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13 Juveniles Accused Of Killing Chinhoyi Man With Bricks

7 months agoMon, 22 Jul 2024 05:53:23 GMT
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13 Juveniles Accused Of Killing Chinhoyi Man With Bricks

Police in Chinhoyi are investigating a murder case that occurred on Saturday, July 20th. The victim was a 21-year-old man named Passmore Moyo.

According to a statement from the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), Moyo was assaulted with bricks to the head by a group of 13 male juveniles following a dispute over an undisclosed issue. The violent attack resulted in Moyo sustaining serious injuries.

The victim was transported to Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital for treatment but succumbed to his wounds at the medical facility. Police said:

ZRP is investigating a case of murder which occurred on 20/07/24 along Hunyani River, near Rusununguko, Chinhoyi in which Passmore Moyo (21) died. 13 male juveniles assaulted the victim with bricks on the head following a scuffle over an undisclosed issue.

The victim succumbed to the injuries while receiving treatment at Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital.

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In an unrelated incident, the police in Kadoma are investigating a case of attempted murder that occurred on Saturday around 2:30 AM at the Waverly Bus Stop in Kadoma.

It is alleged that a male suspect, whose identity is yet to be determined, assaulted a 17-year-old juvenile with both booted feet and clenched fists.

The suspect then proceeded to stab the victim once in the stomach using an Okapi knife, before fleeing the scene.

The injured victim was immediately taken to Sally Mugabe Hospital for medical treatment.

More: Pindula News



Mbada family · 7 months ago
Haaaaaa jusa a rova titumei muone kuti tinovskoniwa here
coni · 7 months ago
yoyoyo I love you
woof · 7 months ago
For the first time to hear a sensible contribution? big up to you eider d.
elder d · 7 months ago
the rota amongst the youth of today must viewed with an Eagle eye for informed debate. the education system in our country has been killed by meagre salaries given to educators who in turn institute extra lessons in order to sustain themselves. in the past teachers were regarded as role models in the society. the 'itai mari mantra' obliterated the eagerness in the youths to concentrate on school. we are therefore seeing school dropouts becoming rich overnight through chikorokoza. this benefits the regime because they will Hall plenty of danderheads to manipulate and use during election time. Once the elections are gone the danderheads resort to all kinds of vice in order to see the next day. it's now a vicious cycle. those in power have their children going to the best schools and colleges in the world. After they graduate they come back and occupy the lucrative positions. cry my beloved country. kana tichiti crime yanyanya munyika we are fooling ourselves, the worst is yet to come if no comprehensive action is taken as early as yesterday. check out the ages of offenders of today, teenagers and those in their early 20s. and the country has a whole ministry dedicated to the youth. unohwa seunotsva.
Ma1 · 7 months ago
& also children are not beaten at xul n unonzwa mumwe muparent achit wangu mwana haarohwe kkkk.I think xuls shud come with programs that allows even such parents to come and spend the whole week with at them xul being in front of controlling the learners,give the role of a senior master or something..
woof · 7 months ago
Vana vedu dzave mhondi nenya yekushaya mabasa .The whole lot of our youths are now just rotten cabbages in our society.........
Maddock · 7 months ago
Ma lieutenants nevanhu vakufa daily ko what's going on zvakuvundutsa izvi everyday apashayikwi accident, murder, or death vana vasungwa 🥺
😎CHIRASHA mukuwasha Wa Mambo😎 · 7 months ago
Munhu asinga gone kunyora pakati funeral anogona kuverenga here given the display of ilitteracy lol
Zim-Sketch · 7 months ago
matsamwei nai wamambo, maposa
zozo · 7 months ago
vafanha vanenge vakarohwa nemangemba

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