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HomeCrime and Courts

Motorist Sentenced To Community Service For Running Over A Crawling Baby

8 months agoFri, 05 Jul 2024 06:16:15 GMT
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Motorist Sentenced To Community Service For Running Over A Crawling Baby

The Mutare Magistrates’ Court has sentenced 20-year-old Obriel Chivanda to 210 hours of community service after he was found guilty of culpable homicide in the death of a toddler.

The court established that on May 24, 2024, around 8:30 AM, Chivanda was driving a Nissan Xtrail from his home in Penhalonga when he struck and killed a baby who was crawling on the road.

The magistrate determined Chivanda was negligent, failing to keep a proper lookout and not taking reasonable actions to avoid the collision.

In addition to the community service sentence, Chivanda was banned from driving for two months.

He was also given a 14-month jail term, with 8 months suspended for 5 years and the remaining 6 months suspended on the condition he completes the community service.

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Culpable homicide is a legal term that refers to a homicide (the killing of a human being) that is considered blameworthy or negligent, but not necessarily intentional. The key distinctions of culpable homicide are:

  • It involves the death of a person, but without the intent to kill that is required for murder.
  • The person’s actions that led to the death were negligent, reckless or showed a disregard for human life, making them culpable or blameworthy.

More: Pindula News



wenjanja general · 8 months ago
the child's mother should also be sued for negligence
Mbada family · 8 months ago
Yes ndizbo haizvo
Antman · 8 months ago
Well just that it doesn't say what really happened. I was found guilty or negligent driving this other time when a drug grown man jumped in from of my car ku highway in Masvingo were opposite were there is KFC now. Sometimes even after keeping good lookout and even cautioning other road users. There are other stakeholders who negligently do things in the sense that motorist will always be forced to stop in any instance in split of a second. Yes the young man should have done something but so as the parent or guardian. It wasn't the drivers intention for a kid to die or the parents intention to get the kid run over by the car.
Zeus mfana · 8 months ago
Where was the mother of the child first 2nd driver to b blamed also 14yrs
kwachu · 8 months ago
we have to understand the difference between murder and capable homicide
Mukoma Oncemore · 8 months ago
@....,i totally agree with you, in regard to the law in Zimbabwe. Traditional leaders are now better than the educated lawyers. Maybe it is corruption or ignorance. They make tough sentences for minor cases and soft sentences for serious offenses
zimbo · 8 months ago
ngozi following kupera kuripa not community service
Sanelisiwe · 8 months ago
At the Police they used to ask a question in Police Duties, they would ask let's say you enter a shop with a minor let's say a 5 year old or younger than that. The minor then shoplift something say chips, or lollipop or even anything a minor can get hold on, and you as a guardian you don't notice it. When you are getting out of the shop and the security sees the minor they don't blame the minor they blame the guardian because as a guardian you realize the real risk or possibility that something of that nature could happen so you had to check the minor at all times. The guardian will then get arrested. In this case as the 20 year old failed to maintain a safe braking distance he is to blame the sentence is fair, also the guardian of that toddler must be brought in for questioning why a toddler was left unattended. The guardian also must be sentenced. We usually see toddlers even in the Central Business District (CBD) on pavement vendors children at one time a lady was called to come and get her toddler which have entered Choppies Supermarket near City Hall, at Bulawayo. The guardian must also be arrested.
Sanelisiwe · 8 months ago
Point of correction its not Chippies Supermarket, its Greens Supermarket.
Sanelisiwe · 8 months ago
Same applies to people who let their livestock cause accidents on the road they must get arrested. The guardian of that toddler before sentencing the noble thing to do for them before passing their sentence they must get a whopping first because of their madness that's child abuse what they did they are unfit for parenting.
Sanelisiwe · 8 months ago
@Need: Maybe they didn't even care about the child. Can you imagine a toddler on all four crossing the road? Its shocking no mother on her sound mind can permit something of that nature to happen.
Sanelisiwe · 8 months ago
@Ndex: Maybe they didn't even care about the child. Can you imagine a toddler on all four crossing the road? Its shocking no mother on her sound mind can permit something of that nature to happen.
Ndex · 8 months ago
Is the loss of the baby not enough punishment on the parent?
Sanelisiwe · 8 months ago
Maybe they didn't even care about the child. Can you imagine a toddler on all four crossing the road? Its shocking no mother on her sound mind can permit something of that nature to happen. No Ndex its not enough they might repeat it in future.
Sanelisiwe · 8 months ago
Maybe they didn't even care about the child. Can you imagine a toddler on all four crossing the road? Its shocking no mother on her sound mind can permit something of that nature to happen.
patz · 8 months ago
morally yes but not legally
strong zig · 8 months ago
it shows u are reading for promotions
Chiurai · 8 months ago
Vabereki vakarega sei Mwana achikambaira achi pinda munzira. Ndoo vakatadza kupa Mwana kodzero yavo yekuva muchengetedzi wemwana.
#RIP · 8 months ago
zviriko izvi. my 11 year old akadhumwa ne a Honda fit in 2022 pa murehwa centre akatofa. court ikati community service. I am still hurt
justice McMillan · 8 months ago
money induced judgement. sorry zimbos
Lord Castlereagh · 8 months ago
Zviri pa 2. The driver was careless in his driving he could have avoided hitting & killing the baby and on the other hand the parents or guardians of the baby are to blame, how could they let a crawling baby roam & crawl in the dangerous road unattended.
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 8 months ago
well said
Anonymous · 8 months ago
The way culpable homicide was explained, the toddler guardians are just as "culpable" here. This baby is dead because of their negligence. The law was also too lenient on this young driver. My 2 zigs ...
Mukoma Oncemore · 8 months ago
Justice not delivered, that's all what I can say. But I think the parents of the toddler must find a way to deal with the careless driver, it is either he pays them money or cattle. Mhosva hayirovi. Time will tell.

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