler in the livestock sector.

Producers of day-old chicks are charged $0.01 per chick. Buyers of raw milk pay $0.01 per litre, and abattoirs pay $10 of the value of a fifth quarter per animal slaughtered. Added Isaya:

We call upon all stakeholders to move together in this important drive to safeguard the national herd. The government must not walk alone on this important journey.

In 2017, Anxious Masuka, Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development, enacted the Agricultural Marketing Authority (Livestock Development Levy) Regulations, 2017, through Statutory Instrument 129 of 2017.

These regulations were established to introduce a livestock development levy and outline its purposes and distribution.

The levy forms a part of the Agricultural Marketing Fund, established under the Agricultural Marketing Authority (AMA) Act.

More: Pindula News



Cde hondo · 8 months ago
Levy mari moda kupa vakomana ve mbudzi vaye mpofu na chimombe
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Next is Clean air Levy......!
Erudite · 8 months ago
@ gaucho of are a South American wannabe desperate to be part of a culture and continent that despises people of your race...Do you even know where the pampas are you utter dolt
Antman · 8 months ago
In Zimbabwe we oay fir ridiculous things. Reduce PAYEE if you want to levy us on everything. Hoe can we survive with these taxes and levies.
Doti · 8 months ago
Nyika izere zvicherwa moba mari yezvicherwa mavakuda malevies futi chamuchaitawo makanyarara chiii makanganwa zvamakarwiira vachena read From Iron age to independence zvicida ungaona u**** hwako
Tafman · 8 months ago
nhywe @khan, the Griot, the Lord...wachinjazve wava kuzviti erudite. unozvinetsawo iwe... different pseudonyms same thrash. Sasi rako rongokubatisa coz unotaura pamazh'o emanyoka oga oga
Erudite · 8 months ago
The truth does not discriminate...I just asked for evidence to the claims he made....He failed to provide any except those backed by his feelings...The taxation level in Zim is not the highest not even by a country mile...Erudite out
tindo · 8 months ago
Dai dzisingazobiwi nevachejeri zvirinane
Erudite · 8 months ago
@. Ivory Coast is the most taxed nation on the African continent so your bold claim that Zim is the most taxed nation on Earth is a bold faced lie...Stop parroting lies made by voodoo economists like Mugano and Biti or those made by sensationalists like Hopewell... This is not a CCC WhatsApp group chat but a serious forum... Erudite out
gaucho of pampas · 8 months ago
uchapenga iwe
Erudite · 8 months ago
Says a guy who literally thinks he is South American
Bob · 8 months ago
Nyaraiwo levy pese pese mari dzacho muri kunyanyodzidii
Tshabangu The Original · 8 months ago
cent rimwe chete pahukwana yoga yoga guys that's a lot of money hukwana dzikawanda
XXX · 8 months ago
mucham a ma hausati mhani
chihera · 8 months ago
borehole levy, mugodi levy , solar levy
Kokomo · 8 months ago
KuMwenezi Vana vava kutereswa dollar
007 · 8 months ago
itai zvenyu bt end product the consumer always crying
@Erudite · 8 months ago
It not is not opposition mind but the fact our government is being busy milking poor citizens by introducing different types of taxes where exactly do they think we can get that money chii chavari kuita chinoratidza kuti vari kuda kugadzirisa fungawo mhani iwe
Erudite · 8 months ago
Live within your means then and see if you will complain about taxes... Taxes only stifle those that live way beyond their means...Do you not see all the infrastructure development that's happening in this country or do they teach you to close your eyes and only wish for the days of imperialism
Antman · 8 months ago
Hogwash. Cevil servants live on thrir means but they are ridiculously taxes imagine 40% PAYEE then 15%VAT, sugar levy , 6% levy on electricity 2% IMMT. Eventually you only spent 25%of your pay. I know you will utter nonsense cause of USD10.00 given to you monthly to lie to the general public.
wasu · 8 months ago
by 2030 pachange paane children levy kune vese vane vana ne oxygen levy
wasu · 8 months ago
oxygen levy very soon
Erudite · 8 months ago
Listening to the opposition hive mind will make you believe that taxation is akin to colonialism🙌🙌...As long as you are on the grid you deserve to be taxed in order to grease the wheels of commerce..Pay your taxes or pay the price... Erudite out
Antman · 8 months ago
Skave master mentality. It's not about partisan uts about reality @Khan stop spreading hogwash. CCC this CCC that, why obsess about CCC whilst you know that all this is wrong, I bet you're not an entrepreneur, employed formally or informally. You're the envelop type give illicit money yo lie
eb · 8 months ago
All taxes that was blamed during smith regime are now implemented to the fullest Though the money being collected nothing could materialize because inongobiwa
Zim-Sketch · 8 months ago
under Smith the taxes were used for the real purpose, under Vene taxes are a looting scheme
Tambaoga · 8 months ago
iiiiii apa nyaraiwo.levy yenyi
comments reader👨‍💻 · 8 months ago
some people need to ask us for forgiveness nezvechimurenga chavakaenda nekuti some of the reasons avakaendera kuchimurenga ndoiwaya

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