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Magaya In Malawi For Two-day Conference, Attendance Fee Is K100 000

8 months agoSat, 06 Jul 2024 08:27:56 GMT
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Magaya In Malawi For Two-day Conference, Attendance Fee Is K100 000

Zimbabwean preacher, Walter Magaya, is in Malawi for a two-day spiritual conference which, to attend, one has to pay K100 000.

As reported by Nyasa Times, Magaya was welcomed on arrival in Malawi on Friday afternoon by local preacher Good News Ministries leader Patson Gondwe.

The conference is slated for the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) from July 6 to 7, 2024.

In an earlier interview with Nyasa Times, Gondwe said the conference shall take place from 6-7 July 2024, adding that participants will be required to contribute a minimum of US$50 [MK100, 000] fee to attend. He said:

He [Magaya] will be focusing on leadership teachings, and mentoring leaders to become the best at their leadership ability. He will also be mentoring us spiritually.

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So men of God will be taught how to run a successful ministry. What kind of mistakes to avoid and what to focus on to manifest the grace of the Lord in our lives.

Gondwe said Magaya, whom he describes as his spiritual father, will mentor participants in areas of business, leadership, entrepreneurship, healing and deliverance. He said:

Because it is a conference, it is strictly upon registration because we need to know which delegates are coming so that we can prepare even the resource packages that are available.

So people are supposed to send us a WhatsApp message or give us a call at 0999810981 so that we can tell them more details regarding what they need to do to prepare for the big conference.

Some people are giving more than the minimum fee, but it is a minimum of $50, which in our currency is like MK100,000 for all two days.

And that does not include the one-on-one meeting with Prophet Magaya because that is part and parcel of the package.

He said those with less money can call the number and be guided on how they can participate in the conference. Said Gondwe:

We encourage them to give us a call and send us a WhatsApp message. We will ask them what they believe they can manage and then we are going to guide them on how they should not miss this conference.

Our wish is to make sure that everyone takes part in this powerful conference. But as you know, wisdom is the principal thing.

The Bible says although it is expensive, we need to gain understanding. So this is a conference where we are going to be giving out books.

We’re going to be given out resource packages which are constituting this minimum amount, but the door is not closed for people can actually reach out to us on how we can get them to be part and parcel of this powerful moment.

Magaya is the leader and the founder of Prophetic Healing Deliverance Ministries (P.H.D) and claims to be able to perform miracles.

However, he has also faced controversies, including allegations of rape and a conviction for falsely claiming to have a cure for HIV and AIDS.

More: Pindula News



dhima · 8 months ago
these are thieves
Mbada family · 8 months ago
Matanga kuba vana magaya takuuzivai wakubira kuma lawi kwawakaromberaka
zimbo · 8 months ago
vakarara vachamuka zvavo
si**** pagwehe · 8 months ago
imbonobira vana bwanali vachakarara isu tasvinura hatichadimbavha chenjerai mbavha huru dzinoba pakuru
patz · 8 months ago
Malawi haibvisi ma zero plus haichinji mazita emari kana ichisimba inongosimba yakadero just like Zambia there currency is now stronger that Rand kwete zvanatsotsi vedu awa busy kuchinja mazita emari nekutaura marates ekunyepa nekubira vanhu mari muma bank
. · 8 months ago
tora mari United
Erudite · 8 months ago
A symptom of being an acolyte of voodoo economists is permanent fixation with exchange rates...
Mhanduwe · 8 months ago
VaMagaya vachambongwavha ngwavha kuMalawi. nokuti zvavatinya.
🏃 Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 8 months ago
vanhu avo varikuda kudzidziswa chii ku rhepa here or kugadzira aguma or kubira vanhu mari dzema stand or false prophecy iam failing to understand can someone explain to me vanhu ava varikuda kudzidziswa chii chaizvo ....mari yeku Malawi haishandewo se zig,😃😃
commander **** · 8 months ago
vamagaya mugumire pabhuzimisi chete musazovhare vanhu ikoko havavharwe vasiyana nevayw vekuZim
comments reader👨‍💻 · 8 months ago
make 💰 make sense 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 what an advert it was
Regional · 8 months ago
kkkkk I think you and me we are same age
??? · 8 months ago
@ Mohammed apa akuenda kunodzidzisa so a student hafaniri kudzidza mahara ka nhy mudzidzisi ngavabhadharwe
Boss J · 8 months ago
MaZimba kuda kuchangamukira zvisinei Nemi, pane abirwa here apa chero akabhadharisa $1mil anoda anongoenda akanyarara. Murikungobirwa wani munyerere ukoo
ano · 8 months ago
asi ndiyo rate iripo
Mdara Odza · 8 months ago
From there I'm sure he will carry their problems with him to Israel
Mbada family · 8 months ago
Kumawi va. Vsmagaya kunei
guvhudende · 8 months ago
kkkkkkk kupusisa vanhu
Mohammed Zaka ali · 8 months ago
that's a shame how why should they pay for a man of God he has millions of dollars that man
💙💙Blue 🔵cyclone 🌀🌀 · 8 months ago
mari yeMalawi inonzi chiii...!?
Helicopter Helicopter · 8 months ago
didn't · 8 months ago
Malawian Kwacha ... MK Zambian kwacho... ZK
Channel Links HQ · 8 months ago
For those searching for latest and trending WhatsApp Channels, get in touch with me, l will send you the link 0771961769
Tadoe · 7 months ago
strong zig · 8 months ago
nevertheless, Alibaba chibaba after every 30 seconds chapindira wanikwe seZimbabwe hhatina mukana wacho
ano · 8 months ago
ndosaka America ichitijairira
African · 8 months ago
I know the focus is on the fee charged to attend the function. Since it's focus it's teaching aspiring leaders and leaders on how to do business. That is a good investment atleast you gain something there, unlike this other lady who want to be welcomed for just taking pics with superstars, she wanted to be welcomed as if she didn't know where she stays.Besides what's there to celebrate about her coming with pictures of superstars who just forget they did took pics with her, the amount charged from ordinary to VIP plus usd 700 or so. I rather invest my $50usd to be taught something I will use later in advancing my business skills. So they is nothing new or strange about that, even local business consultants they change you more than that.
apes · 8 months ago
Malawi same WhatsApp group with Zimbabwe in terms of weak currencies
· 8 months ago
Malawi Haina kubvisa ma zero

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