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HomeCrime and Courts

Gweru Man Exposed For Theft After Failing To Pay Bus Fare

8 months agoWed, 10 Jul 2024 09:03:08 GMT
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Gweru Man Exposed For Theft After Failing To Pay Bus Fare

A 23-year-old man from Mkoba, Gweru was brought before the Kwekwe Magistrates’ Court, facing charges of aggravated unlawful entry.

The accused, Sean Mutsengi, had broken into a house in Mbizo, Kwekwe and stolen an Itel A70 cellphone and a jacket.

According to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the incident occurred on June 29, 2024, around 11 PM, in Mbizo, Kwekwe.

Mutsengi forced open the door and entered the house while the complainant was sleeping. He then took an Itel A70 cellphone and a black jacket and left unnoticed.

The complainant discovered the missing belongings the following morning and reported the matter to the police.

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That same morning, Mutsengi boarded a bus from Kwekwe to Gweru, where he gave the bus conductor the stolen Itel A70 cellphone and promised to pay the bus fare in Gweru, as he had no money at the time.

The bus conductor became suspicious and alerted the police in Gweru after receiving a call on the Itel cellphone from the complainant, who revealed that the phone belonged to her. Mutsengi was then apprehended.

The value of the stolen property was $115 USD, and only $100 USD was recovered.

For the offence, Mutsengi was sentenced to 14 months of imprisonment, with 4 months suspended for 5 years.

The remaining 10 months were suspended on the condition that Mutsengi perform 350 hours of community service.

More: Pindula News



Zozo · 8 months ago
Ndiri basa ravo boys rekuMbizo Section 7 rekupoyera mudzimba dzevanhu. Unotoisa phone pacharger woisungura muhuro coz inotorwa nepaWindow
blazo · 8 months ago
only 100usd was recoverd come on pindula
Sanelisiwe · 8 months ago
Please Pindula, first proof read your articles, is there such thing called, "aggravated unlawful entry"? Your news correspondents will discredit you. It was better to state "unlawful entry and theft"
Sanelisiwe · 8 months ago
Please Pindula, first proof read your articles, is the such thing called, "aggravated unlawful entry"? Your news correspondents will discredit you. It was better to state "unlawful entry and theft" or they were supposed to only use the word, "burglary" if the news correspondent didn't actually know the name of the offence.
pindula official · 8 months ago
we are just advertising our phones guys enjoy
Ian Fleming · 8 months ago
Sean was acting 007 James Bond "From Kwekwe with Love"
Msasa · 8 months ago
ndiro team rikurova mafon iri
...,. · 8 months ago
only the phone was recovered. what did he say he did to the jacket he stole together with the phone?

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