
ZANU PF Warns Malema To Stay Out Of Zimbabwe's Internal Affairs

ZANU PF Warns Malema To Stay Out Of Zimbabwe's Internal Affairs

ZANU PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa has criticised South African opposition leader Julius Malema for commenting on Zimbabwe’s internal affairs.

On Monday, Malema, who leads the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, urged Zimbabwean youths to rise against President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration and prevent him from running for a third term.

Addressing journalists during a press briefing at the ZANU PF headquarters in Harare on Thursday, August 8, Mutsvangwa said Malema should refrain from interfering in Zimbabwean matters and instead focus on resolving issues within his own country. Said Mutsvangwa:

Malema posits as a pseudo-revolutionary and a cryptic intellectual, but he never properly went to school.

He propounds big theories about how Zimbabwe should be run as if it were his own country.

He suffers from the Rhodes Syndrome. A sick young man (Cecil John Rhodes) comes from Europe, and lands in South Africa, where diamonds were discovered

Rhodes ends up as the ruler of South Africa and builds an empire from South Africa, dreaming of the Cape to Cairo.

These grandiose ideas about an interloping colonial are what shape Malema’s mind.

Mutsvangwa reminded Malema that there are clear boundaries between Zimbabwe and South Africa, adding that the EFF leader has no authority to interfere in Zimbabwe’s internal matters. He said:

If you are so good at leadership, why not make it a success in your homegrown ride to power in South Africa?

Why do you want to tell Zimbabweans who should be their ruler?

We say to him, keep your dead hands out of Zimbabwe’s affairs Malema.

Focus on trying to win a South African election. That’s why there are boundaries.


More: Pindula News
