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Namibia To Cull 723 Wild Animals And Distribute Meat To People Affected By Drought

6 months agoThu, 29 Aug 2024 13:31:10 GMT
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Namibia To Cull 723 Wild Animals And Distribute Meat To People Affected By Drought

Namibia plans to cull 723 wild animals, including 83 elephants, and distribute the meat to people struggling to access food due to the El Niño-induced drought.

In a statement issued on Monday, Namibia’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism announced that the cull will occur in parks and communal areas where animal populations exceed available grazing land and water supplies. Read the statement:

The Ministry with Cabinet approval is contributing game meat to support the drought relief programme by government.

The Ministry will contribute 723 animals comprising 30 Hippos, 60 buffalos, 50 impalas, 100 blue Wilderbeast, 300 Zebras, 83 elephants and 100 elands.

The animals are sourced from national parks and communal areas with sustainable game numbers…

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The National Conference on Human Wildlife Conflict Management in 2023 resolved among other things that elephant numbers need to be reduced as a measure to assist in reducing prevailing cases of human-wildlife conflict.

With the severe drought situation in the country, conflicts are expected to increase if no interventions are made.

To this effect, 83 elephants from identified conflict areas will be culled, meat will be allocated to the drought relief program under the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Ministry said the cull aims to alleviate the negative impacts of drought on wildlife conservation in both national parks and communal areas.

It is estimated that over 200,000 elephants inhabit a conservation area spanning five southern African countries—Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Angola, and Namibia—making the region home to one of the largest elephant populations in the world.

More: Pindula News



yad · 6 months ago
kuno chivayo will get the tender to source kill and supply the game meat. he charges $US 150 mil. Gets the money transferred to him after 24hrs of getting the tender. then you never hear about the meat again for the next 10 yrs
Chicken 🐓 · 6 months ago
I once proposed this idea sometime back but it was met with criticism, when Masis offered elephants to one European president. Zim could embark on that too but our fears lye on lawlessness. Certain ciles will be on the rampage. Vanotoda nzou yavo voga.
dj TECH 🇿🇼 · 6 months ago
manje manje donkey pox,elephant n whatever pox is out there👆
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 6 months ago
Hatidyi makudo
· 6 months ago
Amboti gudo rinodya rimwe gudo ndiani?
mbocho · 6 months ago
a few days to come Mpox pfee
Ttnam · 6 months ago
Kkk daimurimuno chugumba chuvhayo wadyejena guvamatanga chumombe, obmpofu, mpofumbudzi, mupfumira waigutawega sean kuda david tugwurei rushwaya chukunguru aaaa waigowana 30 pamunhu wonyora Zimbabwe taipa nyama wakwana wese Masvingo province yagutisa zvikuru warvets. Mash east yapiridzwa yagutisa futi kusvika 2080 havachafi nezhara. Uoone mafiro arikuitika munyika mbavha dzichipururudza pauro nyati achitaura zvegotsi rembwa. Kangonye misihairabwi mutendi hutawashe wanotora nyanga nemazondo, gata otoranafuta ekuisa mu transformer zvake zvaita magetsi tiiiiii iii Dehwe nderamatonga b. Tshabangu otora ropa. Mupfumi gozooo pandove
Gunvosta · 6 months ago
in Zim the people wont get even a piece of meat the meat will be shared between the chiefs war vets and "chefs"
👀👀 · 6 months ago
nzou haisiriyo yega inoenda kumwedzi Chibaby che Zanu gudo rinoenda,imbwa chaiyo inobindura
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Drought yakavhiringa nyika dzakawanda but kana zvotaurwa nema opposition zveZimbabwe zvinoita kunge ndiyo yega yakazvikonzeresa.
👀👀 · 6 months ago
Southern Africa yese was effected dear,chinoita kt zveZim zviite kunge zviri worse a little is being done nehutungamiri hwedu,hona vamwe vaakupiwa wild meat,kwedu kuno wheet irikupiwa maZanu pf chete,and everything is being politicized,kana usingaite kana kuonekwa kumusangano hausikuluma
??? · 6 months ago
usati aridyiwi @ King Abs iti andiridyi speak for yourself
??? · 6 months ago
Zebra rinonaka zve imwi regai ndikunyeurirei ini.l once worked mu game ku S.A mmm chekudya chese tanga waravira rinozvinakira dhongi remusango apa nyama yacho yakapfavirira sei
Corruptmore Looto · 6 months ago
Kuno kune makudo 4ED arikunetsa vanhu 😂😂😂😂
don't end corruption please · 6 months ago
inga havo vane utungamiri hwakaropafadzwa
cde · 6 months ago
kuno plz kune vapostora for ED
Chibaba · 6 months ago
Kuno kuZimbabwe the ruling ZANU PF ministers will share 1 elephant 🐘 each among themselves.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 6 months ago
Nzou inoenda kuma periods semunhu apa moda kuita nyama!! Chero ikaita nzara nduru 🙌
Palapala · 6 months ago
Male elephants do experience a phenomenon called "musth," which is a periodic condition characterized by increased testosterone levels, aggression, and a thick, sticky discharge from their temporal glands. This discharge can be mistaken for blood, but it's not related to menstruation. Female elephants, on the other hand, do experience a menstrual cycle, but it's quite different from humans. They have a relatively short menstrual cycle of around 14-16 weeks, and they typically experience a short period of bleeding or spotting during this time. It's worth noting that elephants have a unique reproductive system, and their menstrual cycles are influenced by various factors, including their age, social status, and environmental conditions.
chaka · 6 months ago
nyika yakarongeka
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 6 months ago
Kwako kuri kuda nyama ye Hippo??
Gurundoro' · 6 months ago
I wish I was a Namibian at this juncture vamwe muchinzi idyai muriwo nemapotato mucham@ma
?? · 6 months ago
Zebra/Mbizi/Dhongi remusango rinodyiwa here. Ndosaka kuine El Nino
King Abs · 6 months ago
Aridyiwi 🙈
Gushungo VeMbwetete · 6 months ago
lol You never know with the cultural differences with us & them, maybe they do consume zebras. Just like some eat snakes, baboons & dogs etc
007 · 6 months ago
wen you came across it one day ukaasazvidambura chigunwe wanakirwaa... the meat is tasty and kununaaa eree.. nt zvamurii kutaura zvemadhongi izvooo
hoover · 6 months ago
zebra roonaka,enda paGonarezhou
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Rinodyiwa chosekuMwenezi , Chibi, Chiredzi indelicacy. Biltong yacho inoita zvekuti. Une kangopiisa.
King Abs · 6 months ago
kkkk yaah but nyama yen****
Mr JP van · 6 months ago
Namibia yazviita Comrade EDM tokumbiravo nyama yemhuka tidyevo seve kunamibia
Tambaoga · 6 months ago
Makudo ariyo uko idyai
Mr JP van · 6 months ago
haaadyiwe baaa. totoda mvuu 1000 2000 mazebra 5000 nzou 10 000 mhara 800 Nyathi 5000 mhembwe 1000 ngururu 2000 n**** 10 000 mhofu tinoti kunaba vanokudzwa vaED Mnangagwa tokumbiravo nyama van a venyu tava nenhomba Shumba murabwe musatikangamwa

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