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HomeCrime and Courts

Masvingo Man Fatally Stabbed In Kombi Altercation

7 months agoWed, 31 Jul 2024 07:31:14 GMT
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Masvingo Man Fatally Stabbed In Kombi Altercation

A 29-year-old man from Rujeko C in Masvingo was on July 27, 2024, fatally stabbed in a kombi altercation involving two women and some men.

The ZRP spokesperson for Masvingo Province, Kudakwashe Dhewa, confirmed the murder of Nyararayi Siyavizwa to TellZim News. Dhewa said three suspects have been arrested in connection with the incident. He said:

I can confirm the murder of Siyavizwa (29) and three suspects have since been arrested in line with the case.

We call upon members of the public to desist from resolving disputes using violence. At no point shall violence substitute dialogue.

It is alleged that Siyavizwa, along with his two friends Tinotenda Mateo (19) and Andrew Chapwanya (20), boarded a commuter omnibus (Toyota Hiace) on their way home from the Chibuku Neshamwari Festival held at Mucheke Stadium on July 27, 2024.

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During the journey, Siyavizwa became embroiled in an altercation with three other passengers in the kombi – Alouis Charles Dhangu Madembo (25) from Vanyoro Village, Chief Nyakunhuwa in Zaka, Rosemary Gave (29) from Garapasi village in Chirumhanzi, Masvingo, and Viola Linia Tasara (34) from Musovi Village, Chief Nemauzhe in Chivi.

When the group disembarked the kombi at the intersection of Corner Kelvin Majange Street and Enard Manyimo Gutsa, it is alleged that one of the accused individuals grabbed Siyavizwa while another stabbed him just below the collarbone with a sharp object. The perpetrators then fled the scene.

Siyavizwa’s friends, Mateo and Chapwanya, tried to assist, but were unable to stop the bleeding, leading to Siyavizwa’s death at the location.

They subsequently reported the incident to the police, resulting in the arrest of Madembo, Gave and Tasara.

More: Pindula News



bingo · 7 months ago
tasara unonyadzisa kuita zvinhu zvakupusa dununu
Bere · 7 months ago
Vamwe vanhu mapenzi zvokwadi.Njere havana chose.Saka zvanaka kugara mujere.Veduwe rairai vana venyu vachiri vadiki.Chionai pazvazosvika,ingozi ka yaparigwa hama.Imi makauragwa hama yenyu,musambonyarara zvenyu.Munhu haisi huku mhando,kwenyu ndimi makatoshoteswa.Hurumende ngaigadzire mutemo wekuti awuraya umwe deliberately mutongo wake rufu.KuSouth Afrika here kuno.Lets respect the right to live.
🙂🙂🙂 · 7 months ago
ummm nyika yashata iyi
the gunz · 7 months ago
haa ZANU pf vanhu vayo imhondi dzega vakutoteura ropa nekuda kwechi SADC ichochi.
sad emoji1
Xvng74 · 7 months ago
Povo.... · 7 months ago
Ummm Zanu ngaisadaro.....
Chibaba · 7 months ago
ZANU PF yachekeresa SADC summit yatiparira iyi
Corruptmore Looto · 7 months ago
Ummm haa zvaSerious izvi, mweya wakaipa weumwe party isingade kubva pachigaro uri kukonzeresa
zig · 7 months ago
huchi hunenge hwakapera kwasara nyuchi chete
Si**** · 7 months ago
Vanhu vakauraya ava vanosupporter party ipi becoz pane party yapedza vanhu muZimbabwe
theLastAntKing · 7 months ago
vakadzi dzavewo mhondi dzemapanga. Chii chikuitika kunyika yehuchi nemukaka
Corruptmore Looto · 7 months ago
Mweya weimwe party soo

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