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Magaya Threatens ZIFA With US$1 Million Lawsuit For Condemning The Heart Stadium

7 months agoTue, 06 Aug 2024 13:34:05 GMT
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Magaya Threatens ZIFA With US$1 Million Lawsuit For Condemning The Heart Stadium

Walter Magaya, the owner of the Heart Group which owns the Heart Stadium in Waterfalls, Harare, has threatened to sue ZIFA Normalisation Committee chairperson Lincoln Mutasa.

This comes after ZIFA condemned the stadium as unfit to host international matches.

In a statement on August 5, the ZIFA Normalisation Committee claimed that during preliminary inspections, the Heart Stadium failed to produce a required Stadium Safety and Security Certificate.

The statement also alleged that the stadium lacks a media tribune, a designated area for vulnerable people, and its ablution facilities do not meet standards.

However, through his lawyer Admire Rubaya, Magaya has refuted these claims, accusing Mutasa of having an “insatiable” desire to destroy his football investments.

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In a letter of demand dated August 6, the Heart Group stated that Mutasa or ZIFA had never actually inspected the stadium.

The Heart Group has demanded that Mutasa retract his statement or face a US$1 million lawsuit in damages for allegedly lying about the status of their stadium. Part of the letter reads:

Our client was shocked that you claim to have conducted preliminary inspections of the Heart Stadium regards its suitability to host Ngezi Platinum Stars and Dynamos Football Clubs’ preliminary CAF Competitions Fixtures.

It is very unprofessional for you to communicate falsehoods to the nation in the absence of a physical inspection.

Our client wants you to advise the nation as to when you requested to formally conduct the so-called preliminary inspections specifically to ascertain if our client’s stadium is suitable to host the CAF Competitions Fixtures.

Our client instructs that it never received any formal request from ZIFA regards being had to the alleged preliminary inspection.

Furthermore, it challenges you to provide the nation with that request as well as the invitation and/or confirmation from the Heart Stadium administration authorising you to visit his state-of-the-art stadium for the preliminary inspections.

If you do not produce the same, it simply means that you have misled our football-loving nation.

One wonders why you would stoop so low for purposes of claiming that you had done preliminary inspections yet none have been conducted.

It is our client’s contention that you have an insatiable appetite to destroy our client’s reputation in circumstances where your role is to administer Zimbabwean football to be world-class.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 7 months ago
Mutasa is right, that so-called Heart Stadium of Magaya is only suitable for boozer games. Equating it to other those world class standards stadia is as evil as calling the devil holy
Majairosi · 7 months ago
Produce your inspection report. Ingabatsira Mutasa asina. Iwe ndiwe une yese.
rx · 7 months ago
Mutasa ane hutsinye hanti dai bhora riri kutotambirwa munyika medu
june · 7 months ago
vanhu vanorwadziwa nebudiriro chere
Corruptmore Looto · 7 months ago
Tsotsi iro, wonzwa vamwe vachiti Magaya for ZIFA President. Zvimwe zvakatsindirwa kumachechi uko 😂😂, izvozvo nyaya dziri kungotsikwa-tsikwa kumaCourt uko
Justice · 7 months ago
Tinozvinzwisisa kana usingamudi. We can't all say Magaya for ZIFA president. Kana pane zvakatsindirwa kuchurch enda undobvisa kuti upenyu hwako huendeke. Zvokumatare enda kwaProsecutor General
Corruptmore Looto · 7 months ago
Wakadhakwa iwe, kumatare kuita sei kwacho, handi nyaya dzacho dzinongovharwa
CIO · 7 months ago
the problem is that they were expecting bribes in form of cars so byso doing they thought they fixed him
@ceteris pari😋😋 · 7 months ago
Chicken 🐓 · 7 months ago
both Harare city council and ZIFA are to blame. A sports infrastructure can be built in their durisdiction without them inspecting the proceedings. They better shut up.
Star Mush · 7 months ago
Unongoona kt it's Africa were leaders lie for sure uumm
ncii · 7 months ago
@zed , can you pliz help me with a $2.00 for airtime?
Soccer Fan · 7 months ago
Mutasa must know that he will be fired by FIFA if we demonstrate against him.
Chaka · 7 months ago
They are only ashamed of themselves bz an individual have managed to construct a recognizable and upto standard stadium. they are suffering e acts of eir corrupt ways. Denigrating Magaya inorder to lie that sanctions are a reason behind their failure
zed · 7 months ago
magaya anobhadharisa Simba ramwari kunge n'anga inoda tsamiti unotoshaya kuti zvinofamba sei gudo ne munhu
MahlabeZulu · 7 months ago
Magaya in'anga ko zvichiri kuvanziwa here? Nechirungu tinoti "he is a witch doctor."
Evangelist · 7 months ago
Your comments don't take away an atom of God's grace upon this man's life. His anointing increases much more when you attack him, and so does your curse. Keep it up zed.
007 · 7 months ago
endai henyu on personal risk motosiya manyora mawill musatii maen****ona bhora munhandare iyoyiii unless entrance fee yakareba sema 1 on 1
nherera · 7 months ago
Zifa official boycotted when thee president was opening the stadium so how do you expect to appreciate Magaya
??? · 7 months ago
Takarasimba kutsoropodza stadium yausina kunoongorora rimwe godo so nickies bodo surrend
woof · 7 months ago
There are a few Africans who appreciate what there fellow kinsman has achieved. Jelousy is our norm.
PM SIBANDA · 7 months ago
Mazuva · 7 months ago
PHD. Pull Him Down syndrome. A dark stinking and destructive demonic spirit from the depths of the pit of hell. Something is seriously wrong with this Mutasa guy. The other time he was commending about kubhora kwaasingaendi. He should be the first person to applaud zvinoitwa navanoita develop bhora muZimbabwe.
Kkkkkk · 7 months ago
Varume mnhu ngaasa taurai kwaasina kswera hapana chakanaka pasi pano sechokwadi
Cde · 7 months ago
ZIFA have deleted the posts with yesterday’s press statement on the status of The Heart Stadium, after they were ordered to retract it within 12 hours, failure to which they face defamation charges amounting to US$100 000.
Chibaba · 7 months ago
So Magaya has won
skun · 7 months ago
achankvaka futi kunze kwenyika wonzi stadium rako hatisi kushandisa .. vachabvunza kuti sei kunyika kwako vasirikuda kushandisa iroro..zvadhakwa..kana vauendesana ma lawyers hapana hapana ..richapazwa nekanzuru akaita ma funnies..he must be careful on whose toes not to tramp on..
👁️ · 7 months ago
You need serious help. Ask the Prophet to deliver you from the demon of jealousy. It will destroy you right from your guts, liver and lungs. You don't see success in a man who has achieved so much.
skun · 7 months ago
hapana kana jealousy iripo..he achieved what by doing what exactly..using the lord's name and Rob the poor to achieve these trinkets that he possesses..he thinks toomuch of himself kuti it must go the way he wants..vakawana havazive kuti these things need proper intervention from authorities from day one..let's say they do the necessary inspection and then it is not approved munoitsaei? my concern only is that as a person in the construction industry we witness alot of shortcuts whilst building and it's a disease in zim..I might be wrong about the whether it's a safe venue or not but my guy tells me otherwise...its a matter of time before we hear about some abnormalities that will occur on that stadium....
skun · 7 months ago
magaya built his stadium without the necessary requirements met..he must sit do u expect them to believe he built the stadium guided by the town engineers..ndezvakke izvo..stadium rake is a risk to players and spectators..suing the FIFA guys good luck with that..aita mwana mudiki panyaya idzi Shem..
👁️ · 7 months ago
@skun waita mutete panyaya iyi. Taura mafacts ari paground. Magaya intends to sue ZIFA not FIFA. Haasati atoita sue. Kungoona pakanzi Magaya watojamuka kudhara. Bhora pasi muHeart Stadium
Joza · 7 months ago
Magaya never sought publicity about the suitability of his stadium. Therefore, he doesn't need to prove anything. The one who shouted from the rooftop must prove the content of his noise. He wants to discredit Magaya at expense of our teams which have no homegrounds.
woof · 7 months ago
Mutasa doesn't even attend football matches and he doesn't know where the Heart Stadium is.......Out the whole Zifa.
...,. · 7 months ago
that's unbecoming for a man who has promised to build a stadium in Malawi and another in Mozambique.
Joza · 7 months ago
What's unbecoming there? Do you even know what you're saying? Sit down
elder d · 7 months ago
simply provide the nation with a letter of stadium approval from CAF nhai mufundisi. musape maLawyer basa risina basa. dai maita donate mari kunherera pane kupa lawyer iro.
Scud · 7 months ago
Ndizvo zvinopedza nyaya chete. Munhu akati hawuna 5 o levels, you dont sue him, but you simply show him you certificate.

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