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Doctors And Nurses Colluding With Private Labs To Rip Off Patients

7 months agoWed, 07 Aug 2024 08:50:59 GMT
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Doctors And Nurses Colluding With Private Labs To Rip Off Patients

Some doctors and nurses in public healthcare institutions are reportedly working in cooperation with laboratory professionals to steer patients towards using specific private sector laboratories, despite the availability of similar services at lower costs in government-run facilities.

According to The Herald, some medical professionals have been observed recommending particular laboratories for various tests such as blood, urine or stool samples, and in many cases, even providing a contact number for someone who can collect the samples on the laboratory’s behalf.

The selected private laboratories are said to have staff on standby at hospitals, ready to quickly collect samples and return the results directly to the patient’s bedside.

The Medical Laboratory and Clinical Scientists Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe has vowed to take action, as they believe the actions of the laboratories are exacerbating the financial burden on patients, particularly those from low-income backgrounds who may feel compelled to use the recommended private services.

Speaking at a Health Professions Authority familiarisation meeting between councils under its purview and the media on Tuesday, 06 August, the med lab council’s registrar, Agnes Chigora, said:

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If you go to Government institutions, at times you see motorbikes stationed there. Does that mean the public lab which is there is not offering those tests?

It seems they are working with other health practitioners, with nurses and doctors and they ensure that for any lab tests which are required, they demand that those tests come from specific laboratories.

As a client, if I send my parent to a public institution, it means that is what I can afford. But for someone to insist that they want a test done at a particular lab, which is very expensive, it’s not fair to our people.

Chigora urged the public to report any instances of such malpractice to her offices or the Health Professions Authority.

She also warned medical practitioners involved in this practice that they could face disciplinary action.

Chigora asserted that the primary duty of doctors and nurses was to provide quality care to their patients, and this included making informed decisions about laboratory services that are in the best interest of the patient, not their financial gain.

To combat the corruption, Chigora said the council, working in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Child Care, would soon carry out a certification exercise for all laboratories to ensure that only those operating above board remained in operation. She said:

At the advent of COVID-19, everybody thought it was time to make money; labs were opened right, left, and centre.

The Health Professions Authority does the routine inspection (of the labs), but we as a council, are going a step further.

We are moving around these institutions, making sure that the laboratories meet the minimum standards required.

The Ministry of Health and Child Care, in collaboration with the council, has come up with a national certification programme.

We have trained auditors who are going around laboratories and we have a certain level, which the labs have to reach.

Pharmacists Council of Zimbabwe registrar Alois Karonga said the council had received various reports of malpractices among pharmacists. He said:

Issues of malpractices that the council has dealt with which are on the rise, among others, include dispensing prescription medicines without prescription from medical doctors, selling expired and unregistered medicines and leaving pharmacies operating without registered pharmacists.

These are some of the transgressions for which the council has brought pharmacists up for disciplinary inquiries.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 7 months ago
MuSunday Mail ndobva mabuda Dr vamwe vachitsanangura kuti hee vanhu voshandisa zviMachine vasina kuita maNodule acho. Trying to be clever at explaining. Kupiko, kutoona kuti Shiri dzaakuramba kumhara paurimbo. Very very corrupt with sick people.
Anonymous · 7 months ago
Ndiyo gemhu racho.....!
Anonymous · 7 months ago
All workers earn peanuts so you cannot differetiate low & high income.
Tbs · 7 months ago
Haa tikuda mabasa e nursing isu
JENARARI · 7 months ago
Tabuda wakapasa here iwe
.... · 7 months ago
Make money
nherera · 7 months ago
Empilo hospital kule interpath lab and the guy s name is Nqo he charges us 50 for blood test they share with doctors and balance goes to the company
??? · 7 months ago
Ndimwi makazvitanga vakuru pamakangoti kana usina chekukwidza kwidza bhurugwa rako ndipo pamakaireswa hamude kuvakwidzira ma salaries Saka vakuita zvinoita kuti salary dzavo dzikwire zvekuti vanobirawo zvedu isu vana svosve kunhongerera ratove drama
patz · 7 months ago
Ko vamwe vanongo rifeyiwa ku Singapore, South Africa, China neIndia vani.Sei musiri kucomplainer kuti they are reaping poor tax- payers of their money instead of being treated at our public hospitals
Anonymous · 7 months ago
Matanga kuzviona nhasi?
...,. · 7 months ago
that is what happened due to workers' grievances not being listened to and being replied by threats of dismissal. Does the minister know if the money they are paying doctors, nurses and other workers is enough for the basic necessities they require to live the type of life expected of them? The minister should know that after the threats of firing incapacitated workers those who could left the country, and those who could not had to find another source of income to be able to come to work while they search for employment elsewhere. To those authorities who threaten others, can they deeply look at if they are managing on what they get from work, or they are making more from other sources. Even ruling party MPs have been said to go to parliament to sign in and then leave for their private businesses leaving parliamentary discussions going on. It is not good to overburden the poor patients, but the cause I have stated to, if corrected, can leave the patients, doctors, nurses and all workers happy.
Mdara · 7 months ago
Zvatitorine vanhu vanopa macomments ane musoro! . Kuisa comment yakareba isn't necessary
mnangagwa · 7 months ago
😅💪✴️🫢🤔😁👉🙌🇿🇼🔁🤣😎😂👑😀💥🎂🎉😭🙏💔©️🤦🤦🏾‍♂️🤫💯😅🫨🥶🤯 · 7 months ago
ldl🫣🤬😱🫣😒😠🫨😨🥶👤🤝💫🌙☄️ yah maemoji epafon yangu anoshanda
Mdara · 7 months ago
Ha some Zimbabweans ibasa
Boyzone · 7 months ago
uri Bhurambi
CIO · 7 months ago
dzóro rizere ndove
Zelensky · 7 months ago
All these corrupt practices started way back, You go to a very big hospital, they allow you to pay first before being attended to by a Doc , the doctor writes a prescription then when you get to the pharmacy, they tell you there are no drugs and you are then refered to their pharmacies to buy. Zim So ! may God bless you ,
Anonymous · 7 months ago
zvino doctor wotadza kundivudza korapiwa chirwere changu nemazvo here ,ndoinzi referral iyoyo ,regai kuti mukararama munezvakashata kwenguva refu tofunga kuti ndozviri right no no
patz · 7 months ago
Zvinyowani here kuti doctor anorefer ku lab kwaanowanawo cut. After all those labs operate legally. Tagara tirikungobirwa dai atotaura zvaChivayo kuti mari yaarikuba zvakushayisa mishonga muchipatara. Kusimbirira tunyaya tusina basa
Anonymous · 7 months ago
people should not teach doctors their work chero kunyika ipi mazimbabweans tovurawa ne full of i know
Anonymous · 7 months ago
How many hospitals and stadiums were built in Zimbabwe since 1980 and how many hospitals were changed their names.

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