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US$1.6 Billion Paid To Mystery Shareholders By Mutapa Investment Fund

8 months agoThu, 04 Jul 2024 08:38:57 GMT
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US$1.6 Billion Paid To Mystery Shareholders By Mutapa Investment Fund

Zimbabwe’s new sovereign wealth fund, the Mutapa Investment Fund, reportedly paid a “grossly inflated” US$1.6 billion, which is 5 per cent of GDP, for shares in Kuvimba Mining House.

According to the latest The Sentry report, the secretive payment of US$1.6 billion was made to unknown private individuals to buy their shares in the mining conglomerate with recent links to Kudakwashe Tagwirei, a presidential adviser and ZANU PF donor.

The Sentry is a US-based investigative organisation that tracks corruption.

In a report published on Wednesday, The Sentry said US$1.6 billion in public debt was used by the Mutapa Investment Fund (formerly known as the Sovereign Wealth Fund of Zimbabwe), to purchase shares in Kuvimba, which owns about a dozen gold, lithium, nickel and platinum mines. It said:

The Sentry’s analysis suggests that Mutapa paid a grossly inflated price for the shares.

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The report stated that until recently, the state had owned 65% of Kuvimba and private investors had held 35% of the shares. Said The Sentry report:

A $1.6-billion price tag for a 35% stake would value Kuvimba at US$4.6 billion overall — triple the $1.5-billion valuation given to Kuvimba by the government in 2022. This would raise serious questions about whether Mutapa has grossly overvalued the shares.

A $4.6-billion valuation would also be much more than the amount that Tagwirei’s firms spent in 2019 on acquiring the mines before they transferred the assets to Kuvimba in 2020.

Rising gold prices since 2020 might explain some of the increase in Kuvimba’s value. Said The Sentry:

However, a $4.6-billion valuation seems distinctly frothy given that Kuvimba’s other mines have had mixed fortunes: Declining lithium prices have caused stockpiling, and the firm’s platinum and nickel projects are either inactive or loss-making.

Tagwirei has denied links to Kuvimba, but previous reports have linked him to the mining conglomerate. Said The Sentry report:

In 2021, The Sentry revealed how Tagwirei was a secret owner of up to 35% of Kuvimba. Tagwirei and Kuvimba deny he owns the shares, but authorities refuse to identify who received the US$1.6 billion payment for the 35% stake.

The secretive payment of US$1.6 billion to undisclosed private individuals poses a threat to Zimbabwe’s debt restructuring negotiations, exacerbating the country’s liabilities.

Zimbabwe currently faces debt distress, impeding its ability to secure affordable loans from development banks due to previous defaults and significant arrears.

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is actively guiding Zimbabwe and its creditors toward a structured debt restructuring process.

According to The Sentry report, lenders may find little reassurance in the fact that Zimbabwe’s debt has surged to $21 billion, especially considering that new debt equivalent to 5% of GDP seems to have been issued to compensate shareholders in Kuvimba, potentially linked to a politically connected businessman. It said:

The point of sovereign wealth funds is to preserve and grow wealth to benefit Zimbabwean citizens. If the report of $1.6 billion paid to Kuvimba’s private investors is true, Zimbabwean taxpayers — who will have to repay this debt — should be angry that one of the first acts of their new sovereign wealth fund may have been to allocate wealth from the many to the few.

More: Pindula News



@Vhedza · 8 months ago
As Zimbabweans we are almost dependent on social media speculative news. Tsvagiridzo dzechokwadi hapachina. Tave Mayes men as we live today's world.
Rudo💅 · 8 months ago
Zvese hazvina maturo.Rugare rwedu rwuri kudenga isu machinda rinodaro bhaibheri.
Zeus mfana · 8 months ago
Let them loot that's what they know best, Killin people nothing will change till God comes, u can complain Zimbabweans whole day nothing will remove these thugs u know it
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Freedom · 8 months ago
you are so right, it's unlimited looting
🇿🇼 · 8 months ago
Go and see Wicknell
rebelyus · 8 months ago
The Venemutapa Looting Scheme
bhobhojani bhadhiza · 8 months ago
ukarava hazvikukanganisi 👇. 1 Samuel 8:6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,11.,12.,13.,14.,15.,16.,17.,18. 6. But when they said, 'Give us a king to lead us,' this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD. Asi shoko iro harina kufadza Samueri, iro rokuti, Tipei mambo ungatitonga. Samueri akanyengetera kuna Jehovha. 7. And the LORD told him: 'Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. Ipapo Jehovha akati kuna Samueri, Teerera hako zvose zvinotaura vanhu kwauri, nokuti havana kukuramba iwe, asi vakandiramba ini, kuti ndirege kuva mambo wavo. 8. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Zvose zvavakaita kubva zuva randakavakwidza ndichivabudisa paljipiti kusvikira nhasi, vachindirasha nokushumira vamwe vamwari, ndizvo zvavanokuitira iwewo. 9. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do.' Zvino teerera hako manzwi avo; asi uvapupurire kwazvo, uvazivise tsika dzamambo, uchavabata. 10. Samuel told all the words of the LORD to the people who were asking him for a king. Zvino Samueri akaudza vanhu vakanga vachikumbira mambo kwaari mashoko ose aJehovha. 11. He said, 'This is what the king who will reign over you will do: He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. Akati, Tsika dzamambo, uchakubatai, ndidzo, Uchatora vanakomana venyu akavaisa pangoro dzake. 12. Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and others to plow his ground and reap his harvest, and still others to make weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. Uchazvitsaurira vamwe vave vakuru vezviuru, navakuru vamakumi mashanu; ucharaira vamwe kumurimira minda yake, nokukohwa michero yake, nokumuitira nhumbi dzake dzokurwa nadzo, nenhumbi dzengoro dzake. 13. He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers. Uchatora vanasikana venyu, vave vavhenganisi vezvinonhuwira, navabiki vezvokudya, navabiki vechingwa. 14. He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants. Uchatora minda yenyu neminda yenyu yemizambiringa, neminda yenyu yemiorivhi yakaisvonaka kukunda mimwe, achipa varanda vake. 15. He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants. Uchatora zvegumi zvembeu dzenyu nemazambiringa enyu, achipa varanda vake navabatiri vake. 16. Your menservants and maidservants and the best of your cattle and donkeys he will take for his own use. Uchatora varanda venyu navarandakadzi venyu, namajaya enyu akaisvonaka kukunda vamwe vose, nembongoro dzenyu, achibatisa mabasa ake nazvo. 17. He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his slaves. Uchatora zvegumi zvamapoka enyu amakwai; nemi muchava varanda vake. 18. When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day.' Nezuva iro muchachema kwazvo nokuda kwamambo wenyu wamunenge mazvitsaurira; asi Jehovha haangakupinduriyi nezuva iro.
Antman · 8 months ago
So basically some leaders are here as a punishment to us! So sad 😔
bobo · 8 months ago
C'mon fellow Zimbabweans, let's get ambitious! Look at countries like Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. Their citizens enjoy incredible benefits because their governments use wealth funds to subsidize healthcare, education, and utilities. Imagine the positive impact that could have here! 1.6 billion could transform the lives of 17 million Zimbabweans. We could make it prestigious to hold a Zimbabwean passport and be born here with that 1.6 billion ! whats wrong with us as a people that makes us so selfish we only want ourselves to be rich at the expense of others your fellow country members - Think of the incredible things we could accomplish if we all worked together for the common good.
Bob · 8 months ago
Kunyepe kuba nekuponda ndozvega zvamatora mukombe vene venyika
D1vant · 8 months ago
US gvt PROPAGANDA, nothing less, nothing more.
. · 8 months ago
Raamai vako rakaora nenjovhera.
patz · 8 months ago
Haasi ma sanctions here aya arikukonzeresa kuti mari ibhadharwe kuma fictitous shareholders. Pamwe yakabiwa nanaBiden
44yrs · 8 months ago
May to July everyday kungonzwa zvemillion nemabillion USD figures dai dziri mari dziri kutaurwa kunzi dzaendeswa kumaHospital ndoona sekuti dai nyika yese iri kufara nekuhutano hwkachengeteka. Hino mubvunzo wangu ndewekuti ko zvatave kusvinwa kusvika pabonzo kudaro ichave nyika here iye remangwana redu richagoveiko?
Zuze · 8 months ago
Lootocracy UnLimited.
Anonymous · 8 months ago
and what will u do about it ? just type and comment and do nix
Cee Bee 🐝 · 8 months ago
nherera · 8 months ago
muhnu wese ku ma cell isu tidye Mari ini l got only 5million
Lord Castlereagh · 8 months ago
Takagara tazvitaura kuti that Mutapa Investment Fund is a looting organisation
nherera · 8 months ago
siyana neni iwe
Cee Bee 🐝 · 8 months ago
@nherera dhodhee rako hantka
Cee Bee 🐝 · 8 months ago
@nherera dhodhee rako hanty ka

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