
Bail For Kwekweza, Two Other Jailed Human Rights Defenders Set For August 16

Bail For Kwekweza, Two Other Jailed Human Rights Defenders Set For August 16

Harare Magistrate Ruth Moyo on Thursday, 08 August, set the bail ruling date for rights defenders Robson Chere, Namatai Kwekweza, and Samuel Gwenzi for August 16.

According to a report by NewZimbabwe, the parties concluded the leading and cross-examination of the arresting detail Panganai Gwati.

Initially, Prosecutor Anesu Chirenje had stated that he would file written submissions on August 16, much to the displeasure of the defence lawyers. Said Chirenje:

The bail hearing took us four days so the earliest possible date I will be able to file is the 16th.

Chirenje also told the court that he is overwhelmed with other cases and will be able to finalise his submissions in a week.

In response, Charles Kwaramba, one of the lawyers representing the trio complained the time needed by the State was too long and there was no need to file written submissions. Said Kwaramba:

This request by the State gives the state an unfair advantage because it secures the detention of the accused before they have been convicted.

You can’t secure detention first and then secure compelling reasons after the accused has already been detained.

That is the travesty of justice. It makes justice turn on its head. You can’t give effect to the Bill of Rights if the accused is being detained for two weeks before compelling reasons are given.

This is an urgent matter. It is impossible to give the State one week to file its closing submissions.

The magistrate then summoned parties to her chambers where they settled for August 16 as the day for bail ruling.

Chere, Kwekweza and Gwenzi were forcibly removed from a plane at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport by state security agents on July 31. 

They were reportedly held in incommunicado detention for eight hours and subjected to various forms of torture, including physical assault, mental anguish, and psychological distress.

Their mobile phones were also forcibly confiscated during this time.

They were subsequently charged with disorderly conduct.

More: Pindula News
