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Mnangagwa Says Zimbabwe Could Adopt ZiG As Sole Currency Before 2030

8 months agoFri, 05 Jul 2024 05:35:53 GMT
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Mnangagwa Says Zimbabwe Could Adopt ZiG As Sole Currency Before 2030

President Emmerson Mnangagwa hinted on Thursday, July 4, that the new gold-backed currency, ZiG, would become the sole legal tender before the previously announced 2030 deadline to phase out the current multicurrency system.

This contrasts with Mnangagwa’s announcement in October 2023, when he extended the multicurrency regime by five years until 2030.

That move was seen as an effort to allay growing concerns about looming changes to Zimbabwe’s currency policy.

Speaking in Mutare during the commissioning of a new fruit juice and water processing plant, Mnangagwa indicated that the exclusive use of the ZiG may happen sooner than the 2030 timeline. He said:

In two years, in fact two years is too far off, but there will come a time when our ZiG currency has fully penetrated the market, then I will give a directive that the country will be using the ZiG only.

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If you go to the shops to buy with the US dollar, they will refuse it. Even those who were performing and entertaining us today, who were being given US dollar tokens, in two months’ time you (they) will be given the ZiG and no US dollars because that is our currency and we should propel it.

In his remarks, Mnangagwa also stated that Zimbabwe could not continue relying on the US dollar given the perceived hostility of the United States government towards Zimbabwe. He said:

Biden (US President Joe) does not like us, but you like the money from his country, does that work? So as ZANU PF, we cannot keep using and relying on a currency that belongs to people who do not like us because one day they will try to hamper our efforts, and then we will not have a leg to stand on.

That is why we now have the Zimbabwe Gold currency (ZiG), which is our currency, a currency which we are propelling. We are propelling our currency.

Mnangagwa’s remarks highlight enduring tensions between Zimbabwe and the United States, notably concerning sanctions and other punitive actions imposed by Washington in response to human rights and related matters.

By portraying the US dollar’s use as problematic within this geopolitical context, the president is making a nationalistic argument for Zimbabwe to assert greater monetary sovereignty through the ZiG.

The ZiG is the country’s sixth attempt in the past 15 years to establish a functional local currency.

In response to Mnangagwa’s comments, economist Gift Mugano said there should be clarity on the state of the regulations that extended the multi-currency regime to 2030. He said:

So the statutory instrument which guarantees the use of USD up to 2030 will be a nullity? What will happen to banks which offered loans extending to 2030 on the back of this SI? In the same vein, what message is the GOZ sending to the banks with respect to lending? Slow down USD lending?

Launched in early April 2024, the ZiG is backed by 2.5 tons of gold reserves and $100 million in foreign currency reserves held by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

More: Pindula News



some ordar · 8 months ago
zig haritengi
Bhobhojani · 8 months ago
Better our local currency rather than rely on USD, this foreign currency destroyed our economy. Let's embrace using our own ZiG, USD must be banned and anyone need foreign currency must approach the banks as other countries doing. Vana Mukuru nana Ecocash must be closed indefinitely. You will see our economy sustainable
credit · 8 months ago
aizve makampany avharwe?
🔋 · 8 months ago
lm behind him besides tlkn politics. we need to rise and fall with our own currency.
Mudhumeni · 8 months ago
Yet baba vaChivhayo havasi kuba ZiG. Varikubayana svinu.
Mbada family · 8 months ago
Imi musadakujairira zig pamberi ne zig
skun · 8 months ago
if that happens definitely the donkeys will grow horns 😂😂
Mudhibhisi · 8 months ago
The economic environment has stabilised a bit, these reckless statements are uncalled for.They easily destroy everything within a day or so. #Forever Gold
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Lets wait and see.
Ediots · 8 months ago
vatanga kuDaidza inflation. hu**** hwaramba kupera
Zeus mfana · 8 months ago
No opposition will ever rule Zimbabwe becoz 1 their don't ve strategy 2nd Zimbabweans re sellouts
Zeus mfana · 8 months ago
Stupid policies, looting, curruption, tribalism,raping, killing that's your traits zanu pf clan nothing will prosper Zimbabwe as long these fos re backed by army, stop voting no opposition will ever rule zim come 2028 army will beat, kill people
Chibaba · 8 months ago
Garwe hapana zvoziwikanwa anoda kusiya awondonga nyika. Those running our country have enough US dollars in their foreign accounts they want us povo to suffer with their useless Zigzag currency, inflation will be the order of the day
Zelensky · 8 months ago
Dai vambomira kubvisa USD nezhara iripo iyi ndapota hangu ZIG can't buy fuel, can't buy anything outside the country, that mistake of removing multiple currency definitely will backfire.
Francis January · 8 months ago
without production ZWG ,,,chiroto chinonetsa kududzira
rhabos · 8 months ago
URI dacall mdhara unotaura zva2030 unenge uchri wakamira saani zviya
Anonymous · 8 months ago
America doesn't have a problem with Zimbabweans. Only individuals in Zimbabwe. I doubt the rapper from SA that Guvamatanga paid +100k will come back for ZiG.
nherera · 8 months ago
America is the biggest donor in Zimbabwe 2,,The us dollar introduced it self and in no ways are you going to remove it because it's the international currency 3 Zimbabwe problem is massive corruption by Zanupf coup America doesn't need anything from Zimbabwe
observer💯 · 8 months ago
ukarota USD raenda ZiG rave the sole tender muka ubike doro uti mudzimu wandirasha nekuti inenge yatove stone age era chaiyo💯💯
nc · 8 months ago
zvatanga gara wabvisa ma USD ako kubank uchaudzwa kuti ava ma ZIG very soon
mnangagwa · 8 months ago
no sense
Dr Nyosoh ! · 8 months ago
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Nyama inonaka inotaura yega
eb · 8 months ago
USD to stay imi vakuru ndimi munovengwa kwete isu siyayi zvakadaro
· 8 months ago
Scary flip-flopping policies. The scourge of what used to be a beautiful country
Ghetto Prophet · 8 months ago
Zim old horses should keep quite, wen ever pavanovhura muromo vanotobuda musaga. Watch mass withdrawals and foreign externalisation soon. Zim is something else unogara wakakwidzwa BP .From Elections, Mass eviction of villagers,Mass arrest of Airtym vendors, Threat of mass arrest of tout, Army declaration, ZiG Currency monopololy, zvakaoma
Anonymous · 5 months ago
That sounds terrible
patz · 8 months ago
Ko kungoti ndazvitadza morova pasi b4 2028 yacho. Iskiri rekuba iri. You have started deducting civil servants pensions contributions in USD kuti muzovape pension yemaZig arohwa ne inflation
· 8 months ago
Without our industry performing well there's no way ZIG will be acceptable to the people, we are relying too much on imported goods, H.E should find ways of resuscitating the industry.Once our industry is functioning properly then he can talk of using the ZiG
Vene vayo- · 8 months ago
The Most Fearest Currency on Earth, protected by the gun🙄
Jah Zignal · 8 months ago
endai kunozorora izvo siyirayi vachatevera imi makakundikana $1:25ZiG ndochii ichocho
aldayz · 8 months ago
zvakawoma toshandisa zig iro risipo torishanisa sei
kwachu · 8 months ago
by 2030 tinenge tachinja Mari ka4 zig zig ndochii ichocho zigzag band ndeyepa kwekwe
,,,,,dott · 8 months ago
zig e strongest currency regionally
🤣 · 8 months ago
zvekuma ma hre

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