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Zimbabwean Uber Eats Riders Targeted By Hijackers In South Africa

6 months agoSat, 24 Aug 2024 05:25:26 GMT
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Zimbabwean Uber Eats Riders Targeted By Hijackers In South Africa

Zimbabwean Uber Eats delivery riders working in South Africa have formed an Anti-Hijacking Group in response to a worrying increase in armed robberies targeting their motorbikes.

The riders allege that incidents of armed robbery have sharply risen, with some resulting in loss of life. The stolen bikes are then reportedly being brought back to Zimbabwe for resale.

Thubelihle Sigola, the founder of the group, told CITE reporter Tanaka Mrewa that their investigations have uncovered a concerning pattern linking the crimes to individuals from the Kezi area.

Sigola said that the two victims who were killed in the robberies also originated from the same region.

The criminal activities initially began in the Florida and Randfontein areas but have since become more prevalent in Soweto.

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Going forward, the group plans to engage the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) in Matabeleland South Province, in the hopes of taking action against those in possession of the undocumented, stolen motorbikes. He said:

We have been dealing with these cases for the past three years, and they keep increasing. In the last two years, two deaths have been recorded due to these hijackings, and if this matter is not addressed, there will be more.

We traced one suspect who confirmed he was from Kezi and pointed us towards an alleged kingpin also from the area. We located the individual, but unfortunately, the police later released him.

We hope to work effectively with the police. We are gathering information and will soon head to Kezi to present our findings to the authorities, giving them a starting point for their investigations.

Sigola urged the public to assist by reporting any motorbikes they suspect might be stolen or lack proper documentation.

More: Pindula News



Mmmmmmh · 6 months ago
Yaa ma1
😎 · 6 months ago
Here now this is what happens in SA within all criminal activities, The majority infact masses of school drop out, workdrop outs are the sole perpetrators of crimes in SA, especially people from Matebeleland regions, sorry but that's a fact, These people left saying they can't be under rulers hip of Siona,and most of them thought they were going to their roots, Tshaka Kingdom not knowing that they were still regarded as defectors, traitors from their kingdom,They are not wanted that side either, so they remained undefined that is why they can't trace their roots effectively, It is that mindset that they possess that which makes them nonsensical wherever they are offered a lebenstraum, they are unstable, here it is now we just have a mthwakazi nonsense So what exactly happen in these crimes is, if you came from same home town and you get different jobs there is an amount of jealousy by someone not getting paid well or someone antisocial, there is this language like ufuna ukuzenza ngcono engaya ekhaya, or ngumuntu wamanga engaya ekhaya so they feel to dismember that person is good riddance, either way laying him from work, robbing him, and or ending him,, so all these crimes are interlinked to hommies, Thats my slate you can take or leave it
BIG T 🫖☕🍵 The only big boy in town · 6 months ago
akutaurwi zvibike zvemutowenyemba zvima lifani aewa
...,. · 6 months ago
Uber Eats should insure their motorbikes and let the South African police and the insurance companies deal with the thefts. they should not waste time crossing the borders looking for their bikes and trying to get uninterested police to help them, cross border criminals are an issue for Interpol
Patz · 6 months ago
According to Zimbabwean laws Zimbabwean courts have jurisdiction to try a case of Theft which occured outside the country where the thief is arrested in possession of the stolen property. The magistrate who has jurisdiction over the area where the thief was arrested with the property can lawfully try and convict the accused. In this can Interpol's duty is to repatriate exhibits back to the country where they were stolen from, records statements from witnesses in the foreign country, summon witnesses from the foreign country
child · 6 months ago
uber eats doesnt have bikes mind u
nherera · 6 months ago
apo ndo pawunowa rimwe richiwumana richiti mtwakazi republic. azivanu aya
Patz · 6 months ago
Zvima motor bike izvi zvakawandisa in areas along the border with Mozambique i.e Chimanimani, Chipinge, Chiredzi, Checheche, Nyanga. Zvongotengwa kuMoza seurikutenga bhasikoro wotoyambuka the porus border.Police are not even concerned about it becoz zvitori zviasina irombe and good for the eastern highlands terrain and fuel saver and very cheap.This age I dont think its neccesary to register a motor cycle as a vehicle but just treat it as a bicycle.
Makatukura · 6 months ago
Ma zimba ka

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