
Marondera Man Kills Wife, Son (6) In Cold Blood

Marondera Man Kills Wife, Son (6) In Cold Blood

Ezekiel Chibvongodze, a man from Nyameni suburb, Marondera, has been arrested for allegedly murdering his wife Evelyn Mitchel Katakwe (26) and their son Tawanda (6) in cold blood on Sunday night.

A tenant living in the same house, Egenia Bhainai, provided a harrowing account of the events leading up to the deaths.

Bhainai told The Herald that she heard Evelyn crying out for help, saying she was being stabbed and was dying. She said:

I was in my room when I heard the woman crying out for help. Aichema achiti ndiri kubaiwa nebanga, ndava kufa ndibatsireiwo (I am being stabbed, help me I am dying).

I rushed to their bedroom door and tried to open it but failed as it was locked from inside. I started banging on the door and shouting but no one opened it. The woman continued crying helplessly.

Later on, I heard someone unlock the door and I ran to my bedroom and locked myself inside. I was afraid that the man would also attack me.

Later, Bhainai saw Evelyn stagger out of the room, bleeding and crying. Ezekiel then rushed out through a different door.

She said she then went out to get help from neighbours and when she came back, she could not find Evelyn where she had left her. Said Bhainai:

When I entered their dining room, I saw their son lying on the floor with a knife stuck in his back.

She said she screamed to alert more people and when she went outside to search for the stabbed woman, she then found her lying about 30 metres from the house “breathing faintly”. She said:

We tried to get a vehicle to take her to the hospital but failed and she died.

More: Pindula News
