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HomeCrime and Courts

Chimombe, Mpofu Bail Ruling Deferred To 16 July

8 months agoWed, 10 Jul 2024 06:15:19 GMT
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Chimombe, Mpofu Bail Ruling Deferred To 16 July

Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu, who are facing fraud charges related to the alleged siphoning of over $7 million from the Presidential Goat Scheme, will continue to be held in remand prison until their bail application is ruled on next week.

According to The Herald, the lawyers for the accused, Arshiel Mugiya and Tapson Dzvetero, completed their cross-examination of the lead investigator, Henry Chapwanya from the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC), on Tuesday, July 9th.

The state prosecutors are expected to file their closing arguments tomorrow, arguing against the granting of bail, while the defence counsel will submit their bail application arguments on Friday.

The presiding magistrate, Marehwanazvo Gofa, said the ruling on the bail application will be delivered on July 16.

Prosecutors have alleged that Mpofu and Chimombe forged documents to secure the tender to supply 600,000 goats under the Presidential Goat Scheme.

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The two lead investigators, Henry Chapwanya and Gamuchirai Zimunhu, provided evidence in court arguing that Mpofu and Chimombe should be denied bail.

They claimed that if released, the suspects would pose a flight risk and also the release could result in protests that would undermine the peace and security of the nation, especially with the upcoming SADC Summit scheduled in the next few weeks.

In addition, Chapwanya submitted that there was a high likelihood Mpofu and Chimombe would interfere with witnesses, as they had previously interacted with some of them during negotiations for the goat tender held with the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Development.

Prosecutor Anesu Chirenje presented documentary evidence in the form of a memo that had been circulated on social media by the two suspects.

The memo stated that the government had provided them with around $4 million equivalent for the project.

Some critics have questioned the timing of the arrests of Mpofu and Chimombe, as the alleged fraud is said to have occurred a couple of years ago.

There has been speculation that their arrest may be in retaliation for exposing alleged underhand deals between Wicknell Chivayo and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), which implicated several high-ranking government officials.

Chivayo is an ex-convict and an associate of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, as well as a ZANU PF donor.

More: Pindula News



. · 8 months ago
dj TECH 🇿🇼 · 8 months ago
Zim-Sketch · 8 months ago
why not setting the trial date than all these bail hearings
dhima · 8 months ago
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Zim-Sketch · 8 months ago
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And I say....... · 8 months ago
nhaiwe anyanyodiiko machair Ako..... plus pano ndepevanhu vasina Mari kana yedata chaiyo..... kuzoti 50 macheya anebasa rei ...
Rebelyus · 8 months ago
Use of courts to score personal or factional wars. The truth is that they are being used to shield the ChivhayoGate scandals. The Presidential goat scheme itself was a looting establishment.
Chibaba · 8 months ago
And Chivhayo is walking scot free our government is captured for sure
Chamisa · 8 months ago
Vakada kugadzika Chivhayo mu dish. Ngavam@m~e
Mpofu · 8 months ago
Phasilas valgaris · 8 months ago
hoo ok vanototyawo protest
Legend · 8 months ago
pic nderakare iri iyezvino cut yakatodzima nechando kujeri
Tee1. · 8 months ago
Ava vakomana vari mujeri or vari kuVIP remand. sei cut yeChimombe irichiramba iri "intact"?
Jonso · 8 months ago
(Could results in protests)
Ghetto Prophet · 8 months ago
Kkk kufungidza vanhu zvange zvisir mundangariro kkk
Aluta · 8 months ago
Kuma courts kunogadzirwa mari nhai, bail hearing yei, ko kungotonga munhu pane kumbo ita zve bail, how come mamwe ma cases anongotongwa without this bail hearing money making process??
Team Volkswagen · 8 months ago
They claimed that if released, the suspects would pose a flight risk and also the release could result in protests that would undermine the peace and security of the nation, especially with the upcoming SADC Summit scheduled in the next few weeks.
Anonymous · 8 months ago
One of the accused hasn't been arrested yet. Where's the Wicky Wicky?
Anonymous · 8 months ago
Chivhayo is the whistleblower

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