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NRZ Hits Back At Mafume Over Raylton Sports Club Illegal Structures

7 months agoWed, 24 Jul 2024 14:07:05 GMT
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NRZ Hits Back At Mafume Over Raylton Sports Club Illegal Structures

The National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) has castigated Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume for his remarks made before Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee regarding the circumstances surrounding illegal structures at the Raylton Sports Club.

In a statement released on Wednesday, July 24th, the NRZ criticised Mafume, saying he should have verified the facts with the Harare Town Clerk before appearing before the parliamentary committee. Reads the statement:

The NRZ would like to clarify some misrepresentations in averments by Harare Mayor, His Worship Jacob Mafume, regarding circumstances around illegal structures at the Raylton Sports Club.

While appearing before Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee, the mayor appeared to give the impression that tuck-shops built on the land the NRZ is leasing from council were constructed by the Railways.

That assumption is incorrect, a misdirection and misleading. The NRZ lays out the facts of the matter as follows:

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1. The tuck-shops are illegal structures which are a result of a fraudulent collusion between a former Harare Raylton bartender and the illegal occupiers through event hire permits misconstrued as leases.

2. The City of Harare (COH), acting on the event hire permits proceeded to approve the construction of the illegal structures without the blessing of the parent leaseholder who is NRZ.

3. On discovering the anomaly, the NRZ then wrote to the City of Harare objecting to the approvals of those building plans for tuckshops on the basis that there was no official lease with NRZ and that it conflicted heavily with the authorised land use per NRZ’s subsisting lease with the COH, which only permits use of land for sporting, recreation and incidental social events.

4. The NRZ reported the case to police resulting in the arrest of the culprits and also instituted internal disciplinary processes which resulted in the dismissal of the bartender.

5. Acting on the basis of our objection, the COH proceeded to withdraw its approvals for the building of the tuckshops and issued demolition orders on paper which they never carried through.

5. NRZ has a pending eviction court case in the High Court against the constructors of the illegal structures with COH as co-respondents.

Given the foregoing, we are surprised that His Worship the Mayor was unaware of the actual facts on the ground, which he could have easily confirmed with the Town Clerk’s office before going to Parliament.

If he had checked things properly, he would have applauded our efforts to evict the illegal occupants instead of besmirching the NRZ.

NRZ persisted in seeking COH intervention when the illegal constructions were on foundation but to no avail.

More: Pindula News



SanchzyChizimbe🔥 · 7 months ago
Kkk haya
kk · 7 months ago
he is playing with fire only to get burnt
P · 7 months ago
Kudya mese kwakupandukira iwewega ndokuti yawe mhosva nhasi zuro yaiwe booo boo wena ndozvazviri kana mugabe aidaro wani fume ndipeiwo simba rese kuno aikaka kuti ndozvandataura kkkkk. Paitaudzwa mugabe mbavha yakutonga yainge yakanyarara ichitya kuti zvikaramba ndoita sei narobie, yakazosimudza musoro gunners yatora simba kuziva kuti MHUKA inoruma yabviswa zvirumiso, atokanganwa kare kuti naiyewo haachadiwi kwakumanikidza uku, zvinopera futi nguva ine muridzi iyi. Nongedza Nongedza zvako iwe urikunongedzwawo teammbavhambwa getaway beregarwerepitile
Bb · 7 months ago
Maidya mese ndiani aita makaro kunotora kawiri umwe asati? Ndezvemumba pedzeranai mudye
epsl · 7 months ago
Simba bhora 2 Gunguwo 0
pm · 7 months ago
dzatamba sei nhasi pa ngezi ne simba bhora apo
theLastAntKing · 7 months ago
Nyaya dzose dzinechekuita nepanodyiwa nevakuru vemakanzuru ne hurumende ndopadzinoperera. Dzikangonyorwa so zvatopera. Ya Chivayo iya yakitoita kunge yakataurwa 20 yrs ago but haina 2 months
patz · 7 months ago
Vazhinji mumakanzuru umu nemuhurumemde ndivana tigere zvedu muma office umu. Kuti zvirikubva nekupi zvichienda nekupi irima rega rega
hoyo · 7 months ago
oky did not read the article 🤣🥴
platonist · 7 months ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 same

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