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Zimbabwe Starts Reviewing Exclusive Prospecting Orders For Coal-Bed Methane

6 months agoMon, 02 Sep 2024 12:51:41 GMT
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Zimbabwe Starts Reviewing Exclusive Prospecting Orders For Coal-Bed Methane

The government of Zimbabwe has initiated a review of Exclusive Prospecting Orders (EPOs) granted to investors three years ago for coal-bed methane exploration to evaluate their commitment to these projects.

Holders of EPOs enjoy exclusive rights to explore and potentially extract minerals within designated areas, which prevents other entities from engaging in similar activities.

EPOs are typically granted for a specific duration and may be renewed based on the holder’s adherence to regulatory requirements.

In 2021, the government issued five EPOs to investors interested in coal-bed methane, including Alabara Resources, Sakunda Energy, Tumagole of South Africa, Zambezi Gas, and Shangani Energy Exploration.

In an interview with The Herald on Friday, Mines and Mining Development Deputy Minister Polite Kambamura said that various factors would be considered when evaluating the approval or rejection of an EPO. He said:

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So, we will be looking at all those issues (such as) do (holders) have the capacity? Have they done similar work elsewhere? Do they work in other EPOs in the country because we do not want people to just hold for speculation.

Methane is extensively utilised as a fuel for heating and electricity generation, as well as a raw material in the production of various chemicals, such as ammonia for fertilizers.

Zimbabwe is believed to have significant reserves of untapped coal-bed methane (CBM), particularly in the Matabeleland North region.

The Lupane and Hwange districts are estimated to contain over 800 million cubic meters of CBM per square kilometre.

Moreover, additional studies indicate that Zimbabwe may possess more than 40 trillion cubic feet of potentially recoverable gas in the Lubimbi area of Lupane. This untapped resource presents substantial opportunities for energy development in the country.

More: Pindula News



Bogotu · 6 months ago
Insiyazemfa wfika pambili lomnyaka ebbluewda
Peter Bvirakare · 6 months ago
From Ngoda (Diamonds) to Gold to.Lithium tiri kungochera chete but where is the revenue Who is benefiting from all these minerals. No medicines in Hospitals poor road networks ZIG loosing value poor renumeration for civil servants the list is endless yet we are gifted with all those resources. Chiii nesu nhai nhai ?????
theLastAntKing · 6 months ago
fact & good analysis not those who live in Zimbabwe with blinkers.
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Looking for prospective looting avenues..
Oncemore · 6 months ago
I can for see a big fight over mineral wealth by Zimbabweans over unfair distribution of wealth. Only a few people are benefiting. People want to know quanties and values of minerals harvested over the years. What development was made, etc.
Oncemore · 6 months ago
Zimbabwe should make laws first which prevents miners from looting, Minerals should benefit all the people of this country,not the opposite. Make laws first please
Anonymous · 6 months ago
Like Botswana. All resource deposits must have 50 % government partnership. Private supplies 50% government 50%. Profits split 50/50. Problem is where the money is distributed when 50 % is paid. I don't see any politician wanting to pass that law.
Patz · 6 months ago
Kambamura achaguma awe Minister. He is the only Deputy Minister who is mostly visible and most knowlegeable about his Ministry. Worse pakambonzi Zhemu Soda Minister Kambambura in reality ndiye anga achitori Minister Zhemu deputy
Ediots · 6 months ago
some ediots keep dreaming discovery and exploitation of natural resources will change their lives for the better when the resources are lining the pockets of a handful of ruling elites and their pawns. keep dreaming murakashi izvozvi Zig rakatsvedza negotsi
Ene · 6 months ago
Tsveee zvezesa nxaaaa tsveee pasi zvesolar fungei zvekutsvara tsvara pasi gold diamond lithium chrome copper ndozvakudiwa a aaaaa iyi nyika iyi aiwa yakawanikwa nemapenzi chaiwo. Kumbosiyawo dzimwe pfimbi zvese ngazviparare nezuva rimwe chete. KUSAZIVA KUFA ZVISINEI NEKUTI NDIWE ANI KUFA KUSHAYA ZIVO 🇿🇼 🇿🇼 🇿🇼 Mad are those in that nameflag
@Vhedza · 6 months ago
Ko iwe uri kutei?

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